What dreams that they beat on the face - by dreams of Vangi, Miller, Freud


Poleukha is a rather unexpected "treat" even for sleep. How to understand what is going on, what did you get a blow to face? What does the dream book writes is an alarming sign or, on the contrary, fate is favorable for you?

Punch along face

The general meaning of "Mordoboy" in a dream

The face in dreams is considered a sign of our communication with the most close people. Decipher dreams with this symbol is made, pushing out the emotions that we experience in a dream. Therefore, remember: why do you (or you) hit, what did you feel that followed next?

What exactly was the blow?

  • Palm: sleep to promotion through the career ladder.
  • Fist: For disassembly among your birth.
  • Glove: Fate throws you a challenge.
  • Stick: something bad happens with you.
  • Something heavy: Soon you will feel disappointment.
  • Rag: Sailing houses will be sank.

Where did he come?

  • In the nose: something will excite you.
  • By cheeks: you will be ashamed or sticky.
  • In the eye: Sleep means an incorrect look.
  • In the scarlet: something will disappoint you.
  • On the jaw, on the teeth: you lose something.

Will you get a slap?

  • What dreams, what are you going to face you? In real life, you morally "presses" a person who has the power (teacher, boss, mother, wife).
  • Did there be blood after hitting? If so, then you should prepare for the visit of the native person. If not, the guest will be a stranger. Well, if the face was decorated with a bruise, sleep says: you can get sick.

Did you distribute falsely? And who got exactly from you?

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  • Your beloved: He may be wrong.
  • Your spouse: In fact, your marriage can be called successful. If, in a dream, you beat him from jealousy (let's say, he winked another woman), it means that he will be faithful in Real.
  • Your spouse or girl: You should learn the feeling of measure. And not only in the manifestation of their emotions, but also in food.
  • Stranger: You are destined to meet a pleasant person. If you argued with an unfamiliar man and the emotions "treated" his sword, sleep means: your colleagues (partners) will be very summed up.
  • Its former: you still miss him.
  • Rival: Your favorite does not change you.
  • Your mom or dad: Wait for bad changes in your life. If mom cried, sleep means that in real life you do not live. If after slapping she laughed, you should wait for positive news.
  • Yourself: you will achieve your goal.
  • Deader: You do not want some information about you to publicize.
  • Your colleague: Sleep - to the victory in the dispute.
  • Another child: To "pull out" your project, you will have to go for a justified risk.
  • Your child: You will master something new, and give new knowledge will be very difficult.

Or maybe you were just a unwitting witness "Mordoboy"?

  • According to the dream book: they beat the face of your real acquaintance with you, and you do nothing, it means that you are offended by him. If you rushed to help a friend, then, in fact, it is you offended familiar and now tormented by remorse.
  • If a person suffered in a dream, whom you seem to know, it means that you regret something.
  • You saw how you hit a woman and she fainted: you will keep some secret. If, on the contrary, Madame lost consciousness and clapped her on the cheeks to lead to a sense, your secret will be disclosed, also "exploded" like a powerful information bomb.
  • If your acquaintances died with each other (a couple, a guy and a girl), this dream says that in real life you will soon be pressing with a rapid clarification of relationships.
  • If you have seen how you hit your child, it means that you are unhappy with your life.
  • Baby cried overnight? Sleep promises a lot of trouble. On the contrary, did he not even flash? Sleep promises a successful completion of your affairs.
  • You saw your adult daughter with a broken cheek: You will have a lot of trouble, and they will bring not the fruits that you think about.
  • You saw in the dream of your spouse in the role of the boxer, and his partner on Ringgu was unfamiliar to you a woman: Career (business) of your husband in danger.

And what about the manual design in a dream they write famous books?

Violence for a child

Despite the fact that any sleep with a slap can be very widely deciphered by common dream books, it is worth learning and more "highly specialized" opinions. Therefore, we suggest reading that they wrote about such dreams known worldwide predictor, as well as famous psychoanalysts.

Dream Vangu

  1. Hit you? To be confident in yourself, you will have to "include" all your decisiveness and not rob. No one will help, and it should not - act on your own!
  2. Did you hit? This is not the best dream. The case you work on whether you can end with the collapse.
  3. If, in the dream, your daughter beat the face of his child, it means: she needs to beware of injuries.

Dream Miller

  1. If a woman dreamed that her spouse hit her face, it means: someone insulted her. If a stranger hit her, the dream says that her husband is very jealous.
  2. Silence from another woman is a sign that you can contact not with the best company.
  3. Did any of the parents hit you? In real life you can learn with them, and this "war" will not end in one day.
  4. Did you beat the lover's cheeks? In Real, he will treat you as a goddess.
  5. Did you hit the hubbird for whom they learned about in a dream? Don't be afraid of anything: in fact, the spouse is faithful to you!
  6. Did you hit the child? This is a bad sleep warning about the error for which it will have to pay for a long time.
  7. If in a dream, a man shook "plush" to a person who insulted his beloved, it means that he has very strong nerves and in difficult situations he always thinks his head, and not by emotions.
  8. But see that you are beaten on the face in a dream for the fact that you are stuck for the honor of a woman, not very good. Sleep warns: Your good name is contrary to dirty gossip.

Dream of Freud.

  1. Male sleep. Silence is a sign of a dream fear before intimate proximity. It is quite possible that this guy has never been with a woman.
  2. Female sleep. To see that they beat in the face, means: a dream with great interest is looking at women, regarding them as partners in bed. And besides, this lady is not alien to sex games.

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