What dreams of a lioness in the dreams of Nostradamus, Freud, Miller


Understand, dreamed of a female or male cheetah, leopard, tiger difficult - animals are very similar. With a lioness, everything is clearer, because it does not wear the mane. But what dreams exactly this inhabitant of Savannah? Dream interpretation will tell!


General interpretation of such a "African" sleep

  • The lioness in a dream of a man appears to get acquainted with Lady, who can soon become his wife's wife - the faithful custodian of the hearth and sensual mistress.
  • If the dream is a woman, sleep says: a passionate man will soon appear soon, the novel with whom you will consider the best in your life.
  • In a dream, did you see a royal family - and a lioness and lion? This means that you will be able to reach the golden middle, successfully working and at the same time finding enough time to communicate with domestic (or beloved / loved one).
  • If a dream woman stroked this animal, sleep warns about a dangerous opponent. If she stroked nursing near Mamki lion, the dream promises the "power of this power", which will help this woman.

How did she look?

  • What dream of a lioness is white? To the big victory, especially on a business field.
  • If it was black, the interpretation of sleep becomes exactly the opposite: get ready to bypass the "rake", which fate removed the path to your goal.

What did the lioness do?

  • Hunted. As a rule, in the wild, the lioness attack the sacrifice together. If you saw this dream, he promises success in affairs. If the animal chased for a game alone, sleep warns that at work and in personal life you can have problems.
  • Sat in a cage. According to the dream book, the lioness in "CONCLUSION" is a sign that you will have an influential sponsor or patron.
  • If this cell stood in the midst of the zoo or square and everyone came to look at the beast, sleep warns: You may have to go through humiliation.
  • Two lions fought? Sleep says: Your relaxation is working to go bankrupt.
  • She attacked your child (children), and you defended them? Your enemies will be "top", only if you have a time to weaken the grip or lose vigilance.
  • The lioness fed her kids: you will help a strong person (or some older than you).

Lioness behind bars

Animal was with a young?

  • Seeing a lion with kids - a good sign. Sleep promises that you will fount the ideas and they will all turn out to be excellent. However, this dream has another interpretation: do not try to put career (or get other "buns" from life) on deception - you will become a victim of such a scam yourself.
  • If the "guys" sucked Mother's milk, it is to wealth.
  • If the dream is a young girl, sleep says: you will soon have a young guy, in love with you (and maybe not even one).
  • Faja people snapped near moms, take each other? You will soon have a patron.
  • Animals were white? This is to prosperity, wealth.

And what are the appearance of this animal author's books?

Most often popular dreams interpret the appearance in the dreams of a lion. But what if it was the female? There are authors who carefully studied this particular problem and are ready to share their opinions.

Dream Miller

  1. Most often, the lioness, and her "venance spouse" dreams of weighty change in life. The interpreter is confident: if the lion is a symbol of power and victory, then his female is a sign of family, love, relationships.
  2. Animal hit you, and you strongly flured in a dream? You will achieve success where you do not even plan.
  3. Before pounce on you, the animal published a formidable roar? The path to success of life posted such "rakes" that you hardly manage to get around. This dream warns: not to rush to power, choose another goal.
  4. She squeezed you? You may have an influential enemy that "spoil" a lot of your blood.

Dream of Freud.

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Poseism of lioness

  1. Of course, Dr. Sigmund begins interpretation from the sex of a dream man and this animal. If a man dreams of "love" with a lioness, it means that he is a hidden masochist. If an identical dream sees a woman, this is a warning: she will have to "be woozy" with an opponent.
  2. If a dream has dreamed of a lioness with a lion and a sign of the future motherhood. You can spend all the ardent feelings, "saved" on failed love.
  3. If the dreams are a man, sleep says: it is quite possible that you will have new sexy tastes.

Dream Nostradamusa

  1. She was with one young? Sleep says: do not need to "drag" on itself all the things of one oakha - solve them in turn.
  2. Lion near mommy was a lot? Good ideas will come to mind. Improte them in life without doubting.
  3. The animal fed them with his milk? The sleep promises a quick increase in the material state of your family.

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