What dreams of a snake man on interpretation of dreams and basic values


Snake in dreams - sign of danger, complex choice and unambiguous male phallic symbol. Women often starve snakes, especially during puberty. These dreams are discussed in detail in the fundamental works of Sigmund Freud "Interpretation of dreams."

Snakes, moving on a thin wall of ice, mean awakening, but fiddled sexual desires. For men, the dreams with snakes are less characteristic. Such a dream may mean anxiety about its sexual function, long-lasting abstinence. A big wise snake or dragon means a male friend, the adviser.

Dreams with sliding, attractive and at the same time repulsive snakes can mean hidden homosexual complexes. Let's try to find out what the snake is a man in leading dreams.

Attacking snake

The main values ​​of the snake in a dream for a man

A single dream with a snake that flashed in the hay bushes in a dream may not mean anything special, except for insignificant danger and call for caution.

The snake of normal sizes in the natural environment always means a call not to relax. This refers to snakes that are engaged in their own affairs. But if you begin to behave wrong, do not doubt, they will leave their classes and can attack.

  • The attacking snake - you lose yourself, your arrogance causes irritation from others.
  • The snake heats up your warmth - you like an unequal partnership in which you consider yourself a leading. Most likely, your partner does not think so, and the actual status of this proof. A little slower and perform simple calculations. It is likely that you will find that you are used.
  • Snake bracelet on hand or leg, snake ring means hidden serious danger. It is quite possible, you are having a danger on your own and tend to trust not those people. We are not talking about constant trust, but about one-time promotions - give your car, borrow keys, give a credit card or allow you to walk with your phone, vouch for a unconscious buddy in the bank.
  • Watch in a dream, like reptile swallows insect - cricket or fly or eats a frog, toad, - you are used as a "donor". Perhaps imperceptibly for themselves you fell under an external influence and cannot make a decision without regard to our "patrons". Perhaps at the moment you are satisfied with the current state of affairs, since your position seems to be protected. This is not the case, with the slightest danger, you will be played out first. Think how you will get out of the guardianship and zone of influence.
  • The snake bite always carries a negative shade and means betrayal or your own negligence.

If the snakes are friendly to you, help you, listen, you feel like a snake lovers, friendly communicate with Vasilsky or a dragon, ride on bat snakes, as in the film Avatar, and are able to tame the largest snake, you lay great hopes for victories in the sex sphere .

Approximately as a Hero Avatar, who managed to achieve a significant position in someone else's society, having enchanting a local princess. These are standard male teenage dreams. The huge size of the serpents means hypercompensation.

Yes, all these snakes and dragons mean the male sexual body that you consider the basis of success. The fact that you have the biggest dragon means exactly what you thought.

Yellow bright snake

Snake color in dreams:

  • White - good luck, wealth.
  • Red, bright - to merry or danger, possibly combining fun and danger.
  • Tropical, carnival - to living interest.
  • Natural, nonsense - be careful and do not play in Tsar Mountain.
  • Black is a serious threat.

Snake on the finger

Values ​​on interpretation of authorities

  • Miller's dream book claims that if you are not fond of herpetology, the snake in your hands can mean a hidden tendency to homosexuality. The reason may be hormonal failure, stress, unusual food. You do not have to follow a secret wishes, if you really do not seek to relationships of this kind.
  • Kill the snake in a dream along Miller means determination, hardness and will to victory.
  • Freud's dream book quite naturally talks about sexuality, readiness for unexpected sexual experiments. Kiss a snake means the possibility of oral sex. Fried in the will of the snake according to Freud mean the possibility of career growth, serious life progress. Snakes in the water will shoot a man to pleasant travel and easy sexual adventure.
  • Wang's dream book promises a meeting with the enemy. The meeting with the Nai Snake promises victory, poisonous reptiles - a sign that it is better not to join and all the advantages are at the opponent.
  • Eastern Dream Interpretation assures that large reptiles are rather harmless and can even perform in the role of friends. It follows the little snakes that mean intrigues and can hire a lot of poison.
  • Tangle snakes may mean a major luck. At the same time, reptiles should be indifferent to a person, in the extreme case, hiss warningly. The second value of the tangle tangle will be stupid gossip that should not be believed and listening to them. Next to you is formed an influential source of infected models, which will create absolutely false information using gossip for its own purposes.

Many snakes


See the snake in a dream for a man - a complex and ambiguous sign. There is nothing wrong to be proud of its sexuality, enjoy teenage dreams about the race on the dragons and the battles of snakes. Such dreams mean that you are ready for the competition, are configured to fight and to win, although they are prone to exaggeration of their capabilities.

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