What dreams a former man in dreams of Vanga, Freud


How does the dream book look at this night visitor? Sleep dictates only your longguing or maybe this is an important sign for the future? What dreams your former man who behaved in a dream unexpectedly or a dream was removed "under the car" from your past relations?


General interpretation of this guest from the past

  • To see the former man in his dreams can girls or women, who still consider themselves the invisible thread associated with this person. If such dreams literally pursue you, it means that you dream of "repairing" the interruptions.
  • Have you diverged for a long time and managed to create another, no less successful union (and even better for the same)? In this case, sleep needs to be carefully disassembled "by screws".
  • If you talked (no matter, cutely chatted or argued), this is a sign: a man with whom you are close "in real life" can get sick.
  • According to Dream Interpretation, a former man who died in a dream, this is a sign: you or give birth to the baby, or "intense."

You did not communicate in a dream

  • What dreams a former man, whom you just saw from afar or from the side? Beware of quarrels with your current guy or husband. If you want to save these relationship, be the most diplomatic.
  • Former smiling you? The subconsciously warns: you underestimate your present man. Most likely, you close your eyes on its positive qualities, and on negative (perhaps even contrived or exaggerated) concentrate maximum attention.
  • You have seen this guy not alone, but surrounded by your relatives (let's say, with mom, brothers and sisters) - Fortunately in your family. If you are sorry with someone from Rhodes, this is a promise of future reconciliation.
  • This guy (man) in your dream got another passion? Sleep promises: you will make yourself with some person, and fate will reward you for it.

Was it a passionate meeting?


  • In a dream, you were in love relationships, as if they did not end: be careful, you can make a mistake with the decision and pay for it. Think very well about what you will do!
  • He provided you signs of shooting (kissed, gently hugged): something will surprise you very much. It all depends on the emotions that you have experienced in a dream. If you enjoyed intimacy, surprise will be joyful. If the guy was removed, you are destined to survive not the most positive emotions.
  • You have sex: "In real life, you quarreled with someone, and relationships can pull to the impossibility. Pay attention to this quarrel, do not exacerbate it!
  • And if a former man in a dream quarreled with you, it means: your life will change, and very good.
  • If you have dreamed that you got married or worn, this sign says: wait for the problems. If at the celebration you saw the relatives of the groom, sleep warns that life laid out for you numerous "rakes". And the difficulties will not be associated with the hero of your dream or his loved ones!
  • If you have seen your parting, this is a sign: you can pass the revaluation of values, but all this is for the better. Moreover, positive changes in life will not be short-lived - the white strip will turn out over long years.
  • You very loudly and emotionally quarreled: the sleep promises positive changes on the personal "front".
  • You fought: Your current close friend suddenly can become a jealous.

And what will the author's books advise?

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What about such personal dreams said interpreters with world name - Bulgarian clairvoyant, as well as a psychotherapist specializing in our subconscious feelings? Will the sleep decryption, proposed by these people surprise you?

Dream Vangu


  1. The former, like all the past, is a sign of what gone, and should not try to return it. Even if it succeeds, you will only spoil your life. Better let positive changes in it.
  2. If you have seen the reunion of your couple, the subconscious says: in fact, you forgive him and let go, and this is happy and so. By the way, soon you will meet a person with whom will be together for many years.
  3. Sometimes a man with whom you broke up will dream of new parting - but already with a person who is next to you "in Real".

Dream of Freud.

  1. Meet your ex-lover: to a quarrel with the current guy. If you do not want to bring a disorder in relationship, do not tell your beloved about this dream. He can curl, deciding that you are still missing the hero of the night dream.
  2. You have sex: You are not satisfied with the current intimate life (although, maybe you don't even admit themselves in this). You have hidden needs that you do not want or cannot be implemented, and they break out through the subconscious, transforming into such scenarios.
  3. Sometimes the appearance of a former beloved in the dream of a young girl says: Soon you will be loved again, but also married.

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