Tantric Contact Couple - Basics of Love Tantra


Tantra is an esoteric teaching, the purpose of which is to expand the consciousness and the knowledge of himself and the world. What is tantric contact? This is a combination of energy flows of two loving for the sensation of unity and spiritual merger. How does this happen, what exercises must be performed for the energy fusion of two bodies? Consider questions in the article.

Tantric contact

Spiritual merger

In tantric sex, the leading role is assigned to both partners, but the role of a woman has its own characteristics. Eastern wise men claim that it is a woman that suits a man with energy. In order for the woman to generate the necessary energy, it needs to be charged with positive emotions. A woman gives a man's energy with which he can succeed in life. He, in turn, supports a woman in this world and fills with emotions.

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If the partner does not receive positive emotions, it is not able to generate positive energy. Such a couple is doomed to parting. In tantric sex, the interaction of the floors occurs at a distance or physical connection: both partners are filled with the desire of love and excitation. The consequence of this is the combination of energy flows in which partners dissolve each other.

Note that a permanent partner is needed to occupy tantric sex, random relations are not allowed.

Both partners must experience a mutual sense of love and admiration. This allows you to achieve the highest moment of delight in the connection.

The principle of tantra

What is needed to connect a pair in a single energy stream? The spiritual connection of the man and women opens the subconscious, partners feel unity with each other and the whole world, filled with delight and bliss. Space and time disappear, the highest point of bliss in the awareness of the infinity of ecstasy is felt. How to achieve this? It is necessary to follow the rules:

  • Sexy games should occur with a regular partner.
  • It is necessary to strive to satisfy the sexual desires and preferences of the partner.
  • The goal of Tantra is a spiritual merger, not physical contact.
  • You need to be able to flash your emotions to the outside, and not shy them to exercise. Stensifying tantra is contraindicated.
  • Thoughts about sin and fall will not allow Tatry, they need to be thrown out of the head.

During real physical contact in Tantra, it is necessary to be elegant and graceful. It is impossible to allow physical aggression, tiring the body with active movements. Tantric sex should last at least two hours, so immediately spending the forces are unacceptable.

Important in tantric sex is paid to strokes, touches and caresses. Contact in seitia should be light, without coarse and sharp movements. This is a love dance filled with breathing romance and dreams. There is nothing in common with domestic sex at Tantra: the purpose is different. If ordinary sexual contact implies physical discharge, Tantra aims to achieve the spiritual start of sex and the connection of the souls together.

Tantric contact couple


To learn the right tantric contact, you need to train your senses. To do this, you need to do a small set of exercises daily, which will take no more than ten minutes.
  1. Lying on the floor on the stomach, you need to raise your head and look at the ceiling - 3 or 5 times.
  2. Stand your back to the wall so that the heels and buttocks closely in contact with it. Strain and relax the belly several times in a row.
  3. Stand your face with the wall, arrange your legs on the width of the shoulders and bend slightly. Touch the forehead and breasts of the wall and raise the pelvis as high as possible as possible.
  4. Sit on the floor with elongated straight legs, put hands on your knees. Straightening the muscles of the buttocks, move forward. Help yourself bending and straightening your knees.
  5. Stand up leaving your legs on the width of the shoulders. Based on the heels, shift the socks inside and back out. Make the same exercise with the support on the socks - move the heels.

What do these simple exercises give? If you fulfill them at least two months daily, sensitivity develops during sexual contact.

Displacement of the point of consciousness

Consciousness plays an important role in tantric contact, so he needs to pay due attention. Let's proceed.

Imagine that left leg grows from your head. Madely hold this visualization as possible by closing the eye. There may be different sensations, up to dizziness. With practice, you will be able to create and hold this visualization as it takes.

Tantra Exercise

Development of senses

A person has 5 sense organs with the help of which he perceives the world. These bodies should get the maximum development to receive maximum pleasure during sexual contact.


This exercise can be performed independently, and you can with a partner. You will need several samples of tissues of different texture - cotton, silk, kapron, etc. Explore each sample to the touch. Then with closed eyes try to determine which cloth you hold in your hand. Next exercise - partner touches a piece of fabric in your skin, and you define its texture.


Make specimens with multiple odor types. It can be a fabric impregnated with aroma or something else. First, study odors with open eyes, and then determine their eyes closed. It is not recommended that the exercise is not recommended for a long time, since the smells can merge with each other: then their definition becomes difficult. Do not touch a piece of fabric to the nose so that the flavor does not remain on the skin, it will interfere with the perception of another fragrance.

Color perception

Choose a picture and examine its color gamut in detail. Classify colors and shades. Then look at the picture with a magnifying glass and mark which colors you did not notice when viewing without a magnifying glass.

Perception of sounds

Turn on the music and listen to the composition to the end. Now the owl includes the same song and try to highlight the sound of any one tool and listen only to it. With practice it will be easy. Next time listen to the sound of another musical instrument.

Helps the development of sound perception listening to bird singing, tunes of the running stream and other sounds of nature. You can listen to the heartbeat of the partner.

Development of taste receptors

To develop taste sensations, you need to dissolve any products in water. For example, salt and sugar, honey and lemon - separately. Then try and try to determine the product to taste.

Practical advice

Tantra Love is the highest art of achieving true bliss. A man and a woman in this art are compared with deities. The main thing in Tantra is to deliver the maximum pleasure to the partner, to fulfill his heart wishes.

First exercise

Sit down against each other and touch your fingers of different parts of the partner's body. At the same time it is necessary to catch internal sensations and record attention on them. Do not rush, all movements should be leisurely and light. Check what touches are delivering to the partner the greatest pleasure.

Second exercise

Lie on the side, take the same posture. Your bodies must be in the same position, that is, you both must lie on one side. Squeeze tightly to each other, connect the rhythm of breathing and try to feel that you are a single creature.

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