What dreams guy by day of week - launches decryption


Why dream guy by day of the week? Let us turn to the interpretation of popular dream books to get an answer to this question.


The first day of the week is filled with bright solar energy. At dreams during this period, intuition has a great influence: your ability to predict "turns on" and allows you to see the true state of affairs.

The guy will dream of a week

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Therefore, remember how events developed in a dream - most likely they will occur in real life.

What does it mean if the guy dreams on Monday by dreams:

  • The young man who dreamed you is in love or thinks about you indifferent. He wants to meet, so we should expect invitations to a romantic date.
  • If you are not in relationships with a doned guy, it is worth looking to him. He may well become your companion of life, give love and happiness.


Dreams, dreamed on Tuesday, usually foreshadow something bad. It may be a warning about danger, deception or betrayal.

What is said in dream books:

  • If you are with a guy in a relationship, quarrels may begin by its fault. You will learn about treason or lies from the beloved person.
  • If you are not together yet, it is worth alerting: this young man is tuned towards you frivolous. He can use you for his own mercenary purposes, so be vigilant.
  • If a nightmare was having a nightmare with the participation of a guy, it may say that in real life you will be chased by an obsessive fan, whose attention annoys you and does not bring positive emotions.

Tuesday dreams can also talk about speeding up with a partner, about its dissatisfaction or dishonesty.


If the guy dreamed on Wednesday, do not give it much importance. Such a dream is "empty", so you can just forget about it.

the guy will dream of a week that means

Exception - If you saw a dream with the participation of a guy during the day, then this is a favorable sign. Such a dream promises a light and pleasant acquaintance with a young man who can lead to a long and happy relationship.


What do dream books say:
  • Dreams on Thursday most often do not foreshadow the future, but tell something about the past. This is the result of your mental experiences that find a dream. After analyzing the plot, you can understand what mistakes allowed in the past.
  • If you fell asleep very tired, then sleep will be empty and deprived of meaning, trying to decipher its value is not worth it.
  • If you managed to see the face of a young man in all details, it means that the crisis period will come in real life. A lot of circumstances will be sold out, which will be difficult to overcome.

In some sources, it is indicated that from a downtown guy in real life you can get help and support in some kind of problem situation. But only in a friendly, there is no romantic attack in this.


Friday - the time of the prophetic dreams. Therefore, it is desirable to remember everything that dreamed to the slightest details. The plot of dreams with a large share of probability will be embodied in real life.

Guy in the dreams

Some predictions of dream books:

  • If the image of a man is very bright, clear, you can remember it in the smallest detail, it means that in real life this person is experiencing strong feelings for you.
  • If in a dream you spend time together: kissing, hugging, walking or making love, then all the same thing happens in real life.


On Saturday, a great influence of Saturn is a planet with an incredibly powerful negative energy. Therefore, you can dreamed something very negative, strange, even frightening.

But do not get upset: Nightmalls are only a projection of your fears, experienced negative emotions that the subconscious is trying to free up through sleep.

Therefore, the Sabbath dreams do not come true, they only help to understand that some internal barriers prevent you from building a relationship. In real life with a dreaming guy, everything can be folded pretty good.


If a person dreamed of you on Sunday, then you will soon meet him in real life. Some dreams also provide other predictions:

  • A dreaming guy very soon reminds itself in real life: will call, write or invite a date.
  • If in a dream he offended you or did something bad, in real life it is worth waiting for a gift or a pleasant surprise.
  • Remember everything he spoke in a dream - perhaps something like that hear soon.

Check the video on the topic:

Value of dreams by day of week

You can express your dreams and without the help of dreams. To do this, use the simple rules:

  1. Feathered dreams will shoot on Mondays, Thursdays. On Sunday can come true, but only if they were bright and positive.
  2. Time dreams reflect experienced by emotion day. This is a projection of your thoughts, problems and feelings in the subconscious.
  3. Dreams on Wednesday - empty, you should not give it any value.
  4. Friday - Time when dreams can tell something about the coming events in a personal life.
  5. Thursday dreams will help get advice on how you need to act further. The subconscious will tell me the answer to solve some significant problem.
  6. If you have slept in the afternoon, the dreams to interpret meaninglessly. They will not be predicted.
  7. Saturday dreams are not particularly significant. It is worth deciphering them only if they dreamed in the morning.
  8. If you woke up at night and remembered your dream, it's worth remembering it. With a lot of probability, it will come true.

The dream is not always worth understanding literally. Sometimes a message encrypted in a night vision carries a hidden meaning, which is important to understand. Analyze not only specific images, but also your emotions, feelings. Try to listen to yourself, and then you will understand why these pictures arose in your subconscious.

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