What dreams of the dreams of Freud, erotic


If such a dream sees pregnant, it can be understood, because this woman is probably thinking about the obstetrices and rhodes. But what dreams of a similar situation with a young girl, a lady at age or at all a man who seems to give birth to a girlfriend, sister, and then herself? What kind of sign is the delivery of the dream book - positive or negative?

General interpretation of this amazing sleep

There is a popular belief that says: if a woman sees the appearance of a baby in a dream, it means that she was tried to get pregnant and become a mother. However, most interpreters do not quite agree with such an opinion. And that's what they write ...

In childbirth

Who exactly did you give life in a dream?

  • Girl. You will soon please something good. Let's say if you gave birth in the maternity hospital of the maternity hospital, you can confess in love, and if everything happened at home (on the bed or in the bathroom), sleep says: you will spend a lot of time with your loved one.
  • It was a house, but not yours: a loved one will give you something expensive.
  • What is the dream of "under the old", on the haymaker: If you quarreled with the object of your love, he (or she) will come back to you soon.
  • Baby found himself with diagonal eyes - nor give a Japanese? So weekend you will spend the Rhythm in the "Chumachche".
  • The newborn was with dark skin, that is, a black woman? The dream promises you a pleasant journey.
  • Baby wrapped in a blanket? This means: love will enter your life or at least strong sympathy. Was it a diaper? They will answer your feeling.
  • See childbirth without problems and pain: You will be invited to a party or a family holiday. And if at the time of the action your spouse was present, you will choose the sea, and especially without planning a trip.
  • The baby was haired: wait for the wedding. Volosters were blonde? Colleagues will have attention to you.
  • Large girl - you suddenly meet a person who are not waiting to see.
  • Boy. Such a dream warns: the authorities will cause you to the "carpet". If the baby was silent, you won, if I shouted all the time, get the "stick".
  • Birth went smoothly, without pain: You are satisfied with your life. On the contrary, did you feel strong discomfort, pain? Sleep means that you dream to change your life. If the childbirth was protracted, almost on the verge of life and death, get ready for a serious dialogue with relatives.
  • You gave birth at home: quarrel with your spouse (boyfriend); In the car - will come to see In another type of transport (aircraft, train) is to small problems.
  • Who took childbirth? Male: You will send you on a business trip, and it will be severe or problematic. Woman: You will gain a new goal.
  • You fed my son after childbirth: you will have a new muse. You watched in his face, in the eyes: Your dream will come true.
  • In a dream, you were disappointed with the appearance of the Son: Your colleagues will be treated with it cold.

Was it a twin?

  • Birth in a dream, which ended with the appearance of twins or twins, they say: you will forced to nurse a nonsense child (children).
  • Healthy children will dream of harmony in the shower. Painful, premature: to the difficulties that you can overcome.
  • These were boys: you will go to another job. Girls: You will be tightly standing on the legs in the material plan. Girl and boy: You are good "pull out" in nature.
  • Quick, instant childbirth twins: Your family life (or love relationship) has moved to a new level. And on the contrary, the protracted labor says: soon you will feel a strong relief.
  • You have seen blood, and many: you will come to your parents.
  • You gave birth in proud loneliness: think well any of your decision. No, have you been surrounded by people (relatives, doctors)? Agree to all that will offer you the boss.

You did not give birth, just attended?

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Pain in front of childbirth

  • Who gave birth? Stranger: Favorite will suspiciously refer to any of your act (Word). Your friend: In Real, she envies you, and there is something for. Many women and you helped them: you fall in love unrequited; You just looked at it: friends criticize you. Your sister: You lose money (in the literal or figurative sense).
  • The feminine abandoned the baby: your life will change dramatically. You have taken this newborn yourself: you dream that your life becomes brighter.
  • Who was born? Boy: To problems with the boss. Girl: You will work a lot around the house, but it will be a pleasant job.
  • Births were complex: you can get sick. They walked in the bathroom: you would not mind changing something in yourself (outwardly).

The dreams was not a woman, but ...

  • Grandmother. Sleep warn: Check out the therapist. Perhaps he will see some kind of disease of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system.
  • Very young girl. Be careful, getting acquainted and meeting with guys. If you bring it affairs to the status of "Hobbies", that is, tighten several novels at once, you can pay - if not in terms of health, then a ruined reputation.
  • Any dream book "authorship" men interrupts as a manifestation of the duality of the nature of this person. If life will set you before a difficult choice, do not strive in extremes - not well thinking about the choice, you can later regret.

Opinion of famous books

Since childbirth is quite intimate event, many of us are sincerely sure that through such a dream with us says something deeply falling in the subconscious. Therefore, we chose for you quotes from the most frank books. Maybe it is they who know about what even we ourselves do not want to admit yourself?

Dream of Freud.

Guy at childbirth

  1. You took childbirth: sleep warns of a meeting with a man who can later become your ideal partner. He will not look like a prince - but still take a look, you need just like that!
  2. Gave birth to the dreams itself: to pregnancy.
  3. Gave birth to a dream-male: Your adulter can bring unexpected fruits.

Erotic dream book

  1. You have dreamed that you yourself were born on the light: you will learn something new, and perhaps it will force some familiar to blame.
  2. I gave birth someone else: a new person will enter your life. Did you like the baby in a dream? The same emotions will cause this "supreme" person.
  3. The man saw a woman to give birth: to the money and other material benefits that a dream in the "balls" mode.
  4. A man in a dream gave birth himself: Earnings will not let you easily, so rush the sleeves.
  5. The girl gave birth in a dream: it can be married, and they with a guy will make a prosperous wealthy couple.

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