How to dream your loved one: proven ways


Want to know how to dream your loved one? There are proven ways that we share in this article. Who knows, maybe this dream will make him remember you and make relationships happy.

Full moon rite

This method causes erotic dreams from a man with your participation. A rite of full moon is held. Check the lunar calendar, making sure that the time comes suitable for the ritual.

how to dream your favorite person proven ways

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What do we have to do:

  • At night, remove all the clothes and jewelry from yourself, break the hair. You must be absolutely naked.
  • Take a pre-prepared photo of your beloved man. Put it on the table and burn the wax candle. Use paraffin candles is undesirable, and the wax is "alive" material with a very strong energy.
  • On the sheet of paper, write the full name of the beloved. Take a piece in your hands, close your eyes and imagine that the man stands in front of you.
  • Then open your eyes and burn a sheet. Try to get the smoke to the guy's photo.
  • Sit in silence and tranquility until the candle does not completely dogrit.
  • Immediately after the rite, go to bed, and put a snapshot of the lover under the pillow.

On this night you will dream of a frank dream.

A bit of psychology

If before going to sleep, a person experienced some bright emotion, it will certainly affect his dreams. Use this property of the human subconscious in order to dream of a loved one.

Your goal is to make the most vivid memories of the past day he has been connected with you. For example:

  1. If you have the opportunity to meet, arrange a memorable romantic date for it. But necessarily in the evening, immediately after communication with you, a man went to sleep.
  2. Send a provocative message that will cause emotions. What exactly to write? We will not tell me - only you know how well your chosen one to come up with something you can surprise.
  3. You can "bind a man to some musical composition. For example, send him a song on social networks and sign: "I will dream of you every time you hear this melody."

These are just examples that prompt, as in a dream to dream of a person and become the heroine of his night fantasies. But the perfect way you can think of only you yourself.


In ancient girl who want to attract the attention of the chosen one, they used special conspiracies. There are a great many of them, we will tell about the most proven.

To read the plot of the mirror:

  • Buy or find out at home a small round mirror.
  • Write the name of the beloved pencil for lips or lipstick. It is important that you themselves at least once used before.
  • Apply the mirror to the lips so that it remains tracks from your breathing.
  • Read three times the text of the conspiracy, closing the eye and presenting a loved one before him.
  • Immediately go to bed, but put a conspiracy mirror under the pillow.

Conspire text:

how to dream to dream

In the morning do not forget to get a conspiracy subject from under the pillow. Mistake the inscription on the mirror surface. Most likely, at night, your image will appear in the dream of a man.

Another conspiracy is read on the water. You will also need a picture of a man on which it is depicted alone. A suitable photo can be searched on social networks and print. Prepare a container with clean water (spring or thawa, taping better not to use) and a wax church candle.

What do we have to do:

  • Light a candle, stay next to the photo and put a glass with water.
  • While the candle is burning, think about your sweetheart. You can dream - imagine how you happily spend time together. Remember the images that arise in the subconscious. What are you doing? What are you talking about? What do you feel?
  • After the candle is walked and only a glass will remain, take a glass with water in hand and say a conspiracy three times.


conspiracy to donate a loved one

And then drink all the water without a residue and go to bed. This is a very powerful conspiracy that is triggered in most cases - you dream your beloved on the same night.


Special meditation will also help to fulfill your desire. Important condition - it works only when you are in a half-condition state. Therefore, it is desirable to meditate in bed, feeling how your eyelids are closed, and consciousness becomes heavy.

In this state, begin to visualize. Imagine your man, mentally wish him to see you in a dream. Talk to him. Draw in the imagination happy stripping pictures.

If you are distracted for extraneous thoughts, start at the same second to concentrate on breathing: consider breaths and exhalations. And then renew visualization.

You will not notice how to light, and the man will see you in his dreams to the same night.

Look at the video about how to dream of your loved one:

Important moments

Any of the listed methods will work only if some conditions are met. Make sure it is so.

These are these conditions:

  1. On the night after you committed a rite, a man must sleep. Make sure that at this time it will not be sent at work in the night shift or it will not go to have fun with friends in the nightclub.
  2. Keep your intention in secret. No one should know about your desire to dream your beloved. Otherwise, no rite will work.
  3. It is advisable to spend all magical manipulations in complete darkness. Also follow the lunar cycle - the most effective rituals are held on the full moon night. As a last resort - on the growing moon.

A small advice: going to bed, think again about your beloved man. Ask the help of higher strength, mentally tell them about your desire. You can try each of the ways in turn. But do not make more than one ritual per day.

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