How to express your sleep - what use and how it is properly decrypted


Want to know how to express your dream? We will share in simple ways that have proven themselves. Using them, you will stop guessing, which means this or that dream.

John Kekho method

John Kekho - the author of the sensational book about the strength of human thought "The subconscious can be all!" offered his way to interpret dreams. He believed that the chief assistant in this matter is your own intuition. Having learned to hear it and understand, you can easily learn how the message of the subconscious is laid in your dream.

How to express your dream

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KEKHO Recommendations:

  1. Use the allegory method. All dream participants are the personification of some of the sides of your personality. Therefore, mentally replace them with yourself. And feel what sensations arise at the same time.
  2. For example, you see, as a person in your dream sink. Put yourself in his place, what did you feel? Perhaps in real life you "leave on the bottom" in some situations, experiencing similar feelings.
  3. Be sure to record your dreams on paper immediately after waking up. Get a dream diary and keep it next to the bed. Only in the morning you can mostly restore the entire chain of events. If you do not record, in the evening the plot of sleep will be devoted to oblivion.
  4. Return to the records in your free minute. Read the description of the last dream. Then close your eyes and mentally become a member of those events. Only no longer passive, but active. Talk to the rest of the acting persons, ask them about what I want to know. The subconscious will tell you the answers, indicate how to express sleep.
  5. Also remember the emotions and sensations that cause you a dream. Think why they arose? For example, in a dream you fall into the car accident, but at the same time you feel happy. It may mean that in real life you unconsciously want a serious shake and change of circumstances.
  6. If the subconscious message cannot be decrypted from the first attempt, it means that the right time has come. Post down your intention to express sleep to a more favorable moment.

John Kekoo method is considered the most constructive, because it allows not to "guess the coffee grounds" and build incredible assumptions. You use the logic together with intuition and learn to predict dreams correctly.

Important: Through sleep, your subconsciousness always sends you some signals. These may be ways to solve serious life problems, a prevention of illness or danger. Therefore, it is so important to decipher the dreams.

Deciphering sleep by day of week

The principle of this method will help to understand what kind of sleep is proper for you, and what exactly will not come true. The most important thing is to remember that 100% the prophetic dreams are shot on that day of the week in which you were born.

How to express Son.

For example, you were born on the night from Monday to Tuesday. It means that the primary sleep will come true with a large share of probability. But there is an exception: Saturday dreams do not come true almost never.

Important moments:

  • Do not give the values ​​to sleep that saw after alcohol intoxication.
  • Also, you should not try to understand the meaning of night vision, if you experienced some important event on the eve and experienced bright emotions. Most likely, the dream will be only a way to subfiction "unload" the brain from emotional overvoltage.
  • Use only proven dreams. Classic is considered to be written by Miller - according to reviews, it contains the most faithful interpretations.
  • It is not necessary to memorize the plot of night events in detail. It is enough to reproduce the brightest, key moments and in the interpretation to repel from them.
  • Teach yourself to keep a dream diary: For at least twenty-one days in the morning, write to it all that I saw at night.

Do not underestimate the value of dreams. They rarely have things. But always are the transformation of events that can happen to you in reality. Either indicate your needs, feelings, emotions, reveal the dark side of the person. Therefore, the decoding of the nightness of the subconscious can bring tremendous benefits.

Realized that sleep?

Very rarely in people who are not engaged in specifically, conscious dreams arise. This means that you understand that you are not in reality, but sleep. Such nightly signals of the subconscious should be treated with special attention.

Exchange Son.

During a conscious sleep, try to check if it is chosen or everything is happening. Psychologists offer such ways:

  • Try to punch your palm with your finger. Happened? So sleep.
  • Close your mouth and nose. If the respiratory process does not stop, then you are still sleeping.
  • If you see something with inscriptions: magazine, sign, book, try to read. It turns out that it will change in a dream.
  • Remember what happened to you in the past hour. Does not work? This is a dream.
  • Try slowly pass through the glass, change the hair color or modify something in the surrounding space. In a conscious dream, it will be very easy.

The fantastic than your actions, the higher the probability that you "caught" a conscious dream. Without special practices, such phenomena in ordinary people are rare. Most often, this happens after strong fatigue, mental or physical overwork.

Do not try to join such a night vision. Sostly enough for your psyche try to forget about what happened and never repeat.

Look at the video about how to express the dream:

What is the benefit of the interpretation of dreams?

What gives you the analysis of dreams and their decoding:

  1. You develop intuition, learn to hear your own subconscious signals. This skill then finds practical use in real life.
  2. You can learn to predict the future. True, it turns out in units, if there are innate abilities.
  3. You are no longer afraid of nightmares, because you understand: they are only a reflection of some negative emotions and aspects of your personality.

Have you tried to decipher the meaning of the pictures that came to you at night? And did the dream predictions come true? Share in the comments to the article.

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