Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac by date of birth - independent calculation


If you calculate the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac by date of birth, you can understand whether you come with a partner to each other. If the indicator below is the norm, then you will see what weaknesses are in your relationship, and you can solve the problem faster.

The importance of zodiac compatibility

It happens that, despite the huge love, a man and a woman can not get along with each other. If you find a compromise fails, parting is inevitable. But if you analyze the zodiac compatibility of such a pair, then you will probably see that at the time of their birth just "the stars did not come together."

Horoscope compatibility

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What to do if the horoscope compatibility gives such a sad forecast? It is not necessary to part at all - it is better to analyze the problem points of relationships, and fix them. Then the union from a complete quarrel and conflict will gradually turn into a happy and harmonious.

This is the importance of zodiac compatibility.

What is affected by compatibility on the sign of the zodiac and year of birth

The calculation of compatibility is carried out through the canons of astrology and numerology, therefore it is distinguished by almost mathematical accuracy and gives a detailed forecast.

Compatibility of zodiac signs by date of birth

What can you know by calculating:

  1. How similar to your interests are different.
  2. How do you prefer to spend your free time: in noisy companies, alone with the second half or away from the urban fuss, on the lap of nature.
  3. Partner relationships to parents: how much they copy their family and generic programs.
  4. How to influence the natural elements on the character and identity of each in a pair.
  5. Attitude towards friends, colleagues and the world around the world.
  6. Life installations, goals and objectives. If they differ, compatibility will not be perfect. For example, an ambitious and punchy woman will be difficult to get along with calm item without global goals.
  7. Character features: the strengths and weaknesses of the person. Those qualities that are particularly influenced by the relationship.
  8. To obtain an accurate calculation of compatibility, it is advisable to refer to an experienced astrologer or numerologist. The specialist will make a detailed map of relations, will help to analyze it and tell about the most problematic moments.

If there is no such possibility, you can make calculation and independently. About how to calculate compatibility by date of birth, we wrote in this article.

Independent calculation

If everything is quite simple with a numerological calculation - you need to know only the dates of birth, your own and partner, then in astrology everything is much more difficult. You will have to carefully examine the characteristics of each sign and analyze which qualities of partners can conflict with each other.

Compatibility on the sign of the zodiac and year of birth

A brief description of compatible partners for each zodiac sign you will find in this article.

What you need to do to independently analyze how much you come to each other with your loved one:

  • Disposition in the column the most important characteristics of your signs. Record the qualities that directly affect the relationship. For example: the level of emotionally intelligence, life goals, priorities, views and beliefs, temperament, idea of ​​the ideal partner.
  • Then compare the entries in both columns: Highlight those that you have. These are the strengths of the relationship. It is these features that can turn you into real allies.
  • Then analyze sharply opposite qualities. If they are, it is not always bad. For example, the typical softness of women-scale can be balancing unpredictable and sometimes too active felt. But her tendency to long-term decision-making will be annoying sharp, enterprising twin men.

There is no universal algorithm, with which you will define your ideal compatibility. All relationships, like people are individual. And only you can analyze your specific case.

Therefore, turn on logic and try. If it is difficult, use the prompts - find good books of authoritative astrologers, whose opinions can be trusted. Take from these books describing each of the zodiac signs.

Tip: You can check how reliable forecasts you get. To do this, try to calculate the compatibility of any couple familiar to you. It is desirable that their relationships have existed long enough.

Check out the video about the 12 most suitable zodiac unions suitable:

Relationships for analysis

Any astrologer, drawing up its forecast, will definitely be a description of several spheres of relationships. It:

  1. Compatibility in love. How similar is your emotional intelligence. Telling you openly show your feelings or, on the contrary, prefer to hide emotions. This is a very important factor that greatly affects the atmosphere in a pair. For example, temperamental Aries can offend the external coldness of the scales.
  2. Sexual compatibility. The similarity of temperaments is also very important. It is desirable that this indicator has about the partners about the same level, otherwise treason is inevitable.
  3. Wedding compatibility. This factor indicates what the chances of building a happy family and whether to go to the registry office.
  4. Friendship. Also very important in relationships. If the partners are not able to make friends, their feelings will never turn into true love. Physical attraction and bright emotions are not always about love if there is no friendship, feelings sooner or later will be held.
  5. Partnership. As far as people can interact in work and business. Actual for partners who are colleagues or plan to create some kind of common cause.

Analyzing the forecast, be sure to look at how many points you have similarities. It happens that people are ideally compatible only as partners. They are better to build a relationship, but a common business.

But, of course, this calculation is not a sentence for a relationship. Stars can also be mistaken, so you should not part if you are fine in real life, and horrograph is horror. It is better to note the problem of problem moments and work out them to eliminate conflicts in the future.

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