How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic


How to shock a guy without consequences? White magic rites will be helped with the call of light forces - the Virgin, Archangels or Elements. Ritals do not break the will of a person, but awaken the response feelings. However, it should be remembered that the guy must be familiar with you - the spell on an unfamiliar person does not work. Also, a young man should experience friendly feelings for you, and not to show a demonstrative indifference or hatred.

how to wander the guy without the consequence of a ritual with an apple

Rite with an apple

Magic action is performed on a growing moon or full moon on Friday. Buy a beautiful apple without surrender or under the calculation, bring home. Put an apple for the icon of the Virgin and read her prayers what you know. Light church candle. Then go out for the threshold of the house and tell us three times:

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How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_2

If the apple is spoiled, it means that you are not destined to be together or the guy loves a different girl. If the apple is dry, you need to bury it under the fruit tree. Better if it is an apple tree.

If the guy responds to the action of the rite, fasten the result by another rite - for example, on loyalty to the beloved. The Mother of God gives a chance to start a relationship, but you should take care of the future for the fate of the relationship.

Love spell on smoke

To wander the guy without a photo, you need to go out into the street and find a quiet place where you can decompose a small bonfire. Bring a white egg with you and throw it into the fire. When smoke goes, say:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_3

Speak as many times while go smoke. In invest in your words all the power of love, your desire for a young man. Believe that the rite is able to help in your relationship, and the smoke comes the words of love to the heart of the beloved. After putting off the place of the fire of the earth and go home.

Love spell last Friday

On the last Friday of the outgoing year, you need to contact the morning dawn, stamped before everyone in the house. As you wake up, do not worry and do not drink tea - burn the red candle, look at the window and read the plot three times:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_4

You should not confuse the word "husband" - so earlier called all men. The rite action is no more than six months. Then you will need to spend any other rite for love or loyalty to a man.

Love spell on Berezu

For this rite you need to prepare in advance:

  • a piece of bark;
  • Little carnations - 40 pieces;
  • Red threads Moulin;
  • Hammer and pencil.

At the growing moon, take the Beresto and draw a heart with a pencil on it, inside you can write the name of the beloved. We take the carnations and drive the heart contour, for each carnation you need to say conspiracy words:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_5

Conspiracy should be pronounced for every jogged carnation. However, you do not need to drive the nail to the nail - about the middle. Next, take threads Moulin and pleading the pattern on nails and say:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_6

You will have a powerful talisman for love. Hide the product among your things and do not show anyone. When the beloved will be next to you, burn the talisman with gratitude.

Love spell Spring

How to wander the guy without consequences at home? Natural forces will help this well. For the rite should be purchased the bulb of the tulip and 21 pins. All items need to be bought on the growing moon.

At noon, stick 7 pins in the bulb, read the probigumers for each pin:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_7

When piercing the pins of the bulb, imagine that the thought of love pierces his beloved head. After 7 pins are in a bulb, put it on the sun - let it dry. The next day, at the same time, repeat the rite and stuck another 7 pins in the bun. So you need to do three days in a row.

On the fourth day, smear the bulb under the roots of the "male" tree, that is, it can be a poplar or oak, rhine or ash. Only not birch, pine or will. The rite will help to fall in love with the necessary person, but not more than six months. In the future, you need to do another spell.

Love spell on bridal bouquet

If a loved one does not think about the wedding, you can hone it with the adoption of this important decision. For the rite you will need a real bouquet of the bride, which should get to you. As you get it, it does not matter. You can agree on a familiar bride about it in advance, you can try to catch a bouquet when the bride will throw him over his shoulder.

Houses place a bouquet into an empty vase so that it is dry. At the bouquet, attach a conspiracy written on paper:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_8

When the flowers are dried, remove several petals with a bouquet. Go to the river and throw a bouquet into the water with the words:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_9

Come home, interpret the petals in powder with a mortar. Now you need to plug the powder or in your pocket of your loved one, or in shoes. If there is a car, plug under the seat or in the glove box. The best option will be the pillow on which he sleeps. When you plug, tell me:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_10

Soon the guy will make you an offer.

How to shock a guy without consequences - forget-me-not rites

Love spell with forget-me-notes

How to shock a guy with white magic without consequences? This spell is done in the summer when we grow forget-me-not. Narvit a small bouquet and bring home. All actions are carried out only on the growing moon. House pour into a ceramic or clay bowl of fresh water and put flowers. Watch how they are filled with moisture and come to life. Read every day forget-me-not plot three times:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_12

Let forget-me-notes lie in this bowl of three days, and then take and throw in the river - the water from the bowl also needs to be poured into the river and read the conspiracy once again.

Take home bowl and take care, so as not to crash. When the spell enters into force, break it under your feet. The shards should be attributed to the place where flowers collected, and bury.

How to wander the guy at home without consequences

Love spell in thunderstorm night

This rite is carried out only during a thunderstorm, so you prepare three candles in advance and write down the conspiracy words on paper with red ink. Wait for the summer / spring thunderstorm, turn off the light in the room and burn three candles. Read three times a conspiracy on a piece of paper and burn it on a flame of candles:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_14

Now look at the flames of candles and imagine your beloved. When the candles store completely, the flats will need to bury under any tree, but not dry. The ashes from the burned paper to entertain the wind.

Love spell in full moon with candles

For this rite, three subtle church candles are needed. Stay alone and tune in to the magic. Think of a sweetheart, imagine the desired scenes of love. Light two candles, install them on the table.

Take the third candle in your hands and keep, keep thinking about the lover. Close your eyes, heat the wax in your hands - it will become militant and soft. Do not rush to turn the candle in the ring, continuing to think about your loved one. During this action, read a plot:

How to shock a guy without consequences - rituals of white magic 644_15

Now open your eyes, melt the tips of the candle on the fire and attach them tightly to each other. You got a ring - a symbol of love and unity. Keep this talisman in a secluded place. Sometimes you can take a ring in your hands and think about your love. Soon you will be together.

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