Predictions of Vanga about Russia - what is waiting for the country in the future


Predictions of Vanga about Russia talk about many. The provisidians amounted to many prophecies about the country, many of which have already come true. In her records there are information about the fate of famous personalities, politicians and the lives of ordinary people.

Completed prophecies

In all his life, Vanga was many predictions. Russia she loved especially strongly, so he did not leave her without attention in his prophecies.

Predictions of Vanga about Russia and its future

List of coming prophecies:

  1. Wanga predicted the death of Stalin, for which she was repressions, but released immediately after the prophecy was fulfilled. She said that in the spring the big man would leave life and people will become kinder.
  2. Vanga predicted the board of Vladimir Putin. She described in detail how it happens and how long will the Russian president rule. The provincial believed that this person was able to provide the state a bright future, and his people are a happy and peaceful life.
  3. It was possible to predict the death of the submarine Kursk. Vanga describes it as a tragedy who died as a result of which will mourn a lot of people. The provincial believed that this event would reveal the heart chakra of Russia, would help citizens of the country become more kind, merciful and compassionate.
  4. The prophecy came true about the collapse of the Soviet Union. The blind provincial grieved about this, but I knew that it was impossible to warn the collapse. However, she believed that sooner or later communism would return. This will happen in the distant future, when people again begin to honor spiritual values ​​and remember the morality.
  5. The Second World War was also predicted by Wanga. The birth of the Fuhrera is also described in its prophecies, and its actions against Russia, plans to seize peace and establishing the superiority of the Aryan race over the rest. She knew that sooner or later Russia would be able to stop the ruthless actions of Hitler, which happened.
  6. Funny fact: Vanga did not leave without attention in his predictions of Philip Kirkorov, to whom she predicted marriage with Alla Pugacheva, fame and popularity.

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Next, consider both the predictions of Vanga, which relate to Russia and talk about what will happen in its future.

Prophecies about the near future and present

Wang has often mentioned that the consciousness of people and the spiritual sphere of their lives will constantly change. At first, the crisis will reach its apogee: people will forget about spiritual values ​​and morality, the country will reign lawlessness and licentiousness. But over time, this epoch will change another, more favorable.

Predictions of Vanga about Russia

Currently, according to Vangi predictions, many natural disasters and natural disasters occur in the world. These are heavy, crisis years, which are negotiated by faith of people in a happy future.

But hard times need to survive. Sooner or later they are awesome in the fly, and a happy period will come in the life of the state and his citizens.

Some of the prophecies sound fantastically and hardly come true in the near future. For example:

  1. In 2018, people will invent flying trains that will be powered by the energy of the Sun. Of course, scientists already make attempts to discover new, safe energy sources, but in the near future they do not have to talk about them.
  2. Also Vanga believed that by 2018 the production of oil and "the earth will be able to relax." But in the near future, this is unlikely to happen.
  3. At the same time, people, according to Vangi, have already had to learn how to extract minerals not only on their planet, but also on the moon. These minerals will become a fundamentally new source of energy that will replace the usual.

Check out the video about Vanga predictions, which have already come true:

What is waiting for Russia in the future

Those prophecies that managed to express come true by 80%. Therefore, the probability of execution of predictions of a remote future Russia is quite high.

Prophecies Vangi.

What awaits the country according to Vanga in the future:

  1. Putin's rule will bring a lot of glory and world domination to the state. Over time, the country will turn into a superpower, which no one dares to challenge.
  2. A favorable period for the development of enterprises will come. Businessmen will strengthen their position in the market, offering truly useful people and services. But all sorts of "scam" and poor-quality products will disappear.
  3. Over time, the economic situation of the country will improve. The standard of living of the population will increase, poverty will disappear as a phenomenon. But this can only happen if people become more time to pay their spiritual development, cease to stop looping on material things.
  4. In 2022, people in Russia will become less. But this will happen not due to the high level of mortality, but because of the mixing of Russians with other nations. The country will become really multinational. There is also a big influx of emigrants from other states.
  5. At the same time, the country is united with India and China will turn into a powerful superpower. The Union will be very profitable for all sides. It will provoke discontent from the United States, but America will not dare to challenge, feeling Russian superiority.
  6. In 2030, Siberia will be the richest and abundant territory. It may turn into the center of the state. Here will want to move the inhabitants of the capital and other major cities.
  7. In 2045, the global crisis will repeat. It will come due to the depletion of natural resources. It will not be enough oil, water and food. But over time, thanks to the inventions, scientists will solve the problem.
  8. In 2060, Russia will reach the peak of his heyday. It will be the most prosperous country in comparison with the rest of the world. We will help poor and needy countries.

If you believe Wange, the crisis in Russia is only a temporary phenomenon that needs to be survived. As a result, the country will turn into a prosperous and rich state, people will live happily and abundantly.

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