How to read a guy spell for night - white and black rituals


How to read a plot spell on a guy for the night? Love magic refers to the dark witchcraft art, because he subordinates the feelings of another person against his will. Therefore, love rites mainly spend at night - from 12 to three hours. Consider several lovely love spells on the guy.

How to read a conspiracy spell on a guy for the night

Love spell on hair

When midnight occurs, open the window in the room, burn the candle and turn off the light. Pull the hairs and burn candles on fire, reading a plot:

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If there is no burnt balance from the hair, throw the candle into the flame - it must completely burn. The rite is better to do on Friday night on the growing moon. In a month, you can repeat all actions to secure the result.

How to return the love guy

If your relationship with your beloved began to fade, you can try to resume feelings with the help of a magical rite. For this you need three hairs with his combs and five of their own.

At night on the growing moon, stay in the room alone and open the window. Divide the fire in the refractory dishes or the usual cast-iron pan and throw the hair into the flame. At the same time, say so:

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Look at the fire and imagine relationships with your beloved, model your desired future. The brighter you can introduce pictures of love, the faster your desire will be fulfilled.

If you have the opportunity to add ashes from the hair into the food to you young man, spend the next rite. Sostrigit a little hair on your head and burn fire flame with words:

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Hair can be burned in refractory dishes. Sanate and imperceptibly add a guy to the food. If there is a lot of ashes, take a small part - this is enough.

Love love

This spell on the guy needs to be done with his own sperm. For the rite, keep some sperm on a napkin or scarf. Next for the rite will need:

  • photo of a loved one;
  • Your photo;
  • New needle and red thread;
  • red fabric;
  • Red candle (or any).

How to read a plot spell on a guy for the night? At night burn the red candle, turn off the light. Ship the table with a clean cloth and put photos. Place a little sperm of a young man on your photo, and on top of putting his photograph to you. Record photos to the red material and start flashing the perimeter with a needle and thread. Take this way:

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While you are sewing fabric, read a plot. Then make three nodes on the thread, seal them with wax candles and tell me:

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Now you need to put photos for the mattress on which you made love with a young man. Keep a bundle under the mattress constantly. If you need to part with a guy, burst burned on fire.

Love spell on the guy - read by photo

Visigo night by photography

This love spell perform 13 nights in a row, starting from the first days of the growing moon: you must finish reading a conspiracy to full moon (up to 15-16 lunar days). For the rite you will need a photo of a guy, a large church wax candle and a desk mirror. The mirror is bought specifically for the rite, it is impossible to use it in domestic purposes.

At midnight, open the window, they are equipped with all reflecting items - cabinets, windows, etc. Remove the native cross, bring out the icons and sacred books from the room - Prayer, Gospel, Bible. This rite is committed with turning to the forces of darkness, so the church attribute must be removed from the room for all 13 days.

Ship the table with a clean tablecloth, put a wax candle in the candlestick on the contrary - the wick should be at the bottom. Candle must stand in front of you. Behind the candle, put a photo of the guy, and in the photo put the mirror - the image in the picture should be reflected in the mirror. How to read a plot spell on a guy for the night?

Customize the rite and read the conspiracy, looking into the mirror on the photo of the guy - in his eyes. Read 13 times. In order not to get away from the account, you need to either shift 13 matches or hold beads in your hands and sort out. Counting in mind the number of fulfilled times cannot be - it will knock down the rite.

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After reading, cut your hands with your fingers, turn the mirror with a reflection down, the photo is covered with a cloth. It is important that no one can enter the room for 13 days and did not touch the ritual items. When putting the candle and turn the mirror, wash your hands under the crane on the elbow and go to bed.

The next night will repeat all overnight. Light a candle from match, put the mirror and read the conspiracy words. So do 13 nights in a row. In the last night, take the deposit of roads to the intersection of roads - 13 coins and a bottle of good vodka. Vodka needs to open and leave, coins throw right hand through the left shoulder. Coins should be the same dignity - 1, 2, 5 or 10 rubles. When you throw, tell me:

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Special conditions. You need to leave the intersection without regard. Instead of an inverted church candle, you can take a candle of red or black wax. In the last night, the candle should be exhausted to the end, throw the beam at the crossroads. The mirror after the last reading of the conspiracy should be left until the morning, and in the evening wash with cold water and hide.

How to read a conspiracy spell on a guy for the night by photography

Black love spell

This spell is performed with the call of dark forces, so it is necessary to follow protection measures. You need to purchase for a rite:

  • black clothes;
  • a piece of ordinary chalk white color;
  • 4 black or red candles;
  • photograph of the involved;
  • sheet of paper A4;
  • new handle with red ink;
  • new needle or new knife;
  • Matches and dishes for the ashes.

At midnight, open the window, draw the protective circle with chalk. In the center of the circle, put the rug, pen, sheet of paper, a photo of a guy, a needle or knife. You will also need a board on which a sheet of paper will be lying. On the sides of the circle, install 4 candles in the candlesticks - on four sides of the light.

Stand in the circle and burn the candles, starting with the North. It is necessary to light up from one match against a clockwise course. If the match goes out, ignite the new candle from the already burning - the fire should be "one". When lit candles, tell me:

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Then sit on the rug. You need to record the following words on a sheet of paper:

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When you write, you need to represent what you write about. In any available images. You must feel every word, every letter. After that they write a plot:

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Now you need a needle (knife) to pierce your finger on your hand and blood to draw an inverted cross or a pentagram on a sheet. Then you need to set fire to the leaf from the fire of the northern candle and give it to burn - ashes collect in a plate or tray.

Now you need to sneeze the candles with your fingers, but along the clockwise arrow - start with the North. Over each candle say:

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When you hinder the last candle, say "Amen". Now put the remnants of candles into a plate with ashes and take everything to the intersection. Leave at the crossroads as it is. Last ibumpa - a bottle of good vodka. Leaving, throw 13 coins through the left shoulder. Leave without looking back.

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