What dreams of your blood from the dreams of Miller, Vangu


Blood personifies family related bonds. Her night vision predicts the difficulties associated with relatives. Interpretations can be different. A lot of nuances will affect the dream explanation. To accurately explain sleep, you need to familiarize yourself with dreams.

Interpretation of famous dreams


Dream of Astromeridiana

She followed from the wound - a disease is possible, depression.

Autumn dream book

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Blood on his body - to deterioration of health.

Summer Dream

Blood from the wound is to serious injury. The wound open with blood - to death.

Women's dream book (for women only)

  • See her on her hands or legs - a sign with a negative color. Foreshadows problems, problems.
  • See her on her clothes - the actions of a relative can harm your reputation.
  • An attempt to stop bleeding - sadness and memories of the deceased relative.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Vision of his blood - to the arrival of native people.

Dream of Esoterica E. Tsvetkov

Blood from the nose promises losses in the financial sphere.

Wanderer's dream book (T. Smirnova)

She flowed from the wound straight to the ground - to improving the financial condition.

French dream book

  • See bleeding wound - to unpleasant events.
  • A lot of blood, even on clothes - to successes in the business sphere.

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

  • Bleeding symbolizes the decline of strength, illness, depletion of the body. You need to take care of your health.
  • To see his blood will also dream of monetary difficulties, loss of relatives and beloved people.

Dream Taro.

To see your blood - to news from native people.

Interpretation of the psychologist Miller

  • See your blood in a dream - to adverse consequences.
  • This promises worsening health, failures in the business sector.

Explanation of the White Mage Y. Longo

  • She followed out of the wound - to a difficult problem. It will be difficult to solve it. Everything will work out gradually and unexpectedly for you.
  • To take it to research in the laboratory - to irritation from small cases.

Dream Nostradamusa

Bleed in a dream - to loneliness and longing. It will last long.

Esoteric dream book

Sleeping of this kind foreshadows difficulties in relationships with native people.

Dream of the XXI century

  • You drank your blood - this is a confirmation of your selfish nature.
  • She flowed out of the head - to the growth of welfare, from the nose - to a happy life.
  • Bleeding was from hand and legs - to longing and trouble.
  • A dream with such a scenario warns you that you need to show caution. We care more about your health.
  • Shed blood tears - the probability of being in an unpleasant situation, experience a sense of shame.

Blood on hand

Explanation of the psychologist A. Megetti

See your blood foreshadows getting serious injury.

Opinion Vangi.

Blood in a dream symbolizes related ties, longing for those who have already passed away

What part of the body was observed bleeding. It matters

  • She pours out of his mouth - you have to defend your opinion before relatives. It is also a harbinger of disagreements in the injury of inheritance or other financial assets.
  • To slaughter with blood - to a serious disease. Pass the examination in the clinic. The disease can be detected at an early stage.
  • The girl dreamed that her boyfriend harking blood in a dream, - to an acquaintance with his relatives, or she will acquaint the guy with his parents.
  • For a woman, a vision, where her husband coughed her blood, is a warning that he hides something important from her. Perhaps he had a mistress.
  • She walked out of her throat - says about your sudden statements in reality during the dispute with someone. This may not affect the reputation of this person.
  • Blood flowed from the lip - the dreams repented for his words expressed on the eve. It may be the actions that he made.
  • Blood was on his face - it promises the growth of welfare. Business people foreshadow a profitable deal, financial progress.
  • Blood on the head dream of women to a unpleasant conversation with his spouse. He has accumulated many complaints about her related to housekeeping, raising children and its appearance.
  • She pushed out of the eyes - to dissatisfaction with his own man, possible deception.
  • If it was from the ear - to pleasant news from relatives.
  • For unmarried ladies, it is a warning that her beloved is not fully frank with her.
  • She flowed from the navel - to the problems with the health of relatives. Married men are a clear sign on treason.
  • Blood from the chest predicts a difficult event, the consequences of which will be sent soon.
  • She walked out of the belly - to big trouble and money losses. Serious health problems are possible.
  • The legs were in the blood - the dream had a lot of things that need to complete as quickly as possible.
  • Do this everything should be done slowly, to not redo it.

What dreams of menstrual blood

  • For the elderly, it foreshadows health and longevity.
  • It reports to young girls about the beautiful health and readiness of the body to conceive the child.
  • Teenagers - talks about the occurrence of a new, adult life.

Blood and pregnancy

A girl waiting for a child, such a dream - to light birth.

Blood from nose

Interpretation from other sources

  1. Sleeping with such a scenario foreshadows the arrival of blood relatives. Possible small clarification of relationships.
  2. You lose it a lot - you have to do a secret of a kind. You want to know a lot there.
  3. Its blood on clothes promises unexpected monetary problems.
  4. The girl see her on the shorts (this is not connected with the monthly) - the warning that her boyfriend does not see the prospects to continue with her relationship.

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