Predictions about Russia for 2016-2020 - the prediction of elders


Predictions about Russia for 2016-2020 promise quite rich events in the life of the state and its citizens. We will tell about the most interesting prophecies of psychics, astrologers and seams.

Complex five-year plan

The period from 2016 to 2018 will be difficult for the country. This is the time when the government will have to take many important decisions in foreign policy. Prophecies promise conflict situations between Russia and the countries of the European Union. The former allies will turn away from our state.

Predictions about Russia for 2016 2020

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But sooner or later, all problems will be solved, and the foreign policy situation is normalized. This time began the formation of a new state unit, however, we will be able to observe only minor changes.

Steps to Leadership on the World Arena

Many psychics believe that 2016 is a fateful for Russia. Events will begin, which in a remote future will help the country to strengthen their positions in the world. A few years later, the Russian Federation has every chance to turn into a powerful superpower, which will be respected.

Up until 2020, people will have to tighten the belts: the economic situation will be extremely unstable. The crisis will gradually go to the decline, but his consequences will be made for a long time to be felt.

Astrologers believe that Jupiter and the Moon have the greatest impact on the development of the situation in the country. The energy of these planets will become powerful support, thanks to which the state's affairs will eventually go to the way.

Effect of lunar energy

Astrologers believe that it is the moon that has the greatest influence on the lives of Russian citizens. The psycho-emotional state of people depends on its impact, which in the period of the five-year period is extremely unstable.

Stand predictions

Anxiety, anxiety and aggression - these emotions will still be disturbed by heart due to the fact that the lunar energy will connect with the militant Mars. But the influence of the planets will increase over time, thanks to which the situation is normalized.

At the end of the five-year plan, the enterprise will flourish. This is a favorable business period. It is only important to offer people really high-quality products and services. Thanks to the competent policy of the country's leadership, a new stage of prosperity will begin, the state will take the first step into a bright and happy future.

Economic atmosphere

Astrologers believe that 2016 was the last crisis for Russia. In 2017, changes will begin for the better, and by 2020 the economic situation is finally normalized.

According to psychics, the unfavorable period was needed by people to test them for stress resistance, and also to send the path of spiritual development, stop looping on material things.

Nearest future in Vangi prophecies

The blind provincial believed that the attempts of the United States and the European Union subjugate Russia would end in failure. The country will be able to overcome all the problems and difficulties that, as a result, only strengthens its position, challenges the nature of the citizens.

Prophecies Vangi for 2016 2020

But the europe will suffer: in 2020, Muslims will be aggressive activity. This can lead to armed clashes and even war.

Vanga also predicted the emergence of a new currency, which will become the main for countries whose territory is adjacent to Russia. The Russian language will be the second state in them, and citizens will have the opportunity to have dual citizenship.

Stand predictions

The prophecies of the ancient elders are not so unequivocal. They are described by the intricate language of the allegory, so they are not easy to express them. But researchers managed to draw up approximate interpretations.

Here are some of the prophecies:

  1. In Russia, a new religion will begin to form, which will be based on the philosophical teaching. He will bring with him a new state ruler, the person enlightened. In a few centuries, this religion will become the only one in the world, and all the others will disappear.
  2. A series of natural disasters will occur, many people will die. Large cities will suffer, as a result of which citizens will marry Siberia, and this territory will turn into a central part of the state.
  3. In a few decades, Russia will turn into the strongest state from existing ones. No one will dare to challenge, Russians will respect all over the world. The flow of immigrants will also go to the country who want to live in a prosperous and stable world.

Check out the video with the most terrible and unpredictable prophecies:

Astrological forecast

Separately, it is worth considering the opinions of astrologers who have their own view for the future of the country.

Here are some of the forecasts:

  1. In the period until 2020, the Era of Aquarius will come. The kingdom of God will reign on Earth. This means that people will begin to appreciate the morality more, spiritual values ​​will strengthen, and material things will lose their meaning.
  2. This period is also called the century of Saturn, planets with very active, warlike energy. Thanks to the influence of Saturn, prosperity will come. A large number of people will want to create their own business, and not work for hiring. Competition will increase, but the quality of services will increase.
  3. For the same reason, scientists will make many discoveries, invent robots that can replace former employees. Cyborgs will be carried out heavy and dirty work instead of people.
  4. In some predictions, it is indicated that after 2020, a serious conflict will begin to arrange a serious conflict in the world, which can lead to the Third World War. Countries will begin to apply prohibited weapons, many civilians will suffer.

Five-year-old predictions from 2016 to 2020 are rather ambiguous. The opinions of the providens and astrologers will differ. Some promise happiness and prosperity, others warn about all sorts of troubles. How true the prophecy will show only time, and we still have to hope for the best.

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