What dreams of a bag for dreams Hasse, Smirnova, erotic


Bags are so much - Did you know the kind of red, blue, black, leather and rag "Truck" dream book? How to understand what you dream, what did you lose, they were packed, wore a puppy in her?

Two different bags

General value of sleep with manual loop

How to tell you any dream book, the bag is the personification of life experience and "baggage".

She was feminine

  • The color of the accessory. Black: You are a modest man. Brown: You are a business man, your life goes as you planned. Red: you are a passionate nature, and soon you will have a hot night of love. White: You are a romantic. Bright, color: Your love relationship is boring, and you dream of shaking them.
  • What was she? New, but breathing: money will soon be in your wallet. Very small: you can change the style, as the current bow does not quite suit you.
  • You lost her: you remember the former heart feelings. If "Ridicul" you later found, then you will soon meet your former.
  • She was stolen: you will find something worthwhile. You returned to you: Favorite will give you an expensive thing.
  • She was packed by a different trifle: a dream promises communication in the company of guys or men. Long to rummage inside, trying to find something: you can't choose a cavaller from the workers.
  • On the contrary, inside the bag was an exemplary order: you are very educated, a decent person.

She was male

  • Which one? Leather: Get ready for decisive business negotiations. Denim: You are a little infantile personality. It was an old portfolio: you communicate with a sage.
  • What was in her? Dame lipstick, shadow, other cosmetics: You can not choose who to meet with. Toys: You are irresistible and know about it.
  • See the bag on the desk: you will be given a serious task, and you will handle it.
  • You lost her: my favorite (beloved) flies, although you will not give a reason.
  • You found a bowl, a briefcase, and inside were important documents: you again cross with old colleagues, partners.
  • It was presented with you: it is possible to amour with your (your) colleague.
  • She was heavy: serious trouble in life will be resolved almost by themselves. On the contrary, lightweight, empty bag means: you lack the attention of girls (guys).
  • In whose hands did you see her? Grandpa (that is, an old man): You dream of children. The guy, also handsome: you are confident to ourselves on all 100. The star of a movie or pop: the subconscious says that you are craving for glory. At the homeless: you will be promoted at work or give something valuable.

Leather bag

She was a road (big sports, mini-suitcase)

  • With things. Semi-empty: wait for strangers who will come to visit you. Full, standing on the threshold: the guest will be an old friend.
  • What was she? Dirty: You are a defenseless person. What dreams of a bag that you have been folded, after which they hung on the balcony or to dry out: Soon you are walking on a large holiday.
  • Pack her. Go on a date with your loved one.
  • Lose her. Your life will change for the better.
  • She was stolen. At the station: Your life will finally get rid of old troubles.
  • The bag was naked with money: you will find another option to earn.
  • To wear in this hand-made puppy, a dog of the room breed: to get acquainted with a person who will become a good friend.
  • You walked around the city with this "Tuba" on the shoulder: In real life, let's go to an interesting tourist trip. Perhaps the journey will be a business.
  • Bag kept your boss: the dream promises wealth and high salary.
  • Did someone give her? Stranger: You will be invited to the party. Your friend (Rodain): Interpretation also promises a holiday.
  • You were at the station with her. Waiting for the train, you used a big bag as a shop: you worry about your future, plan it.
  • Take it into the waiting chamber: traveling to the distant city, or even the country.

Other bags and handbags

  • It was an avoska, also with meat eggs: you dwell well in a glorious company.
  • Bag in a dream was with garbage: you have a serious "coward" in the house - you will get out of the whole day.
  • She was with working instruments: to home care.
  • It was a handbag filled with jewels: Favorite belongs to you, as a goddess. Among other things were the wedding ring: the sleep promises a lot of happiness to your pair.

Your actions in a dream

  • Lost bag. In an unfamiliar city: for vacation. In his apartment (house): You hope that your parents will help you materially. It was a bag of your comrade: a dream promises that you will make yourself with a person with whom they were in a state of war.
  • They dropped it on the floor: friends will be shocked by your act.
  • We went with a Tuba (Eco Bag, Avoska, Shopper) in the market: Waiting for the news from your colleague or partner.
  • Having hung it on the hanger: you will gather with school comrades and striking ancient.
  • Introduces someone manual loop: you will argue with someone defending your opinion.
  • You threw a bag in the air: friends will be reliable, will not let down.
  • Buy a bag in a dream can a person who knows how to "spin" in life and seek his goal. You choose it: to profit and numerous suggestions.
  • Get a gift bag: to wealth.

And what will say books "with character"?

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Bag with flowers

In the end, we propose to learn a few individual, alternative interpretations of your sleep. Maybe they fully decipher the sign sent by your subconscious?

Erotic dream book

  1. If you, hurry, threw things into a bag as it fell, it means: you are satisfied with the scene of jealousy, and on an empty place.
  2. You kept a handbag in your hands, and the handle fell off here: someone from the loved ones will subside without supporting at the right moment. However, you will be to blame for this, because it is impossible to get back to the problems of a relative or friend!
  3. Loss of hand-made bags in a dream of a woman: a dreaming is lonely and feels due to this not necessary.

Sonnik Smirnova (Wanderer)

  1. Bag means your future purchases (and maybe it will be mental "acquisitions").
  2. In a female dream, this is a sign of future hassle in house or household.

Dream Khasse

  1. Bag is a sign of some kind of secrecy.
  2. Loss of this accessory means: You will deal with debtors.
  3. It was a briefcase: Your life is boring and dull.
  4. It was empty: you can get the inheritance. Full: you can not count on the receipt of inheritance.

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