Love spell on candlelight to attract your loved one


Love spell on the candlelight is one of the most popular ways to cause feelings in the chosen one with the help of love magic. Most often used twisted church candles. Let's talk about the rules and methods of such a magical rite.

What candles are suitable for rite?

Why is the spell on the candlelight possess force? The fact is that the wax from which the candles produce is an excellent energy conductor. And the fire is a powerful element that enhances the magic effect of the rite several times.

love spell on two twisted church candles who did

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It is important to use for the root "Right" candles:

  • They must be made of wax. Paraffin and other candles are not suitable.
  • Buy candles in the church shop. The most suitable time is Friday, the first half of the day.
  • Excellent if you get to find red candles - they possess the most powerful energy.

It is better to buy candles with a margin.

Rules of love spell

There are still some rules that must be followed for the rite to accurately affect:
  1. Love spell do at night. The most suitable time is after midnight.
  2. All other light sources in the room must be redemed.
  3. No one should interfere with you. Ensure that during the ritual in the room will not include households or pets.
  4. The room must reign perfect cleanliness. The disorder creates interference, interferes with the "right" energy to circulate.
  5. You must sincerely and unconditionally believe that the spell will work. Doubts prevent love magic to show their strength.
  6. No one should know about your intention to make a rite. Keep your actions secret.
  7. Your intentions should be good - do not try to shock a person from a feeling of resentment, revenge or anger. Negative emotions will certainly create unpleasant consequences for the chief chosen one and yours.
  8. Make a spell on a growing moon or to the new moon. At this time, the lunar energy is directed to the creation.

Observe all these rules strictly, and then the result will not wait long for a long time.

When the spell does not work?

Love spell on twisted candles has sufficient power. But in some cases it does not help to shock a loved one. What reasons may prevent the action of love magic:

  • Your chosen one has already kept someone. In such cases, you first need to make a county rite. Note that you should know exactly who brought the chairs to a man before you.
  • A man already experiences feelings for someone else. If this is a real and strong love, magic will be powerless.
  • The traveled has a very strong positive energy. She can become a serious barrier, through which love spells will not penetrate.

In other cases, the spell must act.

Two Candles Love

This is the most popular way to percussion chosen. Make a love spell just enough. You will need:

  • Two wax church candles. Preferably white or any other you like.
  • Pink monotonous tablecloth. It must be new, acquired specifically for the love spell.
  • Foil. You can buy ordinary food foil.
  • Candle stands. It is best if they also be new and made of metal.
  • Safety pin. Also new.

Prepare everything you need, wait for midnight on the night of a growing moon and get ready to do a spell. Looking for a tablecloth on the table and with the help of a red chalk, draw a heart in her center.

In the center of the heart, put two candles in the stand and burn them.

Clearly say the words of the probation:

Love spell on candlelight

It is not necessary to stew candles - wait until they can inhibit naturally. Melted wax collect and gently place on the foil until it is still liquid. Wait until it completely freezes, and with the help of a pin, screaming the names: yours and the one you need to shock.

After the rite, all used items hide into a secluded place. Take care for the cache no one accidentally discovered. The spell will come into force for three days.

Strong spell on two twisted candles

About this spell on two twisted church candles those who did it, leave good reviews. It is believed that this is one of the strongest rites of love magic.

You will need two wax church candles purchased in the church. Take each of the candles in turn in the hands and pronounce the words of the probation:

spell on twisted candles

After that, the candles must be lit, wait until the wax softening and becomes plastic. Then twist the candles with each other. These are preparatory manipulations before the ritual itself.

For forty days at the same time, you must heal twisted candles and mentally represent the image of a person who strive to shock. Try to do it quickly so that the wax is enough for the entire period.

After the expiration of forty days from the candles, only the flats will remain, and the spell will be considered fulfilled and will come into force.

Keep in mind that this love spell is very powerful - it will give a chosen one for you forever. If you are not ready for such a long relationship, it is better to use other methods.

Watch the video about a spell on twisted candles:

The most "white" love spell

If you are afraid of negative consequences that may come for you and your chosen as a result of the attitude, give up traditional love magic methods.

A "Walking" man will help the usual women's tricks:

  • Always well look: clean hair, neat manicure, eyelashes are filtered, eyebrows hidden at least.
  • Do not dwell on the chosen: fill your life with interesting events, people, hobbies.
  • Do not impose, let a man show the initiative.
  • He must see what you like and other men - surround yourself fans.

If you become a bright, interesting person, with many cases and hobbies, then the man will certainly pay attention to you. And if not, someone else appears, and the spell will not need.

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