Learn all the secrets of successful visualization desires


All people have some desires. And we all want to see our desires fulfilled in life, with ideally, even as soon as possible. But not everyone is aware of the fact that very often the reason of non-fulfillment of desires lies within us - namely that we do not know how to properly formulate them and send out into the universe. To understand the art of visualization of desires and understand how to properly visualize, you will want to read this material.

learning correct visualization desires

What is a visualization

Visualization is a process of creating the human imagination desired images. Visualization is one of the most powerful and at the same time the simplest in design tools to achieve the goal. It does not take a lot of energy and time resources, allowing to achieve at the same astonishing results with proper implementation.

Secrets successful visualization

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Using the following tips, you will understand how to render correctly in order to attract into your life the desired objects, people, things - in short, everything that the only wish your soul.

Rule one. Correct wording

The more correctly you formulate your desire, the quicker it will hear the universe, and the more it begins to be implemented. If you set a very vague and non-specific goals, the chances that they will be fulfilled, come to naught.

It is important for you to know as much as possible for themselves exactly what you want to get right now. Therefore, right now, without delay, begin to formulate what you wish. At the same time, observe the following rules:

  • desires should only relate to the present time;
  • they should be deprived of the negatives and the words "I want";
  • it is important that the desire was as specific as possible.

You can act in the following example: "I get as a gift a gold bracelet."

The word "receive" refers to the present time (not necessarily in the past). And the word "gold" specifies the maximum your goal. That is, you give the universe to understand that you need not jewelry, not the product of silver, namely, gold decoration.

Second Rule. "Visualize the end result"

You will need complete focus on the final result, that is, at that time interval, when your desire has already embodied in life, you have achieved the goal, were able to embody our dream in life.

Try not to dwell on how your dream fulfillment occurs. It is not for nothing in vain that the paths of the Lord are non-defined, and the universe is full of different goods and wealth. And she knows better how it will be better for you, even if you have a completely different opinion. Do not strive to limit the universe, making an emphasis only in one way of fulfilling your dream.

And fixing your attention on how the event has already been fulfilled, you automatically activate the law of attraction that begins to attract our lives what we are concentrated in this moment.

Visualize the end result

Rule third. Need to be dive into the situation itself, and not to be on the surface

Another rule of successful visualization is a complete immersion in the situation. To do this, you must put yourself on the internal screen of the created image. Then you will turn from the outside observer directly to the participant of the situation.

Remember that you should not be a viewer, but play a major role in your "work". The effect will increase many times if you experience all your emotions as if they have already happened in reality.

For example, your desire may sound as follows: "I have an ideal figure" (if your desire is associated with a deliverance from excess weight). Then mental you need to see your body without any visible flaws. Imagine how you, for example, acquire beautiful clothes for several sizes less than wearing today.

Rule fourth. "The video has a great power than the picture"

There is a division of imaginary thinking in the photo and video. This means that you can see the final result or as a stable picture, or as a video. It has been proven that the picture is weaker than the action of the video.

Therefore, your task will be a small video in your head, in which your dream has already turned into reality. Think of your goal as what has already been achieved. How will you behave at that moment? Do you feel the explosion of positive emotions around yourself, will you shout from satisfaction or act somehow otherwise?

Here you can not modest and show your fantasy for the full program. To this end, being in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere, think about your dream, about its implementation. What will you do when it go? Where will you be? Will you be alone or in a company of anyone? Who are you primarily sharing with joyful news? Be sure to add all your actions into an imaginary video regarding the implementation of your innermost desire.

Rule fifth. "Enter all your feelings"

In order for the desire to become a reality, you will need a certain amount of energy. Now it is no longer a secret that everything around formed by energy, including the desire of a person. And if you want yours so that your mental dream is embodied in physical reality, you will need to spend a certain amount of energy. If differently - it will be a kind of energy fee for the implementation of the desired one.

Nothing in power to cope with the increase in energy as emotions. It is the emotions that are the most powerful catalyst activating the process of realizing a dream. Therefore, when you visualize your desires, you need to include emotions to full. Imagine that you have already achieved the goal, achieved the incarnation of your dreams to life! And this is a reason to include fun, start rejoice, having fun, sing, dance - in general, enjoy life to the maximum.

Try to experience all kinds of positive emotions. To do this, you will need to connect all the senses. In case your goal refers to the category of material, inhibit her in your video. If you can smell it, do it. Consider it in the smallest detail. Add sound to your video, let it be as realistic and as much as possible with your daily reality.

Visualize the sea of ​​positive emotions

With this situation, you simply cannot hold back your emotions, and you will not need to provoke them with an artificial way. When your video is filled with positive emotions caused by the implementation of your desire, you can significantly advance in the approximation of the desired instant.

Rule sixth. "Repetition - the key to success"

If you are resorted to visualization just a few times, you can hardly achieve success. The process of visualization of the desired is a useful habit that must be purchased or developed. And in order to develop a habit, as you know, it is necessary to repeat the same actions to repeat the same action.

Interesting fact. Any actions that are repeated from twenty-one to forty times are automatically transformed into a habit.

Therefore, if you dream about something to be implemented in your life, you will need to take my dream to regularly visualize your dream. For this purpose, it is necessary to constantly scroll into the head of the video as often as possible during the day. At least twice a day: Once - in the morning and one more time - in the evening.

At the same time, the morning is the most suitable time for practice. After all, at this time, the person is filled with energy, emotions and vital power. In the evening, we already waste most of our forces, but before the direct departure to SNA, the disclosure of our subconscious occurs, and you can easily lay the invented story in it, as your dream has become a reality.

Resort to visualization as often as possible by day, every time you will have a free moment. And, of course, do not forget that the more difficult and unrealistic will your goal be, the more repetition you have to do to achieve it.

The eighth rule. "Hook for consciousness"

Every time you need to activate the visualization, create a special beacon for yourself for your consciousness. To this end, in the subconscious, it is necessary to fix any frame from the Mine Minko. Let this stop frame differ in particular brightness and is well cut into memory. You can even somehow call it for more convenience. When each convenient case is given, it will be necessary to call this frame in the subconscious, it will start automatically run "vision".

And as a separate picture, such anchor will help you to deduct from what is happening around you and find yourself in a positive mood. The process will work in this way: you remember about an anchor-beacon, as a result of this, the process of automatic visualization begins, positive emotions are distinguished, your mood is improved, and according to the result, you still approach your dream!

Now you know how to properly visualize your desires so that they are actually as early as possible. We wish you success in this hard matter, and also suggest to see the interesting and useful video on this topic:

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