Nostradamus predictions - how to find out the future


Nostradamus predictions cover several millennia. The priest left behind many prophecies over the years, which tell about the fate of humanity, individual countries and the world as a whole. Let's talk about what the great provider suled us.

Following predictions by year

The most famous prediction of Nostradamus, which made it famous, came true in the life of the priest. He predicted the death of the king during the Knight's tournament. What happened on July 10, 1599 - the Count Mongomery in an honest match killed the king, hitting him with a sharp spear in his eye.

How the prophecy sounded literally:

The first prophecy of Nostradamusa

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This event shook the whole world, and Nostradamus gained fame. His predictions began to trust, although earlier the astrologer was not perceived as a serious provible.

Other commercial prophecies by year:

  • Nostradamus predicted Louis XIV infinite power and sunrise for the throne after the occurrence of 1660, which happened after the death of the Cardinal.
  • Forecast about the destructive London Fire, from which most of the city suffered was suffered. Within three days, firefighters could not cope with fire. This event occurred in 1666.
  • It was possible to predict the birth of a great commander, Napoleon. In prophecies, Nostradamus described it as an embodiment of an antichrist on Earth, a soulless killer and the exterminator of people.
  • In one of the katrenins - a quatrain with prophecies, Nostradamus described the events of 1899, when the court condemned the French officer for false information. The suspect was innocent, it was possible to prove in a few years.
  • Another commercial prophecy - about the birth of Hitler. Nostradamus described the birth of a boy who will rule Germany and lead people. The providers insisted that the Führer would possess the talent of the speaker, which will help him come to power.
  • In one of the katrenings there is a mention of Pope - a person who will fully update the church system and will get a huge power.
  • Nostradamus did not disregard and the creation of nuclear bombs, which can become a source of death for a variety of people. The researchers believe that it was about the tragedy in Japan in the prophecies, when the Americans dropped atomic bombs into cities.
  • The murder of John Kennedy also did not cover the visionary eye. Nostradamus described that an attempt would be committed on the great ruler, and the killer would not work for a long time.
  • The 2011 tragedy with twin tower is also one of the prophecies. This event shook the whole world and once again confirmed that Nostradamus had the gift of foresight.

Predictions for 2018

Nostradamus left behind a huge amount of predictions. He recorded them in the form of katrenoes - quatrain. The words of the Providant are very foggy, and the researchers still guess what a great astrologer tried to say about.

Nostradamus predictions

Examples of prophecies for 2018 and subsequent time that managed to decipher:

  1. The political and economic situation in the world will be extremely unstable. The European Union will lose power, and military battles will begin on the territory of Crimea. This period of time is the beginning of the opposition of large states, which will lead to devastating consequences.
  2. Described Nostradamus and the global economic crisis, which will overtake in the first place to Europe. He believed that the result of this will be the disappearance of Italy and England - this prophecy did not come true. Also, the providers believed that Russia would stand a huge threat to the world community.
  3. There are "cosmic" predictions: in them, Nostradamus described the solar and sexy eclipses, the parade of the planets, warned that the magnetic field of our planet will weaken.

Of particular interest in humans causes the prediction that concerns the end of the world. Nostradamus did not exclude the likelihood of an apocalypse. But he considered this event not as something destructive that would destroy life on the planet. A believed that the end of the world is only a step towards the development of all mankind.

The providers believed that the result of the apocalypse will also be a contact with extraterrestrial civilizations - this event will drastically change the life of absolutely each earthquake.

Check out the video with the prophecies of Nostradamus for 2018:

Other predictions of the future

Prophecies of Nostradamus cover almost all spheres of human life. Its forecasts describe the future of the economy and policies, ecology and the surrounding world as a whole.

Nostradamus predictions literally

What did the most mysterious astrologer of the past

  • He warned: because of the activities of the Planet's people will be dangerous. The deterioration of the environmental situation will cause many natural cataclysms.
  • The global warming is not excluded, which will come due to the harm that people bring an atmosphere. Because of this, in the future, coastal cities and countries can literally go under the water. First of all, Australia, Italy and England will suffer. Threat to the existence of the Asian continent.
  • Because of the economic crisis, the population of Africa will suffer. There will be a "big hunger" time in the future. But China, on the contrary, will reach the heyday and significantly strengthen its position in the global market.
  • Nostradamus was confident that in the future not to avoid bloody war on religious grounds. The aggressors will be countries in which the culture of Islam.
  • The fall in spiritual values ​​and the superiority of material will become a source of many troubles for humanity. If people do not drag, the world will turn into a cruel and unpleasant place.
  • Sooner or later, people will invent a fundamentally new source of energy, thanks to which there will be possible long space travels, contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Only time will show how accurate was the predictions of Michel Nostradamus. It is not known whether researchers of his prophecy have been decrypted correctly. But a big percentage of forecasts of forecasts - the reason to believe that the future will be exactly what a great astrologer has seen him.

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