What dreams of the neighbors in the dreams of flowers, Loffe and Miller


Neighbors are different. Some can annoy their loud music, and without others we can not imagine any friendly feast. If the neighbors bring a lot of emotions into our lives, then the subconscious will proceed them in dreams. And why the neighbors are shot, the dream interpretation.

Annoying neighbors

See neighbors in a dream - the main interpretation of the image

Sometimes neighbors in a dream are a reflection of the personal qualities of the Divine itself. Such dreams help to sort out themselves.

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To give a more accurate prediction, it is necessary to remember all the dream to the smallest details: the conversation, the circumstances of the meeting and other plot events of the vision.

Dream Interpretation: Former neighbors

Dream interpreters advise not to start life from pure sheet. For a dream, such a turn of fate can very badly end. Also, old misconduct and sins of sleeping will soon be known to the public.

New people next door

But this image marks pleasant forecasts for the future, if you have conceived moving to another city. Also, all real estate transactions will end very well and profitable for you. New acquaintances will bring a lot of benefit and pleasant emotions.

Fire in the next apartment

Usually, similar dreams do not bring good emotions after awakening. If the trouble happened in the next apartment, it means that it is worth preparing for the fact that even closest friends can betray you in real life. Your credibility is surrounded by one small error. It is worth it to be extremely attentive to prevent oversight, as well as disrupt the cunning plans of their enemies.

You flooded

This image can be perceived literally. Perhaps soon the neighbors from the top floor will make repairs in your apartment at your own expense. A lot of hard work will fall on you, which will bring a lot of negative emotions and little benefit for career.

Do not subscribe to dubious events with unfamiliar people. This may end it bad for you. Also, you do not need to invest your accumulations in unreliable financial projects. If this image has dreamed of several times, then you need to take care of your own security.

Conflict situation

Neighbors in a dream are you in reality. If the dream had to quarrel with my neighbors, it means that you need to find an inner peace and try to find a common language with your own "I". It is difficult for you to make decisions yourself. Also in the future you may encounter serious problems that you will call you from the usual rhythm of life.


Funeral is an unfortunate sight. Especially if they pass in the next apartment. But often death in dreams marks favorable changes in life in reality. Perhaps you experience feelings for this person and subconsciously worry about the life and health of the dream object.

If the late neighbor dreamed alive, it means that in the real life you are waiting for an unfavorable period. Rarely the dead come in dreams to alive. It is worth remembering a dialogue with this character, as it can warn about the dangers that sleep sleeping.

Sex with neighbor

Sex with a neighbor can mean that in real life you are experiencing feelings. Sometimes it can be mutually. Also, this image marks the dream of a favorable change in life. You will get to realize your plans to life, and good luck will always keep up with you.

Pregnant neighbor

This is a very curious way. If this dream saw a man, it means that wealth and success will be waiting for him. But for women there is a high probability to stay one to the end of their days. This may be associated with the bad character of sleeping.


This joyful event for your neighbors will bring you an inconceivable success. You will have to realize all your plans, as well as enemies and enemies will be forced to recognize their defeat.

Come for a visit

You are waiting for large cash spending. But these spending will not bring any satisfaction. You will regret it for a long time. If the neighbors came to you, then this fate is waiting for their family. Also possible losses on their own nonsense and negligence.

Big drill

Interpretation of a dream on authoritative strokes

Dream Miller

  • A relaxed conversation with his neighbor testifies that in real life you spend a lot of time on empty conversations and gossip. Dream Interpretation recommends practicing his career and personal life.
  • But a quarrel or dispute with neighbors is to family problems. Perhaps your households will have to survive serious diseases.

Celebrator of flowers

  • Random meeting with a neighbor - you can lose most of your savings or get on the tricks of fraudsters. Dream Interpretation recommends protecting his savings and not invest in dubious financial projects.
  • Tie a conversation. This image warns about the betrayal of close people. And you can seriously slander.

Interpretation of a dream of Loffa Dream

Any interaction with its neighbors in dreams symbolizes that you spend a lot of time for gossip and empty conversations. This time can be spent on working or self-development. If you do not change yourself, then you can regret it in the future.

But sex or love in a neighbor is a serious conflict with him in real life. This conflict will arise from scratch and almost will not have consequences.

Noisy neighbors

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