Why the nightmares are shot - private cases and reasons


Why dream nightmares? And what to do if this happens constantly? We will understand the reasons for not the most positive dreams and let's talk about how to deal with them.

What can be useful nightmares

When you wake up in a cold sweat and remember with horror, what happened in your dream, the thought about the benefits of nightmares seems absurd. But in fact, and from such an unpleasant phenomenon you can learn lesson and learn something.

nightmares for what to dream every night

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Any dream is a product of your subconscious. Through sleep, it sends you certain signals that you can learn to read and decipher.

A nightmares are a colossal reboot of the subconscious, the release of negative energy and experiences. Agree, it is much better if the dark side of your personality will manifest itself only in a dream, and not in real life.

What else can horror in dreams can be useful:

  1. Your subconsciously signals: there is a problem. In real life, you can not notice it or not to attach importance to some important circumstances that may end badly. Try to understand what the brain tells you. Analyze what you need to concentrate attention.
  2. The nervous system is unloaded. All negative, stress, overwork and stress are released from consciousness, turning into nightmares. If bad dreams stop dreaming, all this will come out in real life, bringing you huge damage.
  3. Sometimes terrible dreams - a symbol of completing the current life stage. You have time to move in your development and go further. This is an indication of a turning point, a sign that you need to free the living space from everything that interferes and destroys your personality.

Analyze this information and think about what is trying to tell your subconscious mind with terrible dreams? If you find the reason, nightmares will stop dreaming every night very quickly.

What harm the horrors in a dream

Permanent, repetitive nightmares can also harm. Especially if you are a very emotional person and susceptible.

nightmares to what dreams

The harm of nightmares can be here in the following:

  • Sleep is becoming troubled, you often wake up among the nights. The body does not receive a full-fledged rest due to insomnia, which is why real life suffers.
  • You wake up in a terrible mood, because of what the day everything goes on the courtyard. To avoid this, try not to think about what you dreamed. Will change your thoughts on the positive, do not dwell on the problem.
  • If a person's psyche is loosened, terrible dreams can cause the emergence of fears, phobias, in rare cases - mental illnesses. It is easy to notice in children: the child dreams monster, and the child begins to be afraid to sleep in the dark.

If your nightmares lead to serious negative consequences, it is very important to spit on time and cure their sleep. Contact a psychologist or psychotherapist so as not to suffer even more.

Causes of terrible dreams

So, you understood what nightmares can dream and what consequences they can lead. It remains to deal with the reasons for this phenomenon.

Nightmares why dream

Why the nightmares are shot:

  • In children, the reason is an increased emotional sensitivity. Such a state arises for no accident. The problem lies in family relationships. Creepy Dreams are seen after physical or moral violence (dad beats a belt, mother exercises in basin jokes), divorce parents, problems in the team.
  • If a person lives in a constant state of physical or mental overwork, heavily tired and unable to cope with a bunch of problems, his subconscious will be unloaded from overvoltage in a dream.
  • The prolonged depression can also lead to nightmares. This can also include strong stresses, bright negative emotions that a person is experiencing for a long time. This is a colossal load for the psyche and brain, and dreams solve the problem, freeing the mind from negative.
  • Nightmares will dream after strong emotional shocks: rape, traffic accident, moral bullying. Or, for example, a man witnessed the murder - this event then hesitually pursues him in dreams.

It is worth noting that people with strong psyche horrors do not dream almost never. Therefore, for the prevention of terrible night visions, work with your subconscious, strengthen psycho-emotional state, follow your thoughts. Learn not to respond sharply on negative events occurring in the external world.

Look at the video about why nightmares are shot:

Private cases

The reasons we have considered above are regular nightmares. If a bad dream is a "one-time action", perhaps the impressions of the past day influenced your consciousness and transformed into terrible pictures at night.

For example:

  • You have bothered, you have a high temperature that long does not manage to knock. You fall asleep and see in a dream of a terrible fire dragon.
  • You got tight on the night. As a result, the digestion organs were very strongly loaded, which need to relax, for this brain will twist at nightmares.
  • Sleep in adverse conditions: when the light is on, loud sound, in the room with a stroke air.
  • Late in the evening you experienced some strong emotion: perhaps you were illuminated creative inspiration. Or you tritely squandered with my husband.
  • You moved with alcohol, used narcotic substances, smoked a lot of cigarettes or took the dose of medication more necessary.

To stop nightmarish dreams, try in an hour before sleep is in calm condition, do not overeat and remove gadgets away. Better walk or deal with meditation to relax and prepare consciousness to sleep.

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