Features of people will take in pure Thursday before Easter


Folk signs in pure Thursday before Easter will help to know what will bring you next year, how happy he is. We will tell you that you can, but what can not be done in this holiday, how to attract love and financial well-being in 2018.

Folk signs and customs

Believers are necessarily watching the signs that are always come true in pure Thursday. We list the most common.

Folk signs in pure Thursday before Easter

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The list will take:

  • It is impossible to give anything from the house - the request will take away your luck.
  • If at home is dirty, wait quarrels the whole coming year.
  • If you see an unmarried girl on the street, which recalculates money, gain happiness in his personal life. Single people will soon meet their halves, and those who are paired will restore peace and consent to the relationship.
  • Passionate candle bought on this day in the church shop will bring healing from diseases.
  • If you managed to swim, get cleansing from offended and negative emotions.
  • Ask the highest forces of help in love affairs in the morning when you take a shower. The narrowed will appear throughout the year, and you will quickly play a wedding.
  • If the girl squeezed his hair into a pure Thursday, she will get rid of everything bad that was previously in her life. Together with sliced ​​strands will leave the whole negative.
  • Children are especially sensitive in holiday. They must be sweat with water charged with silver on the eve.
  • In pure Thursday, it is desirable not to work, and all free time to spend on cleaning. If there is no possibility to take the day off, at least bring their workplace in perfect order.
  • It is advisable to refrain from sex, alcohol consumption and animal products. Try to shove post.
  • It is impossible to swear, to use faded and obscene words in speech. The whole negative, which you send to the world around us, will return to you during the year in a multiple size.
  • Ritual for unmarried girls: Okat, get a clean towel and go to the nearest church. At the entrance, apply alms or treat them with hand-cooked cakes and eggs.
  • Excellent if you "get closer." Disassemble the grooves in the cabinets, on the antleesoles and the balcony. Take all unnecessary things to the garbage ruthlessly and what you have not used it for a long time. Get rid of broken items or fix them.
  • You can not do needlework: put the knitting needles, hooks and chambers to the end of the passionate week.

Department for money

Pure Thursday is ideal for carrying rituals to attract money. The magic of the holiday is favorable on you, will provide financial well-being for the whole year.

Folk signs in pure Thursday


  1. Fill the bucket with clean water and put a silver coin on the bottom. Leave for the night, and the next day, wash all the windows and mirror surfaces in the house charged by water. This will help attract financial success.
  2. Waking up in the morning and waiting for the moment when the money should be considered (for example, before going to the store), recalculate all bills three times, saying: "I do not translate money." This manipulation will ensure well-being for a whole year.
  3. Read any money conspiracy to the largest bill that you have, to increase existing savings.

And during the next year, do not forget to consider money correctly: do it carefully, treat bills with respect, and they will never translate in your wallet.

What can not be done?

There are things that do in pure Thursday strictly-setting is prohibited. Try and you will refrain from them so as not to bring failures.

What can not be done in pure Thursday

Here is a list of prohibitions:

  • Give me a debt or share with any things from your home. Even if you give a neighbor just a glass of flour, already take the well-being.
  • Pill dirty water in your home. This is relevant for those who live in a private house. It is necessary to go out and find a desert place where you and empty a bucket with water.
  • Mark Easter in disorder and dirt. If you do not make a general cleaning, the whole year in your family will happen quarrels and conflicts.
  • Leave dirty things clumsy in water. Take care to finish washing on time.

There are not much prohibitions, and they are completely simple, so you will probably come to keep them.

Check out the video about the screens of thursday:

What do we have to do?

And the next list with items that it is advisable to make in pure Thursday. Try to plan the time and time everything.

List of actions confined to the holiday:

  • Prepare a threshold black salt. It has a lot of useful properties and "charged" for good luck, health, well-being.
  • Paint eggs and bake delicious cakes, and then taste delicacies in a family circle.
  • Make general cleaning: Flash all good and high quality, look at each coal so that there is no dust left.
  • Wake up to sunrise and clean your face with clean cool water.
  • Visit the temple, pass the rite of communion and confess.
  • If you do all of the above, the day promises to be very saturated, and you will get a huge charge of positive energy per year.

After clean Thursday, a week can not be cleared at home and work in the feet. Therefore, try to postpone the Avral to more favorable time, and this period spend, engaged in things that you bring pleasure.

Cut the time with loved ones, remember your favorite hobby, do creativity, meet friends, find new hobbies and sources of joy. It is also a favorable for self-education and spiritual development.

Remember that the more energy you draw from various sources to a passionate week, the more successful and the happier will be your life for another year, until the next holiday.

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