What dreams of the crab in the dreams of Miller, Freud, Ezoppa


Crab is one of the warlike crustaceans. He knows how to go back quickly, and in case of danger - to defend himself. What dreams of the crab will find out in proven dreams.

General interpretation

Crab is a very multifaceted symbol, carrying both positive and negative symbolism. Its strong shell, which will protect in difficult minutes, marks perseverance and endurance. This means that the dream response will endure all the difficulties, adversity, it is self-sufficient, and its ambitions can only be envied. If necessary, go across in order to achieve a profitable position for itself. The claws of this crustacean reflect the sling of the sleeping, the ability to stand up for itself or easy to get away from the situation.

Bright crab

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This hermit in a dream - in reality often reflects the nature of the dream. Such people love loneliness, unpretentious in the lifestyle, absolutely calmly relate to luxury, wealth, do not seek to satisfy their mercantile interests. If they live in prosperity, they are not scattered with money, as they are for their success - heavy work, sleepless nights, stress, making serious and risky decisions.

The ancient peoples of the crab considered the divine being giving protection and support from the Higher Forces. Heating in the sun Helf in dreams marks the favor of fate, serenity, calm and confidence. Dreamed Cracking with raised Up Cles - expect a difficult situation in which you have to show yourself, to show what you are capable of critical moments of life. Good chance to open your inner potential, show your business grip, experience and intuition of a business strategist.

Aggressively tuned crab with open cushions in dreams - a symbol of combat lave. This suggests that you are full of decisiveness and are able to achieve the result, even if you have to cross something. In this case, you can break your principles and looks for life, just to achieve the goal.

In some interpretations, the crab symbolizes the retrograde movement of the sun. This suggests that such a symbol easily supports dishonest, unreliable people. Changes, uplovers, traders stolen and other evil spirits can take this sign as an amulet. For honest people to see in a dream of a passerby with a tattoo in the form of a crab - a sign of danger. It is probability to get into the hands of fraudsters and robbers.

In the Christian religion, Crab has a very positive interpretation. He is a sign of revival, purification, enlightenment. It's all because of the ability to drop the old shell to find a new one. In a dream, this means that you have reached a new path of your development, trying to correct old errors and attract a new creative future to yourself.

In the Chinese traditions of the crab, it is customary to associate with a deception, trim, some kind of inactiveness or cunning. And all thanks to impulsive, unpredictable flux. In the eastern peoples, this case is considered an elder of time, as it personifies a decreasing moon. Such a plot in a dream can hint on the fact that you spend time on small, empty troubles that are unable to bring pleasure and material wealth.

Crab on the bank

A woman in a dream to frighten the crab claws - to expect a difficult period in life when you have to prove my worth, the ability to keep and solve your problems yourself. In love with such a dream carries a difficult period of addiction and happiness to each other, during whose period is possible, misunderstanding, insults and tears are possible.

Author dreams

Sigmund Freud

The fabric crab in a dream marks the dreams of a dream. So you are concerned about the intimate sphere of your life. The thought of sex with a girl brings fear, embarrassment, timidity and discomfort. Hermit-worked in his sink - in reality it is not anyone else, as a sleeping, trying to solve his intimate problems with the complete abstinence and lack of sexual relations. To start perceiving yourself more objectively, believe in your own male sexuality, you need communication with a more experienced representative of the opposite sex. She will quickly relieve you from imaginary sexual impotence and inoperability.

Casting crab meat - Sleep is a romantic acquaintance with an excellent special, which will not have to persuade and decline in intimate intimacy. A date promises to be hot and memorable, but do not count on the continuation of this connection.

He dreamed a huge, immobile crab - this reflects your laziness and inertness in bed. For you, the problem is to find a regular partner, as you do not like to share positive sexual energy, please give pleasure, satisfy fantasies of the second half. Learn not to be a constant consumer in sexual contact.

Big Krabik

Miller's dense

Crab in a dream carries a negative interpretation associated with a series of problems, turmoil, difficulties in various spheres of life. The hermit, leaving his sink in search of a new, reflects the situation of those who are in search of a new job, place of residence or going to move to another country. This is a difficult period when you will experience a feeling of insecurity, uncertainty. But this time will soon end, you will be able to firmly stand up and find financial independence. It will not contribute to this not fortune, but your willpower, a serious approach to life, patientity and durability.

The girl dreamed like Krabik climbs into a beautiful sink, - a good sign. This foreshadows the change of your family status. You will find a spouse, and with it a new, comfortable accommodation. There are many cases associated with the establishment of life, arrangement and giving the coziness to the family nest.

Poet Ezop.

Ensures crab with laziness, slowness, infantality, stubbornness and closedness. For a woman to see in a dream of a crab on the shore - it means to meet a person who will not be at all suitable for your temperament. Your active life position will annoy such a partner. It is not worth spending time to change someone's character and lifestyle. This only adversely affects you.

The hermit was hardened, who knew the shore to the shore, - will take care of the work that you absolutely do not forces. Such burden of responsibility and responsibilities can negatively affect not only your stress resistance, but input is inventory. Certain with the situation may not reject help and support for loved ones.

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