Meditation of love - how to attract happiness in your life


Love occupies an important place in a person's life. We are born in this world with love and we exist. When there is no love in man in a person, he feels longing and sadness - everything is not cute around. How to attract love in your life?

This will help us with meditation of love. Meditation is an ancient art of changing life with the help of thought, which brings positive changes to every person, regardless of his religion. Consider an example of an effective meditative practice on this topic.

Meditation love

Why meditate?

What is meditation to attract love? The whole world consists of energies of different density. We see some energies in any form (nature, man), others for us are invisible (electricity). In meditation, a person is configured mentally on the wave of the right energy and begins to attract it into his life. That is why after meditative practices there are visible changes in human life.

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However, not every meditation ends with positive changes, and spent correctly. What do you need to know for meditation?

Instructions for meditation:

  • Find a time when no one will disturb you;
  • Well to ventilate the room and light incense - sandals, cinnamon or needle;
  • sit down in a convenient position so as not to register the back and limbs;
  • fully release the mind from daylight impressions;
  • relax all muscle stresses in the body;
  • Tune in for meditation.

The instruction looks simple, but it is not always possible to free the mind from the internal dialogue. Thoughts are constantly striving to break and circling a kaleidoscope of events - now you have remembered the trouble at work, here you have visited the thought of failures in life, here, from somewhere, an image of an unpleasant person arose and so on.

The meditating need to learn to liberate the space of the mind from unnecessary images - this is the most important rule of successful meditation!

What should be the state of a person during meditation? First, it is necessary to relax all the muscles of the body, especially facial. Just send attention to your face - what do you feel? It is unacceptable to squeeze her lips tightly, wrinkle forehead, strain your eyes. Imagine that you plunged into the water and completely relax.

Sending love to space

Then send attention to the neck and shoulders - they must be completely free from any voltage. Next, pay attention to the back and legs. When you completely relax, make it possible to clean the thoughts from sorting daylights - they will interfere with concentrations in the desired image.

To calm the mind from thoughts, it is possible to look at the flame candles for some time, smacks from aromaver, watch the running clockwise or listen to your breathing - select the appropriate method. When thoughts calm down, proceed to meditation to attract love.

Meditation love

Where is the energy of love? It exists everywhere, and in you too. What does this energy look like? You can create for her any image - flower, wave, pink smoke, butterfly. If you are closer to the perception of flavors, find the appropriate fragrance for the energy of love.

Now imagine that you have a blurred glass jug - it is dirty, looks old and unpleasant. This jug is your spiritual body. The spiritual body was blocked by negative thoughts, disappointments, failures and disbelief in their own attractiveness. It must be washed.

Imagine that the wave of purest water appeared on top and starts missing a dirty jug. She takes off his dirt layers - here disappeared by a layer of the offense on the old unsuccessful relationship, behind him was washed away with a layer of his own unattractiveness and so on. Watch how the jug is cleared, and fix it in consciousness that it is now cleared with it. When a completely clean and brilliant jug appears before your inner gaze, it means that you managed to clean the soul from the negative.

Now you can proceed to the next part of the meditation - filling the jug by the energy of love. What can be placed in a clean jug? The image that represents the energy of love for you. Imagine that the butterfly flew into it or he was filled with a pink smoke. Realize that your soul jug is now filled with the energy of love. Listen to your inner sensations, fix them in consciousness and remember. Try as often as possible to call these sensations during the day - it is desirable that they become satellites of your whole life!

Energy of love

Respiratory practice

Consider another type of meditation - respiratory. This meditation takes part not only imagination and visual image, but also breathing. This is a very useful practice, as it can be used to change any sphere of life - not just love.

How to meditate with breathing? Take a comfortable posture, relax the muscles and concentrate your thoughts on the breathing process. Watch the air enters through the nose, falls into the lungs and comes back. Spend in this observation for a few minutes - you must completely forget about day care and different experiences. There are only you and your breathing - nothing else.

When you reach the desired state, imagine that with the air you breathe a golden energy stream. It can be another color - as you want. This flow of light enters into you and applies to the body with heat - you breathe light of love. Then sense how with the exhale you give the world this flow of light. This is sending love to space.

This stream is filled with tenderness, warmth and happiness. You breathe happiness, filled with them and give the world. Stay in this state some time, feel the source of love. Remember this condition and call it in yourself anytime.

Realize that the source of love is in you and attracts reciprocal love from the surrounding world. After a while you will see how the outside world has changed in relation to you. And there is nothing mystical in it - you just revealed the source of bliss, happiness and love! He was always inside you, just did not feel.

Speak yourself: I inhale and exhale love, I and love is one whole.

If you practice a love meditation daily, your life will change completely. You can breathe love not only in solitude, but also anywhere. Just aware of this process. If you need to attract a concrete man to life, create its approximate image and send the energy of love for it every day. Soon he will appear in your life.

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