Why dream of newborn children by Dream Miller, Tsvetkova


The birth of a new life - it is always a cause for celebration, joy and fun. No one is happy adults and held in people as their long-awaited baby, was born. Why dream of newborn children, we learn to dream books audited.

General interpretation

Newborn babies in a dream - a sign of blissful change. The brighter and the noteworthy emotions experienced dreamer of the dream, the more favorable will be the new and unexpected events. Women of this sign often indicates a quick pregnancy. And the young ladies, who are already in position, it is a true symbol of the fact that the coming generations will be quick and easy, and the birth of the baby will differ good health and calm character.


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Men are such visions may indicate a period of manifestation of high activity and responsibility. The reason for this will be additional obligations in relation to someone from relatives. You may be on someone to care for and look after, putting all their positive emotions, free time and money.

Business people who are obsessed with the development of their own business, such a scenario alludes to the case when you need something to invest or give away to get a good result. You are used consumer-to treat others. Subordinate to you - it is a tool for making profits, and influential relatives - only leverage on the dates of court. Your human attitude towards colleagues, subordinates and relatives in direct proportion to the stability in business.

Dreamed teenager newborn babies - it's time to drop out of the parental nest and think about independence. You are ready to be fully realized in this life. To do this, you need only to accurately determine their own desires and formulate goals. The impetus for you to serve certain circumstances, which will contribute to the rapid maturation.

A young unmarried lady happy toddler in a dream marks a speedy successful marriage. The groom will be very generous, considerate and trustworthy. But if the dream of a loss to calm crying children, prepare for adverse circumstances. This may indicate your frivolous behavior in relation to the male sex and the consequences associated with it.


To the elderly, newborn kids in night goldes are a sign of a quick celebration on the occasion of great joy. You have a long-awaited meeting with relatives, friends, which will bring a lot of positive emotions and warm memories.

For a positive prediction of such visions, it is important that kids in sleep have fun, healthy and ruddy. The painful state of children, their crying or unhealthy appearance testify to the upcoming adversity, anxieties and sophors. Of course, for a more accurate forecast, you need to remember all the details and nuances of the vision.

Miller's dense

Newborn children dreams of pleasant hassles and surprises. At the same time, the dream should be expected exactly what he dreamed of and hoped. Changes to the better can touch any sphere of life: work, houses, friends.

People engaged in art, kids, who have just emerged, marvel creative gust, take off of the talent, disclosure of deep domestic potential. The moment when you will visit inspiration and want to create masterpieces that will be useful to the future generation.

Watch how to bathe babies, - I will find an original solution and get out of a difficult situation. Beautiful karapubuses were hardened - you will be proud of your actions that will surprise and delight others.

Newborn twins look at you wide open eyes - in reality there will be a strongest reason for internal motivation and self-development. You look at the world completely differently. Do not be surprised if after such a vision you will begin to notice and rejoice at what previously did not pay attention at all. This is the right path to enlightenment, self-enrichment, education in itself, which adheres to high principles. Play with the kids is to succeed in a new activity for you.


Many kids in a dream are a sign of small problems, troubles and difficulties. It will be necessary to pretty work, without receiving material remuneration for it, but enriched morally. Those days when you can change your views thanks to the noble deeds of outsiders. You may be pretty surprised by human selflessness, honesty, decency. On the other hand, such visions reflect the characteristics of the character of sleep: naivety, openness, curiosity.

In a large-scale sense, a large number of chest babies predicts the improvement of the demographic situation in the country and the world. And the crying of a child can signal about global contradictions between states and the approximation of the war.

Discharged children with disabilities - it means that your destructive habits and bad addictions harm not only to you, but also to those around you with close people. For society, in general, such a vision indicates the approximation of a large environmental catastrophe.

Search for lost babies in a dream - a symbol of the difficulty of the situation, from which you can not find exit. To see their children is very distressed and upset - a sign that you have little time and pay to households.

Poet Ezop.

Children of all ages symbolize anxiety, impermanence, fast change of mood, eccentricity. This suggests that the dreams are subject to all these emotions and character traits, arriving in unusual and uncomfortable atmospheric for him.

Mother and child

Capricious child in a dream - the sign of increaringness conceived. Whatever efforts you have attached, your goal is not destined to come true. It can talk about too overestimated bar and your inexperience or simply unfavorable coincidence.

Dreamed to engage in lulling kids - it means that in reality will have to spend the mass of internal resources in order to achieve the desired result. During this period, you will have to work pretty, but you will not regret it at all in the future, rejoicing with your achievements.

Feed babies - in reality to invest a lot of strength and money in a new promising project, which in the near future will bring a stable high income. Punish inconspicuous children - in reality to engage in official duties that do not make pleasure at all.

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