What dreams to collect needles on female and male dreambooks and interpretations of the main values


Sewing needles are great value from ancient times. In a completely ancient world, the needles were a sign of the genus required for survival tool, complex due to the difficult processing. Bone needles are now highly appreciated among many nations.

In addition to the value of a valuable working tool, the usual sewing needle has a second important meaning - a secret danger. Needles in a dream may have a difficult meaning. We will try to figure out what the needles mean in dream of dreams and what exactly the needles are shot.


Main values

  • Collect the needles for the main value - approximately as free shopping. You are waiting for a wonderful period of valuable and useful acquisitions, which will cost you completely free or in an incredibly low price. You will be able to collect a decent condition and fully arrange your life thanks to the acquired influence and weight in society. Your opinion will be highly valued for the sharpness and insightness of the view.
  • The second value is hidden danger. In this case, collecting needles in a dream means to neutralize traps and shorten long languages ​​in real life. If you find the needles in baking, in the food brought for you, collect the needles, stuck in the walls and in the furniture at home, in the seat chairs, countertops, find hidden needles and feel dangerous, you have enough enemies in reality. It is quite possible, enemies and misfortunes in your house under the guise of expensive guests and friends of the house, but the intentions of these people are not at all friendly.
  • If you find the needles in a salad in a cafe, in a pupmy who treated a friend, you feel hidden ill-luck. Hold your tongue, do not talk with colleagues and imaginary friends. You can also "scatter needles", told inaccurate information, confusing the time of designated meetings, the names and positions of business partners in a conversation so that the interlocutor is entangled in inaccurate information.
  • If you had a dream to collect needles, scattered in a haystack or in bags with a cereal, it means a painstaking, unpleasant, dangerous and ungrateful work, for which you get only ridicule. In this case, the value of the needle in a dream can be considered an insignificant, the found you do not belong.

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Fallen needle

Interpretation of authorities

Women dream book offers many useful interpretations of dreams with a needle, which is not surprising, because the stitching is usually considered a female prerogative, and again with the needle women saw a lot. In folk tales Koshchey death was hidden needle. Breaking the needle, it was possible to destroy the power of the most powerful sorcerer. Collect scattered needles in woman's dream is to look for the right solution. Despite the fact that you are looking for small, the value of the solution found is difficult to overestimate.

  • A large needle, saddlery, darning, collect large needle in a dream - you are fond of obvious truths and happy razglagolstvuete of all known facts, offering an opinion as the only true. Slow down and be quiet when you want again to teach others wits. It offers a wake teachings no one listens.
  • Lose needle - unrest, feelings, secret fears.
  • If you are looking for a needle with a magnet, especially if the magnet is suspended by a string, your resourcefulness many envy. You may need to learn to look for more subtle tricks.
  • Sew, find a needle embroidery - a big success.
  • Prick during searches or accidentally stumbled - fall into another trap of becoming a target for gossip, evil tongues. If you dream you understand that the consequences can be severe injection - gossip poorly prepared, and you will easily be able to withstand the rough and stupid rumors. When a thin needle is deeply entered the finger and fracture, you have to survive the treachery and deep disappointment.

The needle on the arm

Men's Horoscopes

  • Dream Miller believes that the search for a needle of a dream, to collect needles - a boondoggle with negligible results. Upset over lost or broken needle - the empty feelings and excitement without a serious reason.
  • Freud's dream book suggests that the needle could mean female sexuality. Search needle in a dream means finding yourself opening a femininity, attractiveness to men, and the severity of the danger. Freud's dream book also assures that the needle is in a dream - enjoying woman suffering men in case of failure.

Needle and pad


If you like to collect a needle in a dream, you feel like increasing your own strength and power with each found the needle, you know what is in your power to reshape the whole world and make it in a new way - a positive meaning of the dream. A good sign and should be considered a dream-warning detractors.

It is not too late to confuse ill-wishers and win this round. If you have achieved a lot, do not expect everyone to love and take care of your well-being. Most people will try to displace you from a comfortable place to take it yourself. Try to understand the warning seriously and neutralize the traps in reality. The meaning of useless and dirty work should also be considered positive. You are not satisfied with the current situation, and you will be able to change it.

Sleep shows that it is not necessary to strive for career advancement on the path that you are not close. Do not become the main or senior collector of foreign needles in someone else's stack of hay, in the light of full lessons are more interesting. In any case, a dream in which you had to collect needles, useful and is practical.

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