Love spell for guy - simple rites for independent reading


Love spell on the guy's love can be made independently. To do this, you need to invest in your love in the ritual action. However, the spell may not act if the young man is openly neglecting you. In this case, you will need the help of a knowledgeable specialist to shock such a person. If your thoughts are clean, and the guy shows interest to you, the rituals will come on white magic. Consider some of them.

Love spell for guy at home

Ritual "The Disturbed Heart"

For a magical ritual, you need to prepare a red candle, a new needle (or a wooden wand-toothpick) and a square of white cotton fabric. On Friday, on the growing moon, he burn a red candle on the growing moon, draw a pencil on the material and dripping the wax with a candle, filling the heart. At the same time, read the conspiracy words:

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Love spell for guy - simple rites for independent reading 626_2

You should have a wax heart. Repeat words until you darn all the space wax. When the wax freezes, write the name of a young man with a needle. Then stack a sewing needle or pin, or a wooden wand-toothpick. Wrap your talisman and hide out of the inaccessible place.

It is not necessary to wait for the active manifestations of the senses from the young man - start acting yourself, and he will repay. For a larger effect, put together with the mascot of his photo.

Love spell for a guy in full moon

Determine the lunar calendar when the full moon comes, and draw a news agency rite. A love spell on the love of a guy in full moon has a special force, since at this time the connection of the psyche with otherworldly forces increases. The full moon also symbolizes the combination of two principles, and hence the connection of two hearts.

The ritual must be done at midnight or after sunset. You will need to prepare a few hairless women - they can be found on the shirt in advance. The more hair lines you collect, the better. Hair stores human energy and provide communication at a distance. You will also need to buy on the eve of the rite of a small church candle.

Take a candle in your hands and hold it to be soft. At this time, remember the guy, your meetings, your feelings. When the candle becomes flexible in the hands, press hair into it. Then carefully connect both ends of the candle, representing that form the moon disk, and tell me:

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If you cannot connect the ends of the candle, you can melt them on the fire from the match and connect. Talisman hide, no one should see it.

Love spell on a guy full moon at home

Love spell

Walking a young man can be with water. This rite can only be carried out with a familiar guy, whose love needs to be obtained. Invite you to the young man and send it to conspired water. Water must be prepared as follows. In the evening, before going to bed, dial water into a ceramic / clay tank. Capacity should not be transparent, so the glass glass will not fit.

Capacity with water should stand all night opposite your head - put on the bedside or chair next to you. In the morning, without sinking and not combing, recover water in a plate. Mizinyz right hand Write on the water the name of the being used, slightly touching the surface. Next, you need a love spell on love guy read in a whisper so that the breath concerns the water:

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Now you need to add this driver during the day in drinking and drinking a young man. You can do this in different ways, for example, freeze as a ice cube and add to the alcohol. If this option is not available, you can dial water into a syringe and imperceptibly sprayed the top of the guy. If there are fruit on the table, you can add a driver from a syringe to fruit. There are many ways, find the most acceptable.

Remember that the next day the conspiracy will lose force, with the exception of frozen in cubes. If you fail to hold a rite in the scheduled day, just freeze the water in the freezer.

Ritual with matches

The next light love spell on love guy read at home is needed on Friday night. For magical action, only the boxes of matches will be required, but not the one that is in the house. You need to buy matches on Friday in the morning, and do not take the surrender - just leave fast from the store of the store, saying nothing.

In the evening, burn the usual candle and turn off the light. Take matches from the box and set up. When the match will burn, say:

Love spell for guy - simple rites for independent reading 626_6

No matter how many matches in the box, they all need to burn. Invest in words the power of your love, passion and desire. When you get the last match from the box, tell me:

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Now collect the burned matches in paper towers and wear exactly three days on your body. Then scat out the coal under the threshold of the lover house either in the place where he often happens. The ritual will enter into force when the young man will cross through the coal.

Rite with church candles

This love spell for love guy needs to read 40 days. He is performed either after a quarrel with a young man or after a negative impact on your pair. If someone attracted the magical forces to embroil you, the rite will remove the impact.

Buy on the eve of 40 church consecrated candles, read "our father" for each candle. When you read, hold the candle close to the lips so that the wax absorbed the words. Now take all the candles into the right hand and set fire from the flame of the ordinary candle. When the candles flare up with flame, tell me:

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Now you will need to put the candles, but not breathing. You can turn them into a pre-prepared bowl with salt or sand. It is important that they went out. Now wrap them in the bag and hide. On the growing moon, take out one candle every day and burn to the end. Candles need to be attached to the saucer, so that at the end of the rite gathered melted wax.

It is not necessary to present when combustion of candles, you don't need to say any words. However, it is advisable to burn candles at the same time. When the last candle burns, assemble the wax with a saucer and scream under the fruit tree. It can be an apple tree, cherry, plum, pear, nut - any tree bringing fruit. Alternatively, you can bury under the lamp or pine.

love spell on guy love read on twisted candles

Eternal spell

If you wish to connect fate with a young man, make a magic ritual to connect the fate. This rite will not only connect you together, but also cleanse from induced negative. So, what to read and how to make a love spell on love guy at home? For the rite you need to buy church candles:

  • Two pieces in Women's Day (Wednesday, Saturday, Friday);
  • Two pieces in the male day (other days, except Sunday).

Coming from buying should be left in the church in the donation box. In a male day, you need to light one candle in front of the gentlemen of the Lord (not a crucifix!), And the second - in front of the formation of the Virgin Mary in the Women's Day. The two remaining candles should be brought home. Also in both days you need to dial the holy water in different containers - not to mix.

As a result, you must have the following items:

  • Candle taken in women's day;
  • Candle taken in a male day;
  • Holy water in a separate vessel, taken in the women's day;
  • Holy water in a separate vessel, taken in a male day.

Remember that all actions need to be carried out on a growing moon.

Houses of the male and female candle together, warming the wax in the hand, and tell me:

Love spell for guy - simple rites for independent reading 626_10

Now put a twist into a glass with a threatening salt and set fire from the match. A twist must be exhausted to the end. If there is no Thurspen Salt, buy a new pack of salt for the rite - you can not use home salt.

Next, you need to mix holy water, merge it into one container and say the above text of the conspiracy. Drink the sip of the holy water and pour into your hand. Omoot face and tell me:

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At the end, cross and say "Amen." Now you need to add a little holy water in drinking your beloved person - not necessarily pouring a whole glass, sufficiently spoons. The rite is completed.

Special conditions for holding a rite. Before the ritual action you need to clean yourself (take a shower) and the room. Wash the floors, wipe the dust, ventilate the room, litigate the church candle (the other) and fool the space incense. You have to stand the icons of the Virgin and Jesus Christ. Before the rite you need to read prayers for icons to tune in to the rite.

Love spell on Maslenitsa

How is a love spell on a guy's love at home to read on Carnival? Prepare a pancake dough and read a plot on it:

Love spell for guy - simple rites for independent reading 626_12

Bake pancakes and every pancake, too, read the plot. Now you need to treat these pancakes guy. The more you will eat pancakes, the stronger will love.

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