How to pay on one map for the day on tarot


On the same map of Tarot for a day you can get important information regarding future day. Based on the value of the fallen Arkana, you can learn about some particular event or get barely catchy hint, "Sign over", which you could completely miss if it were not for help to the cards. In this material we will reveal the main features of the execution of the scenario on the tarot day.

fortune telling on tarot 1 card

Rules of fortune telling on one map

In any desalination, it is important for obtaining true results to clearly comply with all its rules. In our case, they will be as follows:
  1. You can pull the map from the deck in the mornings and evenings.
  2. Previously need to ask yourself: "How will my day go?" Or "What do the upcoming day prepare me?", It is done so that the map understands which question it is addressed.
  3. When I got a map of the day, it is important to carefully consider her image, while the feelings arise with you. You can even record them on the leaflet, and then check with traditional interpretation options. And then check in the evening how much the day that happened in the day with the prediction of cards.
  4. In the future, it will be possible to pull out not one arcan, but at once somewhat - for example, one for the morning, one for lunchtime and one more - for the evening. Be sure to compare at the end of the day, all the predicted cards were fully implemented. Only in this way can you gradually work out the correct understanding of Tarot's cards and learn to receive very accurate predictions from them.
  5. Most of the Experts of Magic Tarot agree that novice wizards should not use the turned outward cards, as it is much more difficult to interpret the latter than arcanes in a direct position. But on the other hand, on the turned cards, you can get a full amount of information and learn to use it practically.
  6. The fortune telling on Tarot cards is not just an entertainment, but acts as a grave and hard work for which a large investment of energy will be required. And with the help of the Scenario on Tarot on the map of the day you can prepare for the performance of more complex layouts. Treat Magic Tarot very carefully, do not be afraid to give the card to maximum energy, because only in this case you can count on the disclosure of all the most intimate secrets and mysteries.

Proper fulfillment of fortune telling for the day "What awaits me?" on one map tarot

Even in the very name is easy to understand how fortune-telling occurs. It is very simple, but it does not lose its effectiveness from this.

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For him, you will need to be stockpad of tarot cards, newcomers should be guessing only on 22 senior arcans, which should be mixed in chaotic order and decompose on the table, and then collect. Then from the central part of the deck at random remove any arcane and put it opposite herself.

In case you already have some experience in interaction with Tarot maps, allowed to use the inverted positions of cards. At the same time, the values ​​of the arcanes will change to the opposite, that to some extent will complicate the delivery of the card, because it will need to be extracted from the deck very carefully, in no case to twist in the hands. And then you can be taken for the very interpretation of the result.

What is the senior arkana tarot

Further, we will look at the interpretation of senior arcanes that are suitable for this alignment. The names of the cards are taken from the deck of Raider Wait - the most demanded today.

  • The jester - he will tell about readiness for something new, somewhat naive interest. If you understand that you have to start some lesson today, take it immediately. It is important to be quite curious and perform any tasks with creative enthusiasm.
  • Mag - Map of initiative and responsibility. Perhaps this day will have to act very strongly and confidently, demonstrating all your best features.
  • The supreme priestess is associated with tranquility, observation and inaction. You need to let go of what is happening and fully trusted to the life process. Listen to your inner voice and do not miss important signs that subconsciously sends you.
    Supreme Priestess Taro
  • Empress - tells about new ideas and desire to create. Today will be very fascinating, it is likely that your old dream will become a reality today. All your undertakings will be successful if you follow the will of your inner voice.
  • Emperor - Arkan forces and Energy, and also - good luck and success. Today it is ideal for completing all the previous cases, correcting errors and the execution of the promised. Fate is very favorable to you today, plus you have a sufficient reserve of energy for the realization of everything that was conceived.
  • Supreme Priest - internal meaning card, search for invisible kernel. In the morning, be sure to think about the eternal. It is likely that today you can finally understand the basic laws of being. Today you will see a deep meaning in everything.
  • Lovers - Arkan making decisions, internal voices. This day is ideal for a successful solution to many of the problems that you are disturbing, you should listen more than yourself and your intuition - it will help to find a right answer to all questions.
  • Chariot - the map encourages to start something new. Today is not the time to catch up, and time for active actions. Very much likely that it is today that a new stage will begin in your life, and it is important not to miss this moment.
  • Strength - talks about maximum performance. Today you are filled with energy, the day should be very productive in terms of feelings and events. It is important to send this stream of energy to good goals to overcome all obstacles.
  • Hermit. On this day, it is important to secure a full-fledged rest, and, as well as affairs that do not require special activity. Contemplate the world around.
  • Wheel of Fortune. There is something irreversible. If you feel the approach of inevitable events, do not oppose, and adequately accept them. Remember that everything that is done is for the better.
  • Justice will tell about the awareness and sobriety of thinking. On this day it is necessary to remain as rational as possible. You may have to take an important decision. Based on your former actions, the result or will bring you relief, or, on the contrary, will fall in a grave stone on the soul.
  • Haved - a card of the inner crisis and patience. Today, the delay of your growth is not excluded, but you should not attempt to change the situation by force - simply review your position and make a certain conclusion.
  • Death is a map of completion of anything. Today, for you, most likely something will end. Release what goes, without regrets, even if it is not easy to be given it. In the future, you will definitely feel easier.
    Map Death Taro
  • Moderation - Arkan is responsible for the discovery, finds, creativity. Today will be wonderful and bring you many sudden discoveries. It is possible that today you will get acquainted with a very interesting person. In general, whatever happened today, you will face pleasant changes.
  • The devil is associated with the shadow side, the dark part of the soul. Today you will see your own shadow. It is likely that you will have to change your views on life. Use what is happening to realize your true motivation and it is better to understand yourself.
  • Tower - getting an unexpected gift. On this day there will be something out of a series of outgoing. It may be to receive unexpected news, and maybe the destruction of your expectations. Now the old frames are rushing, do not hold on to them, and get ready for change.
  • Star - today is definitely your day, all your plans and dreams are simply obliged to become success. In addition, new chances and opportunities appear.
  • Moon - Map is associated with overcoming its fears. If on this day in the morning everything will be delivered to you negative emotions, do not hurry to upset, because everything that is happening with you now is designed to stimulate your development. Just learn to take a reality as it is.
  • Sun - Arkan carelessness and joy of life. Now you can enjoy life on the full program, so feel free to start a new one, inspiring others by your example.
  • The court is a decision making card. Today you can cope with all the problems, but only under the condition of active actions. It can be both decisive steps and minor shocks - it all depends on the situation.
  • The world is responsible for harmony with the surrounding reality. On this day you will feel unusually calm. All events are developing as you desire, and you can not pay attention to small interference. Enjoy what happens to fully.

Tarot cards are an excellent tool that helps to work with the unconscious sphere facilitates the process of studying itself and understanding its inner world. And thanks to fortunate on the map Tarot "Map of the Day", you can find answers with confirmations in many questions, without spending a lot of strength and energy.

In completion, we advise you to view an interesting thematic video. Footage:

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