What dreams of a flood in the apartment in the dreams of Miller, Freud


Flood in the apartment in a dream promises the emergence of unexpected difficulties. Warns about the emergence of unexpected problems, failures, conflicts in the family, the feeling of bitterness.

Dreams with such a plot are a reflection of the emotions and experiencing a dream. This can negatively affect his mental state.

In some cases, positive explanations of such a vision are also possible. Change for the better, success at work. Everything will depend on the details of sleep. For an accurate interpretation, you need to get acquainted with the proposed sources.

Interpretation of various dreams

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Water in the room

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Miller

  • Flood in the apartment foreshadows real estate problems. It is necessary to solve them immediately, because there will be more difficulties on this issue even more.
  • Under the threat is your material well-being.
  • Sleep with such a scenario can still promise problems in family life. Therefore, you need to take measures to correct this situation.

Explanations of the psychologist Z. Freud

  • He poured the floor with water in the apartment - to the appearance of passionate hobbies.
  • You poured from the ceiling, the splashes fly in the face - the harbinger of the coming intimate pleasures.
  • Drying water on the floor promises cooling in sexual relationships.
  • Women flood dreams of passionate love adventure or future pregnancy.

Modern dream book

  • The flood in the apartment dreams of misfortune in the family and at home. Foreshadows monetary difficulties, disease, failures in the business sphere.
  • If you managed to cope with the consequences of flooding, it will still be completely complete. Gradually. The family relationship will be applied, wait for a new work with high income.
  • Women such vision stuffed trouble with relatives.
  • Men are problems with property.

Dream Taro.

To the rapid concern.

What dreams of the flood in someone else's apartment?

  • See such a scenario in a dream promises problems. Until you manage to cope with them, but in the future, show caution in your further actions.
  • You helped the owners to cope with the consequences of flooding. It predicts concerns in solving other people's affairs.
  • Sleep also promises adverse changes in relations with other people, it concerns relatives, buddies, colleagues. The appearance of an unpleasant person, with which you have to contact, despite your reluctance to do it.

Interpretation from other sources

  • Rain noise on the roof. The roof was tested, and the water enters the house through it. Such a dream symbolizes good luck, well-being in the family.
  • The apartment flood - your plans are not destined to come true.
  • Vision of this kind foreshadow serious problems and trouble. You need to be prepared for their overcoming.
  • If you have seen a bath, flooded with water, and it has already been overflowing through the edge - in reality your temperament may harm your deeds.
  • During the Flood, the water came from the ceiling - to the coming conflicts, quarrels, other issues.
  • Locked furniture, things in the apartment - chagrins will bring you a serious state.
  • It also warns a dream about the emergence of many enemies or retrieving the refusal of the person from the person you were calculated.
  • Women sleep with such a plot warn that a large scandal is brewing in the family. You need to make efforts to prevent this.
  • The flood in the apartment for a pregnant woman promises unrest, which can negatively affect the health of the future child. Try to restrain your emotions even in critical situations.

Tone in the apartment

Details of the dream

  • The cause of the flood began to breathe the roof - an unpleasant surprise.
  • Forgot to close the crane, the apartment was flooded - your mistakes can cause deterioration of financial stability.
  • During the flood, water comes quickly - problems will grow like a snowball. To overcome them, immediate decisions will be required.
  • The apartment was treated with clean water - to obtain a large number of news and information. It also foreshadows positive changes in life.
  • The water was clean and came from above - to success at work, the growth of your authority and respect for the service colleagues.
  • Dirty water during the Flood symbolizes the difficult clarification of relationships, quarrels.
  • The flooding of the house is often dreaming of those people who are in conflict relationships with neighbors and relatives. Unexpected guests can also be a source of such dreams.
  • The flood will also dream of those who are easy to give in to their fiscal needs. Such indecisive behavior may cause your failures and trouble for relatives.
  • Such vision can warn about the deterioration of health.
  • The dream of this kind is foreshadowed by the deterioration of the financial situation, the possible loss of work.

Little flood

The apartment from the Flood suffered a little, the water was only on the floor. Such a scenario of sleep is associated with family relationships. To prevent serious conflicts, they need to be accustomed in a timely manner, otherwise everything can end in sad for you.

You were flooded with neighbors

  • This predicts overcoming difficult situations.
  • During this, the ceiling was collapsed - a loss of work is possible or simply reprimanded from the manual.
  • The ceiling winks in your eyes - you will have to defend your opinion with all possible ways. Only so you can overcome all the difficulties.

Flood at home

Water level at the flood matters

  1. If she reached windows, your secrets will be known to those surrounding people.
  2. Return to the ceiling - to the coming life difficulties.
  3. Water covered only the floor in the apartment - to new interesting news.

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