Erotic dreams - why they can dreamed and what they mean


If you are sure that erotic dreams are only a direct consequence of a shortage of sexual relations in life, then we will probably disappoint you. After all, it turns out that in most cases sex in night dreams has a completely different meaning. What will erotic dreams tell you, find out from this article.

The reason for the appearance of erotic dreams

What can erotic be dreamed

It is immediately necessary to say that the human person is controlling not only consciousness, but also a huge reservoir represented by unconscious desires, motifs and fears. And in the process of falling asleep, consciousness enters into the passive phase, but at the same time the unconscious part remains active and at any time.

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Unconsciously, the part is not least of the laws of logic and quite rarely manifests itself, as a rule, it is not inclined to talk with a person directly. And if she transmits us some messages, it does it in an encrypted form using the characters. For this reason, dreams should not be interpreted literally.

Most of the people got used to the mistake of perceiving everything, seen in dreams, too straight. For example, we saw sex with an unfamiliar person in a dream - it means that it's time, except for her husband, looking for a lover. Or if you catch yourself on the presence of erotic fantasies regarding your ex-husband or boss, it means that in the depths of the soul dream of a stormy night of love with him.

In fact, the situation is not entirely the situation in this way. Therefore, if you figure it out in the main laws and the essence of night dreams, you can easily install their true meaning.

Erotic sleep - what does he sign?

Contrary to the common opinion, the emergence of erotic dreams, especially if they are accompanied by violent climax, says not at all about the beginning of an intimate life, but rather, about the physical readiness of the body to her. So, the body is hormonally ready for discharge and informs this information to your consciousness.

That is why erotic dreams often see pregnant women. It is unlikely that they dream of an intimate intrigue with a neighbor from the lower floor or with a former boyfriend, simply with the help of such dreams, the body of the woman demonstrates their reaction to hormonal changes.

Note! Through dreams, your subconscious mind tries to convey to you some important information that you do not yet aware or may not be able to correctly understand in real life.

Learn the true cause of erotic sleep

In some cases, with the help of erotic nights, the subconsciousness indicates a woman that she was not able to psychologically to work out a relationship with some representative of the opposite sex.

For example, in a dream you can deliver the unearthly pleasure of your work colleague, but this is not at all a sign that you need to deal with him in reality. There is much more likely that option is that there are some kind of inactiveness, some life situation has not been to the end, you still continue to solve an important task. And the brain is constantly engaged in the processing of this information.

This option is also possible that in the night dream man behaves exactly the opposite how he does in real life. For example, a girl who is used to being in bed with a white and fluffy "bunny" suddenly turns into an aggressive and dominant passionate lioness.

If this happened, do not hurry to worry. Most likely, you simply accumulated too much unmanifested aggression inside, which has a very powerful energy potential and trying to break out at least in a dream, if not in real life.

Emotional background

In dreams, the unconscious person communicates with him with the help of symbols, feelings, as well as using emotions and sensations. That is why it is so important, waking up, engage in analyzing night vision and understand what feelings were in it basic.

It often finds out that erotic dreams for sexual satisfaction mask hide completely different feelings - doubts, shame, guilt, anxiety and others. Our unconscious at the same time performs a kind of "scanning" of an event having a connection with the experience, and according to the result, we see it in a dream.

Try to analyze, in what situation in reality you create and for a long time save experienced in a dream feelings. It may be things relating to your loved one, seen in a dream.

For example, you were the erotic scene, in which your beloved participated, but in reality it turns out that the basis of what has seen is not erotic experiences at all, but the problem is in your relationship, which has not been solved for a long time.

Experts of psychoanalysis engaged in the interpretation of dreams always use in their work information about dreams based on feelings and sensations experienced by customers immediately after awakening. They even give the task to their client who wants to explore their own dreams, constantly keep a diary.

The plots of night visions are recorded in it with tested experiences, that is, the "aftertaste" that you have left. After all, dreams can change every night, and feelings are often obsessively repeated, and on them you can learn a lot about yourself and those changes that will not prevent.

In someone else's leather

In the case when in the night dream you "tried out" a male image, it is likely that in ordinary life you often try to go to someone else's territory, love to make important decisions and make other actions that are uncharacteristic for a female start.

in a dream you can change the floor

But there is also the second version of the interpretation of sleep - the girl in a pair is on a leading position and absolutely does not take into account the interests of his man. Then such a dream will help the representative of the beautiful sex understand how her partner feels unpleasantly.

Unsuccessful experience

Survive Fiasco in bed in a dream - a sign that man does not satisfy his intimate life, as well as other spheres of their lives: career position, wages. If at the same time in the dream you felt disappointed, probably you feel that I was mistaken, agreeing on the relationship with this person. You need to take care of a thorough analysis of your life in order to understand that for you now is the main source of negative emotions and how to eliminate it.

Sex with a representative of his sex

Seen dream of having sex with a girl should not be considered at all should be considered as a sign over to discover the same-sex love. Most likely, the unconscious thus simply signals that you do not pay enough attention to yourself: more often attend the beauty salon, indulge yourself with cosmetic procedures and shopping.

Even as an option, you do not get care from your beloved person. Just analyze your sleep with the first and second methods, and you will understand what kind of problem he hides.

Features of erotic cipher dreams

The expert in the field of psychology Natalia Rogacheva offers to familiarize himself with the most common images of erotic dreams in order to properly decipher their nights:

  • They saw in the erotic dream of their former sexual partner - you probably did not complete some cases with him or you still have love and attachment towards him.
  • Sex with no means for you a person acts as an expression of an internal protest of your life.
  • In erotic dream, have you been raped? Thus, your subconscious is trying to demonstrate the desire to throw something (or someone) from his life.
  • Intimate communication with your acquaintance indicates that you impress the personal qualities of this person. You would really like your beloved to be endowed with just such dammes.

Interesting fact! If you sleep on the stomach, then the light goes less air - by analogy with the sexual act. The body can respond to this erotic dream.

  • Public sex: Through this sleep, the body signals that in your life is not all good and you are constantly encountered with discomfort (not necessarily intimate).
  • Sex with a famous person - it is possible that you are secretly dreaming about being famous. And perhaps you see your partner not seductive.
  • A man to see his treason in a dream does not testify to the real treason. But sleep says that, most likely, sex is perceived exclusively as a marital debt. And here the spouse should already be conceived.
  • Sex act ends in some nightmare? This means that inside you having a thirst for revenge on a person who you are forced to obey in real life (for example, your boss).
  • Erotic sleep, in which masturbation is present, will indicate on low self-esteem. Probably your body does not like you and you are not ready to open it for other people.
  • Sleep about incest - perhaps you dislike someone from your relative environment or cramming revenge. However, there may be a second interpretation option: With the help of such an unusual method, you are trying to get help and tenderness from your lover.
  • In a dream, watching a young couple, which makes love: In most cases, such a dream indicates the search for something new in his life.

The interpretation of erotic dreams is a very interesting and fascinating occupation, which, among other things, will also help even better understand his personality and what you may have lacking in reality. Finally, add your knowledge about erotic dreams viewing an interesting thematic video:

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