What dreams drunk father in the dream book Miller, Freud, Vangu, Longo


People abusing alcohol are always condemned by others, since their inadequacy of behavior can lead to indelible consequences for themselves and others. What dreams a drunken father, we will find out in proven dreams.

General interpretation

Drunk father in a dream personifies your views on life, distorted by real reality and people who surround you. You are in finding your internal installations, values ​​that would be close to your perception of the world in spirit, feelings, internal intuition. Parents are always associated with an authoritative opinion, the right plants, the postulates that their in life, implementing ideas by doing wishes.

Father after the holiday

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Alcoholic intoxication in this case is someone's attempt to destabilize your worldship, the perception of the environment in which you are at the moment. All this can reflect the misconceptions of the dream, its premature conclusions and incorrect conclusions. That for reality is a bad sign, as it can lead to errors and unpleasant consequences.

A positive interpretation can carry a dream where you saw my father in Khmely on the occasion of a good reason. This means that a momentous event is destined to come true in your life soon. If such a vision comes on the eve of the launch of a large project, should not be doubted the success and profitability of your business. You fully implement your plans, possibilities, connecting all your strength, patience and perseverance.

The late father was dreamed drunk, but during his lifetime he did not use alcoholic beverages - a sign that you undergo the transitional period when your internal installations and rules at one point are treated under the action of an obsessive external environment. Circumstances are forced to change the lifestyle, traditions and habits, which causes your discomfort and stress.

A drunk parent, who in reality suffers from alcoholism, is to make it necessary to make sure of simple truths more than once: do not trust someone who does not cause confidence, do not open those who can betray in difficult times. Gone to weakness and forgive the person his former mistakes means to wait for new troubles from him that may be expensive to you.

Drunk man

Drunk dad tells you the fairy tales - I don't need to believe in Altruism those who wish to earn a large amount of money with your help. Do not disclose all the secrets to those who take the team to participate in the new project, this cooperation can go to your loss, and not earn capital.

If a drnken parent walks bare down the street, sleep foreshadows major financial costs due to your rash actions. Perhaps excessive generosity or desire to show its financial wealth can now do with money cub and debt.

What else is drunk father

  • If he has a red hair color, someone his cunning and cunning confuses you all the plans and hopes for success;
  • Brunette - you should not trust everything that you promise and prophesy;
  • bald - problems with health and potency may occur;
  • Shaten - the one who wants to take advantage of your glory and success in mercantilic purposes will appear in the circle of faithful friends.

Author dreams

Miller's dense

A drunk parent is dreaming if negative features of your character begin in reality. This may be reflected in the detrimental habits, bad preferences, the abuse of other confidence, attention and mercy. Your unfavorable behavior, the immorality of actions can lead to loss of respect and authority among others.

Drunk under bench

Aggressively tuned father under the action of alcohol comes into a skirmish - sleep predicts your strain with colleagues or households. The initiator of the scandal is most likely, you are under the action of someone else's influence and suggestion. That period when you can easily fool, convincing changing the decision done by changing the position. This behavior will affect the relationship with others, most likely, they will stop believing in your wisdom, experience and intuition. Change the situation will help sensitive control of their thoughts, actions and behavior in general.


The girl dreamed of a drank father, whom she had not seen for a long time, means that the young person seeks to avoid possible contacts with relatives. Such behavior may reflect the inner resentment on parents, which completely unreasonably caused separation from close. Forgive the former reproaches, quarrels and claims to old people means to avoid the future repentance in ignoring close people.

He dreamed like his father got drunk at your wedding, it marks the negative attitude of the dad to your chosen one. Most likely, he does not see your future with this man, considering it near, lazy and unpromising. From such a state of affairs, your old man suffers greatly, hiding sincere experiences and depression.

A drunk parent returned home in a dream - in the reality of the mistakes of the past, they will be felt. The moment you are full of strength and opportunities to correct the situation for the better.

Sigmund Freud

Drunk father in a dream is a sign that you are far from conscious moral behavior. Your frivolous lifestyle, numerous love connections reflect a broadcast lifestyle without a hint of future settlement, constancy and stability. Sexual activity is good when intimate proximity expresses not sports interest in a pretty person, but the desire to be near, creating a strong pair.

Yuri Longo

The drunk state of the Father in a dream of a woman says that she was too bogged down in their internal experiences, complexes and problems that are obvious to her loved ones. Unsecured personal life, unwillingness to have a family - all this affects the negative mood of your parents who wish to see the bright future of their offspring.

A positive interpretation carries a dream for a dream, where her parent drank with a young man, laughing loudly and talking - this is a harbinger of meeting with a worthy candidate for hand and heart. A considerable role in your acquaintance can play relatives who desperately want you happiness.

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