What dreams that you swam underwater, for the dreams of a wanderer, Loffe


If in the real world you can sneak with scuba only at a trendy resort, then in a dream, even this device will not need. You can easily walk through the streets of Atlantis, go down to the bottom of the sea or to be in the heart of the underwater megalpolis. But favorably looks at such visions of the dream book? What dreams of swimming under water in different contexts?

In Aqualanga

General interpretation of this "deep-water" sleep

  • Swim under water in a dream - to overcome some kind of problem. This does not mean that you are not lucky in life, but this will need to be thoroughly breaking through.
  • If you looked at people from under the water, Son says: you need help rhodas or friends.
  • If you are underwritten under water, it foreshadows the fear that the non-standard situation will cause you. Perhaps also, sleep speaks of your difficulties in dealing with people.
  • On the contrary, you saw themselves with a real Ithyandr - not only swam, but also breathed in the water thicker? The subconscious assists: Your intuition is akin to the third eye. Do not ignore her tips. Also, such a dream promises a happy life.
  • Have you worked as a lifeguard, and therefore they dived a lot? In real life you are brave and smart. These qualities will help you break through life.
  • At the end of the swim you went to the shore? Sleep promises a good ending hard work.

What was this water?

  • What dreams, what are you floating under water clean and transparent? Your life will become serene and light.
  • She was so transparent that you saw pebbles at the bottom? This is not the best dream: on the way to your goal (a dream) lie a few "rakes".
  • She was dirty, and even raging? Something can knock out the well-established financial "soil" from under your feet.
  • It was a river: you are in love with someone, but they have not yet understood this yet. Have you swam in the sea? Your life will be filled with exciting changes.

Have you seen buildings and other objects next to them?

Underwater floating

  • Have you walked around the flooded world and have seen your own home in the thickness of the water? This is a good sleep, he promises a happy family life, the "boat" of which will not break about life.
  • Was there a church under water? Such a dream speaks of your sinfulness. It's time to fix my bad deeds.
  • Have you seen the track on which another car rolled? Sleep promises a business trip.
  • A boat sailed over you? Your life will change dramatically.
  • Are you confidently sent to something? The subconscious says you are a targeted person. However, if your goal was a man (or a certain woman), sleep can talk about a sexual desire that this personality causes.
  • On the contrary, did you fall from something in the water? In this dream, your desire to get rid of the "nerves" and the problems that make you in real life are transformed.
  • Have you sailed with someone together? Oddly enough, this is not the best dream, even if it was your favorite (beloved). The dream says that you will soon part.

And what wrote popular author's dreams?

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Woman under water

Are distinguished from people's interpretations from dreams "with names"? Today you will learn about it!

Dream Wander (Smirnova)

  1. As this dream book says, swim under water and come across a stone: an interference will fall on your way, which went to the "legacy" from the past life.
  2. Walking along the flooded city or the whole underwater world can people who dream of seeing the world, but who are afraid to do it.

David Loft Dream

  1. If in a dream you see your free movement under water, it means that you are a citizen of the world, that is, you can easily get along in any country.
  2. It was a classic snorkeling - with flippers, mask? Life finally "drove" you, and the subconsciously hints very thin: it is time to relax!
  3. Did you dive to the depth? Soon you will know severe heart attachment. Moreover, it can be like love for a woman (man) and adoration of a child or deep respect for his teacher or parent.
  4. Have you pleased this pastime? Such a dream promises you the fulfillment of desire (perhaps even a few). Perhaps one of these desires will finally see the sea.
  5. You could not breathe? Sleep warns about the danger that will threaten you in the near future.

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