What dreams of Freud, Miller, Tsvetkov dreams


Many people do not part with sports shoes even in the summer season. This is not explained not just convenience, but rather, the style of life, the expression of its own personality. What dreams of sneakers will learn in proven dreams.

General interpretation

Sneakers in a dream is a symbol of movement, speakers, drive, positive energy, health. Since antiquity, shoes could afford only rich, free people. Slave went bare. So, this is also the main symbol of freedom.

Positive moments in life are waiting for a dream if the shoes in the dream were expensive, beautiful, well-groomed, and you were comfortable in them. This is a sign that perhaps you are awaiting events related to moving, with a change in work, a place of residence. In any case, sleeping awaits moving forward, to new heights and victories.

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Bright sneakers

Negative interpretation expects those who have seen dirty, stop-iron or ripped sneakers. So, it is worth expecting and prepare for a series of troubles that will make instability and discomfort in the life of a dream. Wearing children's shoes in a dream - to be infantile or get into a situation that does not correspond to the age and position of sleeping.

Author dreams

Sigmund Freud

All shoes, including sports, is the embodiment of a female start, as well as the female genital organs. Leg In this case, a phallic symbol. Leg in shoes - a sign of a man and a woman. If the sneakers are fit to you, in reality, you experience complete satisfaction from sex with your beloved.

Feel that the sneakers are great to you - doubt your own attractiveness, sexuality. You are moving insecurity, fear and fear of intimacy. The shoes will be tuned and rubs in a dream - it means that your relationship with a partner has become a burden, torment and torture. But you do not even be decided to put a point in the relationship in the hope that you can still change the situation.

A woman had dreamed of poking the sneakers - a sign that the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy, which she very fears. Male to detect a nail in the sole - not to receive pleasure from intimate intimacy. Fight in the mud - there is a risk of becoming infected with venereal diseases. Security measures should be strengthened and carry out sexual contacts with stable constancy with one partner.

Blue sneakers

Long look after sporting boots in the store means seriously approaching the choice of satellite life. You are not interested in frivolous, disposable sexual contacts. Feelings and reciprocity are important for you. Wipe sneakers in a dream - to be satisfied with the intimate sphere of life. You are fully satisfied with the partner, and you are not looking for communication on the side.

The man dreamed of how quickly jumbles into the sneakers, without launching them, - needs quick sexual discharge. In this case, sex is perceived as an attempt to get rid of everyday tensions, stress, emotional discomfort.

For a woman, such a vision reflects her unwillingness of close connections with men. The dream is accustomed to self-satisfaction and masturbation. The reason for indifference to the male semi may be desire to dominate and manage the situation in bed.

Those who have long been married, diverted old sneakers in a dream - a hint that the couple cooled to each other and she needs a pause in family relationships. It is not surprising if at the same time will dreamed of buying many new couples in a shoe boutique - it means you have long been looking for new sensations and emotions.

Miller's dense

Beautiful, dear sneakers will dream of great profits and new achievements. Running and feel comfort, freedom and ease of dream - it means to believe in the infinity of your capabilities, increase self-esteem and put the grand goals. Your ambitions and factories may affect the position of competitors. They will search for ways of cooperation and partnership with a strong opponent in your face.

White running shoes

To drink the legs of the mud during the morning jogging - a sign that you have in the team there are people who are ready to beta at any time. It was possible to quickly clean the boots - get rid of traitors in the traitors in the close circle and avoid major troubles.

Choose, try on and buying new accessories and footwear for sports - to prepare a large project that will be promising the basis of the future source of income. The more carefully approach to the details, the more carefully you will treat all the nuances of the new business.

They dreamed of their sneakers on another person - a bad omen for those who are in love and confident in reciprocity. Your partner will greatly let you down and disappoint, showing your indifference and coldness. The earlier get rid of this connection, the less experience suffering and pain.

Career growth and wages promises a dream where you exercise and laugh a new pair. A man is promulit a successful takeoff in the business sphere, a woman also new victories on the Love Front.

Losing a favorite pair of shoes in a dream - in reality threatens with loneliness or parting with a loved one. The reason for such a trouble may be not only a rival, but also personal misunderstanding each other. Perhaps you hurried with a divorce and a certain inaccessibility remained in the relationship.

They dreamed of sneakers that are less on the size and bring discomfort - it says about your excessive self-confidence and eagerness in making serious solutions. It takes more influence and seriousness in urgent issues, otherwise the opinion of others will be about you as a very near and empty person.

Forgot to lace up sneakers and fell - sleep indicates your abutation and inattention, which is extremely negatively affects career prospects and income growth. At the same time there may be ridicule and reigning of your actions from colleagues and leadership.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

Dear, branded sneakers in a dream - a symbol of respectability, self-sufficiency and success. Running in such a shoe in an unknown direction means to feel craving for traveling, to overcoming new obstacles.

For a dream, such a plot promises in the near future a high degree of collens, confidence in his power, optimism. You are at the peak of your performance, activity. Health will blame energy, and therefore, you need to act for the benefit of future prosperity and well-being.

Remove and throw off the boots that left corn on the legs, it means to move away from an unwanted environment. It contributed to the appearance of bad habits and destructures. It hovers the sole in a dream - we can get into trouble with those who sincerely trust.

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