Materialization of thoughts and desires - features and formulation nuances


Materialization of thoughts and desires is quite real. It is enough to know a few simple rules, observing which, you can easily perform everything conceived with minimal efforts. Let's talk about how to enlist the help and support of the universe and feel the power of your own subconscious.

The wording of the desire

In order for your desires to be performed easily and quickly, you need to stop just dreaming and start correctly formulating your thoughts.

How to materialize thoughts

Recommendations are as follows:

  1. Express the desire is always only in the present time. So, as if it was already fulfilled. For example: "I have a car," "I got a bouquet of white roses," "I married a man's dream."
  2. More specifics. Try to formulate your dreams as much as possible. Not "I have a high salary", and "My income is from one hundred thousand per month or more," not "I travel", but "I visited Italy, Greece, Venice or other countries."
  3. Visualize the process of achieving the goal. Draw in the imagination pictures in which you step by step are moving towards the execution of your dream. For example, if you want to buy a car, imagine how to visit the salon, spend the test drive, talk with the consultant.
  4. Visualize the final result. Imagine that the dream car is already standing near your home. Feel the emotions of joy, happiness, euphoria. Your feelings fill the intention of powerful energy. This is the subconscious engine.
  5. Pay on the repetition of affirmations and visualize a sufficient amount of time. If you talked about yourself the desire only once, it is unlikely to come true. At least 5 minutes a day, close your eyes and dream.
  6. Lower importance. If you are docked on the idea of ​​getting anything, never reach the goal. You must believe that the Universe will provide opportunities, you only need to wait a bit. Be calm and confident - a desire will come true.

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We summarize: To materialize thoughts and desires, it is necessary to correctly formulate them, visualize the process and result, reduce significance and believe in the huge support of the highest strength. These are the basic principles of positive psychology to work with the subconscious.

Why don't the desire come true?

Sometimes a person does everything according to the rules, knows how to materialize thoughts, but he still does not work. Why is that?

Materialization of thoughts and desires

Causes can be different. But the most basic ones are as follows:

  1. The subconscious negative installations and blocks prevent. For example, you have been inspired from childhood that money is only difficult, and you are simply unable to believe that the universe will send the desired amount just like that.
  2. You are not enough energy. You work on hard work, communicate with people - energy vampires, do not have a loved business and a hobby. All this pulls out the energy that is necessary for the realization of desires.
  3. You are accustomed to think negatively. Five minutes of visualization per day will not solve the problem if the remaining part of the day you criticize, condemn, be angry and quarrel with people. Get used to track your thoughts, control them by changing positive.
  4. You just think, but do nothing. The power of the subconscious, of course, is great. But if you sit at home in anticipation that all the benefits are put on you from the sky, nothing happens. It turns out both in the anecdote about a man who asked for the god of money, but did not even guessed to buy a lottery ticket.

What to do:

  1. Negative installations work with psychotherapist or special meditations. There are many techniques for working with the subconscious, but sometimes without the help of a specialist can not do.
  2. If the reason is in the disadvantage of energy, you need to fill it. To begin with, eliminate the maximum negative factors: avoid communicating with toxic people, teach yourself to think positively, do business from which you get pleasure. Follow the nutrition and exercise, stop harming the body with bad habits.
  3. Turn the desire to intent: Start act. If you guess the journey, learn sites with burning tours, select a swimsuit or look at what bank is the most profitable currency rate. If you want to marry, register on the dating site or put yourself in order and go for a walk. It is necessary to do at least something, and the suitable resources of the possibility of the Universe will find for you.

Check out the video about the materialization of thoughts and desires:

Methods of materialization of desires

There are special techniques that will also help you quickly fulfill cherished dreams.

Power of thought

Meditation on a fireball:

  1. Relax, close your eyes and lie. Start as deeply and calmly breathe. Feel how immersing inside your subconscious.
  2. Imagine that in the solar plexus area you have a fireball. Feel how it is spinning, gradually increases in size, filling all your body with warmth and energy.
  3. When the ball becomes huge, mentally move inside it.
  4. Make a desire, imagine that it is written on paper, and throw a bundle inside the ball.
  5. Mentally release the ball into space - let him fly away.

This technique works almost instantly. The speed of completion of the desire depends on your energy fullness. If you can't let go of the ball, then you are not enough to believe in the possibilities of higher strength to help you.

Another way to materialize thoughts is the compilation of a map of desires. About how to do it right, we have already written in this article. During the year all your dreams come true: from small to the largest.

A clear goal, regular visualization, the correct wording and reinforcement of the energy of the desire by emotions and actions - all this will lead to the rapid realization of any purpose. Start practicing in trifles. For example, approaching the parking, mentally repeat: "I will rise and park at the most convenient place."

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