What dreams of the sea in the dreams of Miller, Tsvetkov


What dreams of the sea? Dream interpretation will help us find the right answer to this question.

It symbolizes infinity and greatness. In most cases, such visions are explained positively. The final result will depend on sleep details. How calm was a reservoir, the condition of purity of water in it and its size. Emotions during sleep will also matter.

Interpretation of various dreams

Sunset by the sea

Dream of Astromeridiana

  • The sea is an infinite existence symbol.
  • The storm sea speaks of the need to learn to understand the origins and the causes of their difficulties.
  • Just look at him - to news from distant births.
  • Stand on the shore and watch the touch - all adversity will be held by themselves without your participation.
  • Calm water promises peace of mind, Handra.
  • The limitless sea is a sign of great opportunities in front of you. You can choose any business that you like.
  • Bustling and huge foreshadowing life difficulties. Overcoming them, you will achieve success in life.
  • To see the waves - confirmation of your alarm.
  • If at the same time the water was clean, your ideas will come true. Dirty water speaks of bad premonitions. Perhaps this is to a quarrel with someone.
  • To see his purity from afar - the dreams seeks to leave the bustle and worries that in reality. He wishes calm without unnecessary emotions.


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Sleep with such a scenario symbolizes infinite perspectives.

Children's Dream Interpretation (for children)

The calm sea is to well-being, stormy - to a variety of events, kind and negative.

Women's dream book (for women only)

Slip over its surface together with the beloved promises the implementation of cherished desire.

Gypsy dream book

To see him quiet - to well-being, raging - failures in affairs, sadness and loss.

Interpretation of the sorcerer of Medea

The blue calm sea is dreaming of a complete pacification, the storm - your actions you will create problems.

Family dream book

Admire on the shore of the Quiet Sea foreshadows a quiet life, to see raging - to the troubles in family life and in professional activities.

Erotic dream book

  • Calm on it promises excellent relations with a loved one.
  • Large waves foreshadow temporary separation. The reason for this is jealousy.

Explanation of Esoteric E. Tsvetkov

Walk along its shore - to the news from afar.

Opinion of the psychologist Z. Freud

  • To see him from afar - the dreams currently considers sex inaccessible for himself. He considers this consequence of discontent with his appearance.
  • If the sea at the same time was calm, you need a vacation.
  • To see in him a bathing person promises permission of an important problem.
  • Myself swim - the sign of your great well-being.
  • Attempting to enter the boiling sea foreshadows a passionate intimate night.

Ukrainian dream book

Pure quiet sea dreams of wealth and health.

Dream of the XXI century

  • Slow on it foreshadows the life changes, the road. Speaks about the opportunity to become a rich man.
  • The restless sea dreams of losses. Fall into it - to the danger.

Small Velezov Sonnik

  • A quiet calm sea is a sign of successful affairs, fun and arrived in the business sphere.
  • Large waves foreshadow failures and problems.

Spring dream book

Such a plot dreams of divorce in family life.

Wanderer's dream book (T. Smirnova)

See him calm and beautiful - to the execution of ideas, satisfaction.

French dream book

  • A slightly growing sea is promoting overcoming obstacles.
  • The too calm or storm sea foreshadows the dream of difficulty.
  • Fall into it - to good health or healing for a sick person.


Opinion of the psychologist Miller

I hear the noise of the sea surf - non-abundant dreams and life alone.

Polish dream book V. Kopalinsky

The calm sea dreams of well-being, the storm - to failures.

Persian Dream Dream Hubishi Tiflisi

To see the waves on it predicts experiences and a painful spiritual state.

Intellone dream

The sea without borders promises a complex problem. You will need help close people.

Autumn dream book

To admire his beauty, standing on the shore, - to the search for a loved one.

Summer Dream

Vision of a calm sea - to beautiful weather.

Noble dream book N. Grishina

  • The quiet and serene sea in a dream foreshadows calm and joyful feelings.
  • Stormy sea - to experiences.
  • Fall into it - to an accident.
  • The surf dreams of a peaceful and carefree life.
  • To see a lot of marine foam - to unless dreams.

Interpretation from other sources

  1. Stormy sea in a dream Girls foreshadows a bitterness with a loved one.
  2. Guys such a dream promises sexy splash. The reason for this is a long abstinence.
  3. Full calm is the lack of urgent and important cases. The period of the gray weekdays occurred.
  4. Storm state promises unexpected trouble.
  5. Its dark color foreshadows quarrels in the family.
  6. His blue color promotes victory in the near future. New profitable projects are possible, income growth.
  7. Black and restless of his condition - for business people, a harbinger of the occurrence of an unfavorable period in business.
  8. Azure and clear weather - this is a wedding girl promises in the near future. For students - successful end of the semester.
  9. Water in it was covered with ice - to cooling relations between people in love.
  10. The Cold Sea foreshadows the loss of spiritual intimacy with the beloved, a full break of relationship is possible.
  11. Warm sea in a dream - sign with positive color. Business people this promises success at work, spouses - family happiness.
  12. Seeing it with dirty water - to quarrels and disassembly for a dream. There are problems at work.
  13. With clean and transparent water - to complete well-being in all activities, muddy - a warning that someone is dissatisfied with a dream.
  14. At this time, waves were also risen - wait for trouble from your enemies. In reality, be careful when communicating.
  15. See him drying - to the coming financial problems and trouble at work. Show calm and exposure. Do not panic. You can still establish.
  16. See it at night. If you have calmly in your soul - to the successful completion of important cases.
  17. If such a vision caused you anxiety and fear of something, then small family problems and troubles at work are possible.
  18. To see the tide on the seashore - to profits and financial stability.
  19. Singing symbolizes unexpected cash spending.
  20. A girl to see a beautiful sunset on it foreshadows the proposal of a hand and heart from an unfamiliar guy.


Rest on his shore

  1. Such a rest is the desire for freedom from all duties. Forget all thoughts about work.
  2. Spending time on the beach is explained by the harmony of a dream with the environment.

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