What dreams of pasta dreams of Vanga, Miller, Freud


Foods that appear in our dreams have, like any other images, their own symbolic meaning. To understand what the pasta is being shot, it is worth remembering in detail all the circumstances of the scene. This will help get a sleep interpretation that can predict the upcoming events and thereby affect them.

General interpretation

Night vision, in which the sleeping man was purchased by Macaronians of the future, trying to capture as much as possible, foreshadows the inefficient consumption of money. If a man buys broken pasta in a dream, it is worth paying attention to your health, since the dream foreshadows impotence. According to another version, such a dream foreshadows the tedious work, which does not like the dream, but it will still have to fulfill it.


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If you have a chance in a dream, it was not easy to see pasta, but to ask them to debt or steal, it is worthwhile to fear diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Sleeping man risks straight, if it does not pick it up a suitable diet.

For a man, a dream is quite dangerous, in which he needs to cook pasta, and he does not have any desire, nor energy or time. Such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a woman who lifts a dream in a robbery pleasant and not too events. In the future, this may pour into nervous exhaustion and deterioration of the material situation.

A dream, in which a person has to cook pasta, dream of people are inconstant, prone to change partners often. Adding sharp gravity to the paste - to the conclusion is a profitable, but somewhat risky transaction on unusual conditions for the dream.

Interpretation on other details

There are several more scenes of dreams with pasta, which are also amenable to individual interpretation.

  • If you dreamed of pasta, which were prepared by you, this dream foreshadows the emergence of a strong and influential ally, which will take your new projects and other undertakings under your patronage.
  • The dream in which the sleeping man shared the dough on strips or other figures, harboring future pasta, foreshadows attempts to establish communication with influential people in reality. These attempts are crowned with success.
  • Makaroni, in which meat or vegetables were added, foreshadow a noisy fun party in a pleasant friendly company, rich in feast.
  • To see in the night vision a large number of pasta - in real life, the dreams will be able to bury a decent state, but only by strict savings.
  • Eat pasta in their night vision - a symbol of what really will have to make a lot of effort to get out of the current difficult situation. If the same dream sees a creative person, he will work for a long time and fruitfully over the incarnation of a bold and original idea.

Pasta on the table

Dream Vangu

According to the interpretation, which the famous appearance included in his dream book, pasta is ambiguous symbol. If you dream full to the edge and with a hill plate Macaron, in the near future you will lose your friends. If a person dreams of a lot of packs of this product, the dream is the personification of his misfortune.

If the unmarried girl in his dream makes dough for Macaron, in the foreseeable future she will meet a worthy groom. However, the same dream will not be the most kind familiar for women married: in their case, it is necessary to look at the surrounding of the spouse - perhaps a dangerous rival is hiding there.

Pasta in a plate

Dream Miller

According to the interpretation of the famous psychologist, pasta foreshadow a quick journey. The dream in which the digestible paste appears, personifies the wrong way of life of the dream. It is worth stabilizing sleep mode and do physical exertion. The adhesive pasta foreshadow the loss and its further acceptance.

Yunows and young Persons this product foreshadows numerous victories in different life spheres.

Dream of Freud.

A dream with appetizing, hot, pleasant species of Macaroni speaks about the integrity of the male libido. The dreams, who observed such a dream, was ready to completely reveal in an intimate plan and to visit all sorts of enjoyment.

If this product was raw, there are problems in the sex life of the sleeping person. They may be fears, complexes or reflection due to old failures.

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