Favorable days on the lunar calendar: characteristics and features


The lunar calendar is used for a long time, it was invented before sunny. The lunar calendar does not coincide with sunny, because the sunrise and the sunset of the moon occurs at another time. Each lunar day has its own energy that affects the human body and psyche. There are favorable days and unfavorable. Consider their value in detail.

Favorable days on the lunar calendar

Favorable days

These lunar days have light energy. A person everything turns out, the relationship with the surrounding good, people are not susceptible to diseases at this time.

6, 7, 12, 16, 24 and 28 days are considered to be favorable days of the lunar month.

Astrologers advise to use the most favorable days of the lunar month for change in life, business planning and other significant events. However, it is best to use the days of the first two lunar phases, that is, from the new moon to the full moon.

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To get rid of anything, it is necessary to use the second half of the moon month - from the full moon to the new moon. The closer to the new moon, the better.

Unfavorable days

What days are considered unfavorable? First, these are days on the eve of new moon and full moon. At this time, the human psyche is in the oppressed state. On the eve of the new moon, you can part with a close person or lose work due to the conflict with the bosses.

In unfavorable days, it is impossible to appoint important meetings and take fateful decisions. It is necessary to concentrate on the inner sensations and do not allow emotions to exit from under control.

New moon dangerously exhausted energy. A person feels sluggish and irritated, his actions of others and their own impotence are nervous. However, the moon cannon is considered the most dangerous, because the mental energy is torn out. These days, catastrophes, crime and mental breakdowns occur most often.

An unfavorable and days at the junction of the shift of the phases are. These transitional moments of time.

Moon days 9, 15, 23 and 29 are transitional and belong to unfavorable.

Consider the characteristic of each lunar day. What can be done on a certain day, and what is better not to do?

Characteristic of lunar days

  1. First day It has a lamp symbol. On this day you can plan planning: what do you want to change for the upcoming lunar month? Make a detailed action plan, and energy energy will help you make changes. On this day you can make a desire. Remember that you do not need to answer the quarrel at this time - just do not pay attention to the splash of emotions from other people.
  2. Second day Have a symbolism of horns of abundance. On this day, you can plan feast and entertainment activities. However, it is not recommended to quarrel and find out the relationship - you can lose your loved ones forever. Also, astrologers are advised not to indulge in excessive gluttony, because you can easily gain weight. Oddly enough, but this day is well suited for dry starvation and visits to the pair - you can quickly lose weight.
  3. Third days have a leopard symbol. This is a favorable time for active actions and decisive actions. You can safely begin to embody the reorganization conceived on the first lunar day, to play sports. It is not recommended to exercise aggression and impotence, as well as passivity.
  4. Fourth day symbolize the paradise tree. On this day, it is better not to appoint meetings or public events, otherwise you can easily succumb to temptations. The fourth day is dangerous in the wrong deeds, which will subsequently have to be bitterly regret. What can be done on this day? Dedote him to rest and inaction. You can take a walk through the forest or park, enjoy communication in the family circle.
  5. Fifth days Have a symbolism of a unicorn. This is the time of active actions, planning and achievement of results. The energy of the day contributes to good digestion of food, so you can safely attend banquets and anniversaries - extra kilograms will be difficult to dial. But to fast and hungry is not recommended - psychic breakdowns are possible.
  6. Sixth days Have a symbolism of birds. This is a day of insights, intuitive premonition of future events. It is good to stay alone, think about the meaning of life, conduct meditation. This is a day of humility and a sober look at the life that you need to perceive with gratitude. It is not recommended to complain about fate and show discontent.
  7. Seventh days Have a symbol of wind roses. This is a mystical day in which any word that said out loud or pronounced thought can come true. Be careful not to allow conflict situations. It is especially dangerous that day to speak in a lie and exercise insincerity. It is impossible to plan long-term projects - they are not implemented.
  8. Eighth days have a fire symbol. This is the day of purification, which you can get rid of the whole old and unnecessary. Forgive your enemies, forgive yourself - let the old burn in the cleansing flame. Also on this day, any unthinkable adventure will be possible, since luck will accompany any undertaking. What can I do? It is necessary to be very careful in handling fire.
  9. Ninth days Have a symbol of bat. This is a transition day on the lunar calendar, which is considered one of the most unfavorable. At this time, gloomy thoughts may appear, to outward subconscious fears. On this day you may be deceived, how to deal or use for your own purposes. It is best to retake and not appear in public places. It is simply unacceptable to find out the relationship and scandal.
    unfavorable days on the lunar calendar
  10. Tenth lunar days They carry the symbolism of the fountain. Energy hits a fountain, activity at the limit. This is a day of decisive actions and cases. The physical activity is easily managed, you can begin the general cleaning in the house. If you wish the successful completion of previously started, plan it for the tenth lunar day. What is not recommended at this time? Be passive and dustiful.
  11. Eleventh days symbolize the crown. On this day, it is impossible to do physical work and strain your body. If you planned the cleansing of the body, it is best to do it in 11 lunar day. The energy of the day is dual - you can not throw in extremes, you need to observe the measure in everything. Therefore, passivity and excessive activity is not recommended. Agility of an adventurous nature will be crash at this time.
  12. Twelfth day symbolize the heart. At this time, it is good to plan wedding ceremonies and family celebrations. If you have not planned anything, it is better to spend this day alone and comprehend your actions. It is impossible to conflict with close, best forgive everyone. This is a day of prayer, mercy, mutual assistance and sympathy. You can not indulge in pity for yourself, cry because of the resentment and show cruelty to other people.
  13. Thirteen days symbolize the ring. On this day, old resentment and disappointment may unexpectedly remember: life described the circle and closed in itself. You need to forgive the resentment and clean the soul from the negative past. Hike to sauna, group rest, massage room - the best for this time. It is impossible to plan changes in fate and make responsible decisions.
  14. Fourteenth days have a pipe symbol. This is a great time for new beginnings and projects. The day is suitable for high exercise, as the energy is at the maximum level. Indeed to indulgent and melancholy can not, just like drinking a large number of drinks.
  15. Fifteenth days Have a symbol of a snake. This is a Satanian lunar day, dangerous manifestation of extremes. At night, nightmares can dream, in the afternoon - tear the longing. Very dangerous time, as the energy and psyche is looking for a way out. If you cannot control your own emotions, it is better not to attend mass events. On this day, you can easily go through extra, fit into an unpleasant story with far-reaching consequences. What can be hungry, doubt yourself, fast. What can not - visit parties and rushing to the outer with your head.
  16. Sixteenth days have a pigeon symbol. This is the time of spiritual cleansing and self-analysis. It is not recommended to show aggression towards others, you can plan significant events - a wedding, change in life. You can not listen to loud music, scandaling and violently find out the relationship.
  17. Seventeenth days Have a symbol of grape vines. On this day, you can fully relax, dedicate time to entertainment events or "nonegelia". You can not plan serious business meetings, make deals and sign important documents. It is also not recommended to give oaths and promises - do not hold down.
  18. Eighteenth days have a mirror symbol. This day is dangerous illusions and misconceptions. A person can become a victim of his own fears and contrived situations. Energy of the day has a self-analysis, since it is on this day that you will hear the whole truth about yourself. It may seem unpleasant, but you need to do conclusions.
  19. Nineteenth days symbolize spider. This is the day of spiritual cleansing and repentance. It is impossible to plan responsible projects and engage in the realization of conceived. It is better to be alone and simply climb. Water procedures help well.
  20. Twentieth days They carry the symbols of the eagle. At this time, it is possible to plan affairs, but you can not engage in the implementation of projects - everything will be released on the contrary. The lunar energy is declining, and the person does not have enough strength for decisive steps. It is impossible to be angry, quarrel and conflict - you can get sick.
  21. Twenty first days Have a horse symbol. On this day, you can risk and commit an act, which lacked courage. This is the time of the celebration of justice and honesty, openness and courage. It is not recommended to close both alone.
  22. Twenty-second days symbolize an elephant. This is the day of obtaining knowledge and assimilation of information. However, the energy of the day does not have the use of knowledge to harm the world, otherwise you can get a retaliatory blow. Dedote this day to self-education, knowledge of the new and transfer of knowledge to others.
  23. Twenty-third lunar days symbolize crocodile. The energy of the day provokes the manifestation of the malice, the feelings of revenge and rejection for the resentment. This feeling needs to be overcome, since such a state will not lead. This day is at the junction of the moon phases, therefore it is considered unfavorable. Good practice is repentance, purification from offended and abstinence.
  24. Twenty-fourth days symbolize the bear. The energy of the day has to sadness and despondency. It is necessary to overcome these states in order not to get into depression. This time is better to devote to wellness procedures and moderate physical exertion.
    Moon days - favorable and unfavorable
  25. Twenty fifth day symbolize a turtle. You can not fuss, engage in active activities and exercise. At this time, you can sum up the result done, spend the day in solitude and reflections. It is impossible to plan and begin new things.
  26. Twenty-sixth days symbolize toad. This time also does not have access to activity and bustle, like the previous day. It is better to rest, be in solitude and relax.
  27. Twenty-seventh days have a symbol of a trident. At this time, it is good to plan water treatments, traveling water, understand the confusing situations. This is a day of aggravated intuition and insights, listen to yourself.
  28. Twenty-eighth day Symbolizes lotus. This is the day of the feeling of inner harmony and unity with nature. It is impossible to conflict and show aggression, plan new things and show activity.
  29. Twenty-ninth days Symbolized spruits. Cusar Satanian day, full of illusions and invading. It is better to do monotonous work so as not to get into the network of unkind reflections. To spend a good day in starvation and cleansing the body from slags, to purify the soul - to pray, meditate.
  30. Thirtieth days Symbolized gold swan. This is a good time to complete the started cases, debt payments and promises. You can spend it in relaxation and rest from everything. It is impossible to fuss and show activity.

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