What dreams of Miller's dream books, Danilova


In a dream, we see passages from ordinary life; Naturally, almost always we are dressed there, but very rarely remember what it is. But suddenly in memory it cuts it that it was precisely a red dress or you wandered all night to shop a fashionable brand ... How does the dream dream of our robes and in general, what dreams of clothes in any form?

Choosing clothes

General interpretation of this "Wardrobe" sleep

The shockings that we dream, mean our inner world: self-esteem, individuality, self-identity. Very often they even open the veil in our future!

What was she?

  • New (let's say, raised in the store): You will be successful and not poor, but all your stubbornness and hard work should be used to obtain these life products.
  • With poppipes: ill-wishers are very dreaming to make you some kind of dirty. Be vigilant, and evil people are coming at all.
  • Rvange: This dream is promoted. The band of luck will begin in your life - but, again, it will have to go well for this.
  • Dirty, stains: This is a "rake" carefully laid fate on your way. If you have a strong nervous system, you can easily go around them. The main thing is not to be distracted by empty and minor problems!
  • Children: Such clothes in a dream symbolizes your inner infantility. The subconscious is angry: it is time to grow not only in the passport, otherwise you will not build any career!

Color of things

  • To see the clothes of white - fortunately (including family), harmony in life.
  • Black things are shot to people who regret their past error. You did something or said wrong, and now the conscience gnaws you with a frantic force. Correct your deed, apologize or at least draw conclusions for the future and live happily.
  • Red-colored clothes are a sign of passionate nature, which often walks on the razor blade. Of course, no need to refuse an interesting life, but no one has canceled the instinct of self-preservation!
  • Pink: To carefree, lightweight and fun life.
  • Blue: You are completely depleted both physically and sincerely.
  • Blue: You are a successful man both in friendship and at work.
  • Yellow: You are an intrigue and a deceiver.
  • Green dreams of happiness, as well as to wealth.
  • If things were multicolored, you can make children's, foolish actions. Before "studying," think well, whether it is worth doing it.

Different clothes

Material is also important

  • What dreams of silk clothes? To wealth and high social status.
  • Vargeted clothing has a similar interpretation: soon your life will be filled with luxury.
  • If things were decorated with beads, beads, ribbons and (or) embroidery, it means: love will be in your life. This beautiful feeling will make you better than you are now.
  • If things were embroidered with gold, decorated with stones, it means the future happiness, respect for others (not only your relatives), as well as positive changes in life.

Your actions in a dream

  • Have you tried, chose, bought new clothes? This is to change. Their impact on your life depends on the emotions that caused clothes in a dream. For example, if it turned out to be ugly, it did not fit the figure, changes may be unpleasant.
  • To try on a dress or trousers, not going to buy, - to definitely positive change. You will sparkle new ideas, and nothing will prevent them in life.
  • Did you wear something? If it was beautiful clothes in good condition, sleep means: you will be successful. Fashionable things say: you will raise the career staircase thanks to extraordinary ideas. If the clothes were bad or frankly not your size, the dream warns: "Tie" with some attachment that ruins you.
  • You wore wet things: by spoiling a reputation once, you can pay all my life. Therefore, watch your own actions.
  • If a dream-woman saw herself in a male dress, it means that Cavalers will fall to her legs and stacks to fit. And vice versa, a man who dreams of a dress or skirt, a dream promises: problems are waiting for you.
  • If you are simultaneously wore a lot of clothes (like cabbage), it means: you dream to get angry from a certain problem. The same interpretation has a dream in which you were looking for clothes.
  • Have you cleaned pollutable clothes? Sleep promises that your black stripe will finally change white.
  • Display a stain - to eradicate from your life a certain problem.
  • Erase clothes in a dream can a person who is trying to get rid of the problems acquired in the past or memories who poison his present life. You will succeed, if in a dream it turned out to wash the thing.
  • The clothes were broken upon you (or you swayed it): Something will surprise you.
  • Sew on the thing a patch means: you can suffer because of gossip. And not strangers, but those who themselves spread. Do not do that!
  • Did you undressed in a dream? Soon the time will change your life, and you will cope with it.
  • Or maybe you were completely naked, without clothes? The subconsciously warns that you often like to let people dust in the eyes. Be open and more honest, your "crown" on your head you just repulse people!

What do you think wise interpretatory?

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Clothing on rope

You learned quite a complete interpretation of dreams in which clothes appear. It also remained familiar with quotes from "highly specialized" books written by a psychologist and a sexologist.

Dream Miller

  1. The clothes were in good condition, but unmarried: despite the luck, you will release important ideas out of sight.
  2. Refuse non-mode things - to complete change of your personality. You change your friends, your habits, tastes, even fall in love with a new person.
  3. See a guy or grandfather in excellent costumes, delightfully sitting on the figure: you are destined to unpleasant things.
  4. If a dream woman was admired by the clothes of other people, her beloved would be jealous.
  5. Lose something from clothes - to the problems of a financial or love plan.
  6. To see another woman in Touréra (for example, in a raspberry dress with a black veil): In the real life of the lady, which you consider it worse, will work out, and this will not be very clear.
  7. Cotton clothes (especially comfortable, light): To fail.

Erotic dream book Danilova

  1. As this dream book is confident, fashionable clothes, beautiful and bright, which you or another person wore in a dream, says: You go to the partner in the bed due to the subtle calculation. Moreover, if you actively opposed you, it means that your calculation.
  2. If things were torn or stained, sleep says: due to the fact that you like to break too much, you can thoroughly spoil your reputation.

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