What dreams shop in dreams of Miller, Longo, Dillon


The store is a strong and ambiguous symbol, especially when it appears in our dreams. In the store we acquire something - new things, products and other items, but dreams with this place foreshadow not only new events in the life of a dream. To figure out what the store is dreaming, it is worth opening a dream book and compare your dream with him for all available details.

General interpretation

In fact, most often the person buys food in stores, rather than household equipment or interior items. Therefore, in dreams, it becomes more often a grocery store. He symbolizes the excellent skill of a dream care of its finances, rationally spend them, not allowing thoughtless waste.

If a sleepy man drew his attention to the food, the interpretation of the dream will depend on what kind they had and how they were decomposed. Appetizing products, neatly arranged on the shelves, personify the material well-being in reality, and repulsive and unsightly - dissatisfaction with the quality of life.

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Countertop with goods

Interpretation will depend on the type of store:

  • A kind omen is a dream in which the bread kiosk or the counter appeared. And the buying bread itself foreshadows profit, useful links, promotion over the career ladder.
  • No less good sign - fish shop. He promises the receipt of unexpected and pleasant news. The news will be all the more positive, the more fresh and attractive looked fish on the shelves.
  • A confectionery store predicts a person to whom he dreamed, a lot of entertainment. They can lead to non-rational consumption of money, but the dream is unlikely to worry this circumstance.
  • If the store in a dream sells biscuits, and even more so if the dreams bought it, some kind of desire will soon be fulfilled.

Dreams with shop

The spacious clothing store, distinguished by large rooms, speaks about the original style of a dream in real life. If a dual shop was a miniature, it is worth consulting familiar designers.

If expensive things are located on hangers or mannequins, this dream encourages a dream to learn how to rationally spend funds, not allowing thoughtless waste. Sokond Hand is promulit the appearance of a new source of good income.

Outdated Soviet shop with clothes dream to the fact that in the near future will have to set aside money for a valuable acquisition. Foreign boutique heralds the completion of the wardrobe in reality.

If the institution has dreamed shopping was not a sellers dream foretells freedom of action in the workplace. If, however, for the dreamer in his sleep during a shopping trip to watch the guards, the management entrusted him responsible mission in real life.

Night vision in which a sleeping man had a chance not only to see the store, but also something to steal from him, symbolizes the victory over the complex reality. Buying unnecessary things in your dream indicates that the dreamer in real life is sparing no expense on their own appearance.


Interpretation on other details

A dream in which a man had a chance to try things and randomly break them - not the most good sign. He portends gossip and rumors in the working team. If the store old things dreamer changed to new things, soon to be a successful cooperation with a business partner.

A dream in which the dreamer was looking at his reflection in a shop, embodies self-confidence. The dispute with the seller portends a serious conversation with a partner by marriage. If the sleeping person in his dream ask for a discount, in reality it saves even basic needs.

Go to the store and see there are plenty of familiar people - a dream, heralding a quick meeting up with old friends. If the dreamer went to the store just to look at things, it means that in reality he lives in the present day and not think about the future much.

A dream in which the person acquired the dirty things, symbolizes the care of his reputation. Spot, delivered to the newly purchased clothes, heralds a new phase of life.

Less positive interpretation of a jewelry store - it portends a lot of small things that have no benefit or other benefit. Favorable omen - dreamed flower shop. It heralds a series of exciting events that will cause a lot of emotional promiscuity. It should in any case to keep himself under control.

Ornaments on display

Dream Miller

According to the interpretation which leads this dream book, the store filled with merchandise, foretells success and prosperity. The empty magazine, on the contrary, warns the dreamer of vain efforts and future quarrels. A dream in which his own shop on fire to symbolize a second wind, thanks to which the dreamer is much more active will be engaged in the affairs.

Find out in the department store - to the pleasures that can be obtained thanks to various sources of income. Acquire goods there - to improving affairs. See yourself in a grocery - to a comfortable and pleasant life.

Dream Longo

Go to shopping store - to change in life, in the field of material well-being. If in the dream among the set of goods it was possible to choose and acquire exactly what you need, it is worth expecting a large amount as a gift or in the form of a premium. If the desired goods could not be found, it is necessary to prepare for the deterioration of the material situation.

If a person sees himself in a dream, he sees himself a worker or master of the store, in real life it will be asked to participate in a risky, dubious and adventurous event. Since the dreams are not used to such things, it will throw a long time with the decision-making.

Dream Dillon

By itself, the store foreshadows money costs. If the shelves were empty in it, it is worthwhile to fear in financial issues. Walking on a multi-storey store and not to decide on the choice of purchase - to have doubts in reality. To see himself as the owner of such a trade establishment - in reality to improve improving the financial situation is not the right way.

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