What dreams of the basement for dreams of Miller, Zeskel, Maya


To find out what the basement is dreaming, it is necessary to recreate the picture of the dream. The image of the basement personifies something deep. Perhaps the dreams are trying to hide his fears or resenting someone. Dream Interpretation claims that the interpretation of sleep will depend on the type of basement. The appearance of the basement personifies the inner world of a dream. Before you start picking up interpretation, remember how this room looked.

General interpretation

If the dreams are in the basement, it should be careful, otherwise he risks losing his honor and reputation. If the dream has happened in the subway, it is necessary to be on the mainstream: perhaps a dream will try to engage in a risky situation. In Night Gresses I had to go down to the basement - remember how he looked and what you needed to do there.

  • In the basement descended for food - you have to get acquainted with a good-natured person.
  • If the basement was repaired, it is necessary to prepare for physical efforts.
  • In a dream, you are trying to escape in the basement - you can get out of the difficult situation.
  • In the night you got lost in the basement - you should prepare for long journeys.
  • Began to rake the basement after the destruction - the dream will open other secrets.

Brick basement

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In the dream, it was happening in the wine cellar, and there was a full burdac - it suggests that the dreams are trying to hide from all some kind of secret. If the containers are arranged in order and there are full of purity, it shows a dream as a responsible person, but he is trying to hide it from the public.

In a dream, it was necessary to escape into bomb shelter - this suggests that the dreams are afraid of condemnation around. If the bunker had to hide from military situations, the dream would be able to avoid unnecessary problems in the working team.

If I had to sit in the basement during training sessions, the dreams fear to lose his beloved. If in a dream I had to see the basement for vegetables, it would prophete a little financial profit. Such interpretation will be true if the vegetables were appetizing. If the cellar was spoiled vegetables, it is worth getting ready for strong waste.

Other interpretations

If the dreams are in the gloomy dungeon of the castle, it is worth paying attention to torches. If the dungeon is illuminated, the sleeping person will be able to understand, because of what close people are offended by him. And if the dungeon was dark, the dreams will not be able to understand the reason for their disappointment.

If you failed in the catacombs in night visions, such an image warns a dream that he will have to give up his beliefs and morality for a while. If the dream fails to find a way out of the basement, the dreams are experiencing for the deed and cannot stop thinking about it. If the door helped find a young man, a dream will have excellent support from the male.

If the basement in a dream was with rats and they pursued a dream, his enemies will start actively actively. If he managed to fight off from them, the dreams will be able to parry any actions on the part of unfriendliers. But if it was not scared of rodents, boldly bother for any business, it will go uphill, and you will achieve success without much effort.

In the dream, I had to sit for a long time in the basement - it is necessary to prepare for routine and monotonous work. If the dreams just looked into the basement and immediately came out from there, you can solve the problem quickly and cool.

If you in night visions threw a person to the basement, it warns that this man dismisses about you gossip. It is worth removing it from your world and stop contacting it or try to achieve minimal communication. They killed rodent in the basement - it is possible to get rid of an envious person. Be locked in the cellar - you strongly depend on the opinion of your colleague.

Deep basement

Dream Miller

As this dream book says, the basement is a sign that personifies the emotion of the dream. If in the dream you fell into a freezing basement, you are in confusion between the options provided.

It is worth finding faith in yourself, to become the owner of his own life. If a basement has dreamed, full alcohol and food, you will receive material profit, but the way to get it will be doubtful. For a young girl, the image of the cellar carries nothing good - it is worth getting ready for quarrels with a loved one or a serious illness.

Dream Zeshel

He dreamed of a basement with a large cellar - it is worth preparing for what you have to part with your loved one. Also, such a dream is interpreted in this way: the girl will fail to marry a person who has previously already consisted of married relations.

For a girl, a full cellar with products and alcohol means that she will receive a marriage offer, but it is not necessary to immediately agree on it, "perhaps this person is not the one who you need, and will not bring anything good in your life.

Old basement

Dream Maya.

A kind of sign is the image where the dream is locked in the basement - this suggests that you got into a ridiculous situation from which you cannot find a way out, but you should not be upset - a person will appear, which will help solve your problems. This dream book offers to put a cup of coffee to the basement or in the cellar, so as not to miss this person.

A bad sign is a dream, where you choose from the basement - it is necessary to prepare for the fact that your reputation will strongly deteriorate due to unforeseen circumstances. Dream Interpretation proposes to grab something from the basement to avoid this awkward situation.

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