Regression in past lives - popular questions


Regression in past lives is access to your past incarnations. During special equipment, you move the consciousness in memory of one of your reincarnations. In the future, using the knowledge gained, you become able to adjust and harmonize life in the present, using this experience.

How is the session

Regression - the procedure is quite dangerous for the beginner. If you try to make it yourself, you can get unpredictable and frightening consequences. Therefore, we recommend finding a good specialist who will spend the session as safe as possible and effectively.

regression in past lives independently

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The session takes place in several stages:

  1. First, the hypnotist introduces you to alpha condition. This is the moment when the subconscious is between sleep and wakefulness. The immersion process is carried out using relaxation methods.
  2. Next is the setting to the unconscious. The person begins to dip in the depths of his inner world, completely turns off the thoughts and stops the endless dialogue with himself.
  3. And in this state, the subject begins to feel and understand himself in a past life. He seems to be immersed in the unconscious of his previous embodiment, re-living his experience. Aloud, he begins to tell everything that sees and feels. After leaving the hypnosis, the patient usually does not remember what exactly said, so a specialist records a session on video.
  4. Next occurs at theta state in the process of transition to the space between the two embodiments. At this stage, the patient can ask any questions to its own, custodians or higher forces and get answers from their subconscious.
  5. At the end of the person's session is returned to beta-state - the usual active wake.

The course of the procedure and its results the patient discusses with a hypnotist (psychotherapist or another specialist), after which it is possible to designate further actions.

Influence on health

Regression In past lives is always used with certain goals, it is not conducted from curiosity. And many worries how the procedure affects health and life in general.

regression in past lives

Important moments:

  1. During regression, you have a negative emotion on the mental level and find the psychosomatic causes of diseases, problems in relationships and other things.
  2. And since any disease is a sign that you need something to change or understand in your life, then after aware of the reason, the state of health begins to improve. The same applies to any painful, negative situations.
  3. In serious diseases after the regression session, it is also recommended to pass a rack rate to eliminate the energy causes of diseases.

It is important to understand that each situation is unique, and a person is individual. Therefore, there are no universal ways to solve problems. Immersion in past lives just helps to understand the personal causes of all difficulties in life, to then eliminate them.

Space between life

In order for the regression session to be effective, it is important to understand that there is a space between the lives in which you are in the process of immersion in a deep meditative state.

what gives regression in past lives

Important moments:

  1. The space is the habitat of human souls, a peculiar purgatory, where they "rest" and restore before going to the world in a new embodiment. Here the souls of different people interact with each other.
  2. It is also a habitat of spiritual mentors or keepers who know the answers to all questions. It is in space between lives that you can talk with the soul of any person who is interested in you.
  3. This place is impregnated with the energy of unconditional love and adoption, which will fill both the patient, giving him vitality and filling with gratitude.
  4. Here you can feel a connection with God, the universe, the highest forces - no matter how you call it. And gain awareness: to completely take responsibility for everything that happens in life, on yourself.
  5. In this place, you can understand why you were given certain life situations, find out what lessons need to be learned from them to get the experience needed for further spiritual development.

Listen to meditation during which you can carry out regression in past lives yourself:

Most people who want to try regression to last life, are caught by the same questions. Consider them.

  1. What kind of request can be sent to the space between lives? Absolutely with any - formulate the question that at this stage concerns you most. For example, you want to learn how to heal the disease, meet love, find your destination.
  2. Is it possible to contact with the highest forces? God is inside every person, just not everyone feels its strength and support. During regression, you can feel and experience the divine inside yourself, filled with this bright energy.
  3. Does the soul leave the body during regression? No esoterica - your soul stays in place. In fact, you communicate with your own subconscious - with your fears, installations, blocks, feelings and memories. In an unconscious person, there are answers to all questions - with the help of regression, you only get these answers from our own "I".
  4. Does regression helps solve problems in relations with parents, colleagues, partner? Definitely yes. You find the karmic causes of conflicts, begin to understand what this person came to your life, what lesson and experience he carries.
  5. How to understand whether the immersion did it work too active imagination? To do this, you need to turn off all thoughts and really feel that it works at the moment - brain or intuition?
  6. Is it always possible to get into the space between lives? Expert experience proves - 9 out of 10 women successfully dive from the first attempt. With men are a little worse, because they have a logical thinking harder.

Important: Do not try to do regression yourself. At best, you just make your imagination work actively, at worst - get serious health problems and psycho-emotional state.

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