How to make a love spell on the hair men


The spell on the hair is one of the most simple magic rites. It helps to influence the subconscious of another person, call it a strong craving for the one who has done a spell. Let's talk about what a spell is what its consequences, as well as share a proven "recipe", how to shock a guy on the hair.

how to make a love spell

What is a spell?

A love spell is a means of love magic that helps cause an emotional and physical attraction in humans. The methods of love spend there are plenty - from reading conspiracies before making love potions.

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It is worth noting that the sense of love love does not cause - it is too clean, strong attachment that can only be formed consciously. From the love you can only expect:

  • Strong sexual attraction - you will become incredibly attractive for an awesome, he will not be able to watch anyone else.
  • Emotional dependence, strong craving for you, akin to the drug addict.

Love spell is a pretty serious thing, so it is worth thinking well before you decide on this step. It harms the soul not only a girl who will produce magical manipulations, but also its wary chosen one.

How to make a love spell on your hair?

This type of attitude is very powerful - the incredible energy of the person is enclosed in the hair, which wears them. This is a whole accumulation of energy that can be sent to the right direction.


The most effective will be a spell:

  • Made to new moon. This is the most favorable period, because the lunar energy is directed to the creation, the creation of something new.
  • Pre-cook the hair does not have to - it is better to use locks, cut just before the ritual. They are most of all energy, and therefore the spell will be more powerful.
  • Since your hair does not need, but a chosen one, try to cut them down as immensely for him to avoid unnecessary questions.

And what if a man is bald or hair on his head too short? In this case, it is better to use other options for love spells. But you can try to "get" hair from his body - for example, with a chest. We do not imagine what efforts it can cost you, but try to risk.

What will required for love spell?

To conduct a magic rite for all the rules, prepare everything you need in advance:
  • chosen hair.
  • Matchbox or a small plastic bag - it will need to hold the hair in order to keep the information and store energy.
  • Candle. Better to use the Church wax candles, as the wax - a "living" material with sufficiently strong energy, in contrast to the artificial wax.

Also, you need to learn in advance the text of the plot, so that during a magical ritual, you could say it smoothly, properly and without the slightest hesitation.

How to spell?

Select the appropriate time at which you are ready to perform all the necessary magical manipulation. Better if it will be a night of the new moon. You will need to make the following:

  • Braid your hair in a braid, with her curls spell can not be done. If the girl has short hair, it is better to stab clips or bobby pins.
  • Stand at an open window so you can see the moon. Light the candle and put the church on the windowsill. You can use a table set near a window.
  • From candles ignite in turn three hairs of your chosen one who is going to bewitch.

spell on the hair

During the ritual burning of the read plot:

"How my hair is tied, and my life with the life of God's servant (a name chosen) are woven together. Now the servant of God (name chosen) without me, the servants of God (your name), or eat or drink can not, and during all his works constantly remembering me will. Amen!"

The plot must be read three times. And be sure to mentally imagine her lover as if he was standing right in front of you.

Advice: before performing a love spell, you must also be full of energy, with a positive. Do not do the ritual in a state of irritation, anger - just hurt yourself, but results will not achieve. Therefore, spend the day before the ceremony the most rich and fun - treat yourself, please be positive.

All items used for the love spell, remove to a secluded place where no one will find. They need to be stored for as long as the spell did not come into their power. Be patient - will have to wait before you begin to gradually privorozhonny provide you with favors.

The consequences of love spell

That spell - ritual with extremely negative consequences, they know almost everything. But it does not stop unrequited lovers young ladies who do not represent life without the object of his passion. We still tell than this can be dangerous rite, and you think, is it worth doing it.

Watch the video on how to make a love spell on the hair:

To whom charmed

Wreaty men - they seem to be a little in their mind. It begins the conflict of consciousness with the unconscious - it does not want to mentally, and the soul pulls all the fibers. Because of this, a person is unhappy: it can start drinking, to use drugs, becomes dependent from detrimental habits. There were cases that the awesome walked to suicide without controlling themselves.

For someone who brought

A man who is located with a woman is not on his own initiative, sooner or later will take revenge on her. And not specifically - this happens unconsciously. He can become a tyrant, raise your hand on you, steal money from home. It will stop working and starts to live for your account. All his actions will poison your life.

It is noteworthy that such a "revenge" occurs as a result of not only the attitude, but any female initiative and manipulation. Therefore, try not to achieve the man with all the forces, but to choose in satellites of the life of the one who sought your attention. Then the relationship will be happy and painless for both.

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