What dreams of a coat for dreams of Miller, Medele, Prozorova


Even the foundations of the wardrobe, appearing in our night visions, have their own interpretation and sacred symbolic meaning. Often they can personify the character of a person, his habits and lifestyle. To understand what the coat is dreaming, it is worth making the details of the dreaming dream with what the dream book tells us. So you can get an individual forecast that can help in planning future affairs.

General interpretation

The dream in which the man appeared, dressed in the coat, symbolizes the protection of the sleeping person in the upcoming risky business. Perhaps it is under the protection of an influential friend or other strongly patron with high sufficient.

If the coat in a dream, observed by a dream, was too big, not suitable in size, it is a bad sign. He foreshadows the vital difficulties and obstacles to overcome which will be very difficult for themselves. If the stranger himself was in such clothes, it is worth preparing for new romantic adventures.

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Male in coat

A new coat, seen in the dream, foreshadows a sleeping person with the possibility of a long-standing plans, will also soon work out to deal with protracted business obligations. If it happened to try, sleep promises changes related to the workplace. Perhaps it will be an increase or change at all. Also, changes can touch the lifestyle.

There is another interpretation of such sleep - in accordance with him, a person who saw him is successful, knows how to make faithful solutions even in the most difficult situations, and also endowed with a flexible mind and an entrance.

An unfavorable omen is an old coat. It foreshadows the need, humiliation, for businessmen - the root of the case, worsening material well-being. If dreamed of a dirty coat, it is necessary to refrain from participating in dubious events, as it will later be hard to clear the reputation. A long coat speaks about skeletons in a dream closet, and he does not want to share with these secrets.

Interpretation in color

If in the dream you had a chance to see a coat, the interpretation of this image will depend on the coloring of the outcome of the wardrobe.

  • White coat foreshadows foreshadowing a very pleasant acquaintance, which will bring a dream with a lot of pleasant moments and positive emotions. Perhaps someone from the circle of friends will have real feelings.
  • The one who dreams the blue coat, in reality, perhaps controls the execution of some kind of business, the project. Malicious people are stronger to disrupt the plans of the sleeping person, but despite their efforts, the dream is awaiting success.
  • Favorable omen - black coat. It foreshadows the receipt of a decent award for the manifestation of courage, diligence, hard work, the dreams are similar to the peacemaker - he is always next to those who need it when necessary. Also, men are such a dream promise profit.
  • Green coat is an unusual omen. It foreshadows significant life changes that may affect important areas. It may be a change in the workplace, the kind of activity or even moving to another city. However, you should not worry, since changes will be pleasant.
  • Pink coat is not the most favorable sign. He personifies the dream hit in a complex and unusual situation, which is caused by his naivety and dreaming. Poor, if this piece of wardrobe was also old and scratched, - in this case, it is worth learning how to learn how to make decisions on your own and soberly look at reality.
  • Red coat - Warning: It is worth being alert to not please into a trapped trap.
  • The yellow foundation of the wardrobe foreshadows the worsening of the reputation due to rumors and gossip.

Gray coat

Interpretation on other details

Not the most favorable sign is a night vision in which a partner in relations or a friend was in a black coat. After such a dream, there is a chance that this person says goodbye to the dream, but will subsequently regret this decision. A beautiful, luxurious coat of an unusual appearance foreshadows the improvement of social status, an increase in influence and reputation, authority.

If the sleeping person in his night vision put on someone else's or unsuitable in size, an uncomfortable coat, a trouble is expected in a short time. Own your own coat - prepare for travel.

If the dreams in his night vision tried a comfortable and warm coat, it awaits success in all endeavors, a comfortable and pleasant life. Not the most favorable sign - a dream in which the sleeping person was able to lose the coat. After such a dream, it is worth remembering the past and analyze the committed errors that led to losses. It is better to do it as soon as possible so that the situation does not happen.

Dream Miller

According to the interpretation, which provides a dream book, coat is not the best symbol: it foreshadows the deterioration of the situation due to the stubbornness of the dream. If this subject of the wardrobe in the dream had to lend, other people's mistakes will affect the sleeping person. Being a dream in someone else's coat - to a complex and confusing situation. To solve it, it is worth seeking help for your friends.

An unfavorable omen - a dream in which there was a ribbon coat on the dream. It foreshadows sadness grief.

Sonniest Medea

Coat can personify both human image, its style and appearance, and serve as a subject of protection against the surrounding effects or a symbol of secure secrets, secretion. If the dreams in his night vision was dressed in a coat, being indoors, he will be able to keep the mystery. If the sleeping man put on someone else's coat, in real life, even with monetary difficulties, he managed to keep the Schiegolskaya look. Slow coat - to small trouble and unsuccessful circumstances.

Girl in coat

Dream Interpretation Simeon Prozorova

If night vision was able to acquire a new high-quality coat, a dream awaits improving the social situation, recognizing others. If such a piece of wardrobe also had a chance to wear, enjoy all the benefits of life. The worried coat, in plexuses and seams suggests that in the future you will have to learn to rejoice in small.

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