Holotropic Breath - Basics and For what use


Holotropic breathing is a psychotherapeutic method of healing of negative injuries and installations, which was widespread in official and alternative medicine. Let's talk about how to master the technique of holotropic breathing yourself.


The technique of a holotropic breathing is easy to learn, but there are some nuances that are important about knowing if you plan to practice it at home.

Holotropic breathing at home

Important moments:

  1. In order to enter the right state, you need to breathe correctly. Very deep, intense, with minimal pauses between inhams and exhalations.
  2. Holotropic breathing can introduce a person in trance, so it is undesirable to practice it alone. Next to you should be an observer who will help in time and without consequences to get out of the state of deep immersion in the unconscious.
  3. In the process of holotropic respiration there may be many unusual and even frightening reactions in the body: cramps, vibration of limbs, sometimes - pain. To this you need to be prepared: thus the negative from the unconscious goes into the body and lives.

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We do not recommend practicing newcomers independently: it is advisable to do this under the supervision of a psychotherapist so that there are no negative consequences. People in their reviews write that the reactions of the body are so frightening that a panic begins. Only a specialist can control the process and properly remove the client from the holotropic trance.

Harm and benefit

Holotropic breathing is a fairly powerful psychotherapeutic practice. Therefore, she has its own contraindications. It is important to take into account to not harm yourself.

Holotropic breathing technique

What is the benefit of the method:

  1. It is considered a safe way to solve psychological problems. Due to the deep immersion in his own unconscious person, the displaced negative emotions fully lives, gives them a way out and get rid of them.
  2. During sessions, a person lives children's injuries and other negative situations are not separately, but a whole block. Therefore, effectively solves a variety of psychological problems.
  3. The subject copes with injuries independently, therefore it does not arise from psychotherapy. When using traditional methods, the patient is often attached to the doctor, it becomes dependent and not learning to solve the problems itself.
  4. In the process of holotropic breathing, a person penetrates the deepest layers of their subconscious. Thanks to this, you can "pull out" from it all that has long been harnessed, get rid of the negative experience gained during life.
  5. Holotropic breathing removes stress, psychological tension is not superficial. The technique helps destroy the root of the problem. This is the same thing that the tree is emerging, and not just cut the leaves from it.
  6. This technique is considered an effective way to solve psychosomatic problems. Therefore, with its help, a patient can be heal from chronic diseases, the reasons for which they lies in the unconscious.
  7. It helps to get rid of dependencies and bad habits easily and without volitional effort. Also, holotropic breathing eliminates chronic fatigue and overwork, returns the patient a sense of calm, peace and harmony.

Some experts adhere to the opinions that the holotropic breathing can harm. Negative consequences for the body can be as follows:

  1. Due to very intense and intermittent breathing, there is a sharp and very powerful emission of carbon dioxide into the body, because of this, a person is tested by vessels and the nerve endings of the brain are eliminated.
  2. For the same reason, dizziness may begin that a person with weak health can cause loss of consciousness.
  3. If a person without special training too often and incorrectly practices a holotropic breathing, it can lead to a brain edema, in rare cases the case ends with a fatal outcome.

Incorrect actions during a session can be tremended with health. Therefore, you must give yourself a complete report on negative consequences if we risked to try the holotropic breathing on their own, without observing the specialist.

Check out the video with the technique of proper holotropic breathing:

What uses a holotropic breathing

This technique is used to work with an unconscious person, allows you to get to the surface and fully live all the displaced negative emotions.

Holotropic breathing

Private applications of holotropic breathing:

  1. Slimming. During the session, a hyperventythy of lungs occurs, the body is actively saturated with oxygen, thanks to which the fat begins to literally burn, and the body is cleaned. Also during the session, the psychological causes of excess weight are eliminated.
  2. Treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, nicotine addiction and television addiction. The holotropic method destroys the psychosomatic causes of any kind of dependencies. A person fully lives a negative experience that could cause the disease. Therefore, successfully overcomes the craving for harmful substances.

Important moments:

  1. The most effective method when working in the group. Group sessions under the guidance of an experimental mentor give the most positive result.
  2. If you do not have the ability to use the services of a specialist, you can practice holotropic breathing and alone. But use it with its variations not to get negative consequences for the body.
  3. It is very important to determine the goal: what problem do you want to solve? The practice "just so" will only bring harm, it is not easy meditation, but a very powerful and deep impact on the human unconscious.
  4. Pick up the appropriate music that is used specifically for entry into the trance state during holotropic breathing.
  5. Do regularly if you want to get the most fast result.

It is strictly impossible to use this technique to people with cardiovascular diseases, pregnant women, epileptics, as well as patients who are restored after surgery.

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