Divination Tarot for Men's Love - Different Effective Layouts


Fording Tarot for love is a very simple way to find out absolutely everything that concerns your relationship with your beloved man. Share the ways of classical layouts that light light on the situation and will help you know the chosen one.

Singing "Harmonization of Relations"

This fortune telling on Tarot maps is intended to determine the problem points in your relationship with a man. With the help of the scenario, you can find out why conflicts arise, harmony disappears, which does not suit the chosen one and how to find an approach to it. It will also work out to understand what awaits your pair in the future.

Drag a deck and intuitively get the card from it, settling on the table as shown in the picture.

Self harmonization relationship

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The value of arcanes at each position as follows:

  • 1 - the reasons why disharmony arose in relationships, which led to conflicts and quarrels who are to blame them in the first place;
  • 2 - Displays what is not satisfied with the relationship at the moment. Perhaps it will be possible to solve what you did not suspect. Feelings hidden in the depths of your subconscious;
  • 3 is what you are experiencing a deficit, what your relationship needs are not satisfied. Perhaps you need gratitude, care and participation, and the partner does not give it;
  • 4 - the card personifies your ideal of a man. This is what you wanted to see your chosen one. Perhaps, it is his inconsistency to some qualities of the ideal partner and led to disharmony in relations;
  • 5 - the reasons why your relationship is far from happy. This is a very important arcuance: learning the reasons, you can start working on their elimination, and everything will be done;
  • 6 - The influence of the environment and external circumstances on your pair. These may be parents who are against the Union, or a rival, which by all means trying to destroy your love, or someone else;
  • 7 - What you need to change in yourself to improve relationships. For example, you are too cold and indifferent - Start showing your feelings, pay more time to a man, and everything will quickly work out;
  • 8 - What needs to be done to arrange a man to yourself, what approach needs to be found to him for general happiness;
  • 9 - What should be your behavior in this situation, how to behave wisely and female to solve the problem;
  • 10 - What will bring your relationship in the distant future, if you follow Tarot's advice. What will change for the better, and what moments cannot be corrected;
  • 11 - Thoughts of your chosen one about existing problems, his opinion and feelings, emotions and beliefs;
  • 12 - How your man imagines a joint future, what are his plans and hopes, expectations from the Union.

This alignment is very good because it helps to see better and evaluate all weak and strengths of relationships.

Dealting the "ideal relationship" for the love of a man

This fortune telling helps to figure out how a man belongs to you. What he likes in you, and what does not suit. His expectations and needs, as well as the forecast for the further development of events.

Paving a deck and decompose the cards as shown in the figure.

Singing the perfect relationship on love men

Decoding the values ​​of the arcanes at each position:

  • 1 - qualities that attract your man. Character traits, behavior features, and so on;
  • 2 - qualities that repel your man. That it can be annoyed, angry, force to quarrel and argue;
  • 3 - that a man likes in your relationship. For example, he is delighted with the fact that you are equal partners, or he likes a large number of romance, or something else;
  • 4 - What does not suit in relationships. Perhaps it repels your desire to lead, decide something for him, lacks together and so on;
  • 5 - Presentation of your man about what your relationship should be, His beliefs and installations concerning love. A very important card - she will help to understand whether you are ready to share his beliefs and correspond to the image of an ideal chosen;
  • 6 - the relationship that the partner would never have arranged what format is unacceptable for him;
  • 7 - the Arcaneov Council on how you need to behave to strengthen the union and strengthen the feelings, add to your pair of harmony and be happy;
  • 8 - the possible reaction of the beloved to change in your behavior, whether he will appreciate your efforts and whether to meet positive changes;
  • 9 - a distant future of your pair, which is worth waiting if you follow the board of the seventh card.

At the end of the divination, you can arbitrarily get another card and see its meaning. This Arcan will give a forecast for the future of the Union, if you do not take anything and allow events to develop naturally.

Look at the video with an example of a love scenario on Tarot:

Compatibility alignment

In conclusion, we share the simple way of divination for compatibility with a partner. Spread the cards as shown in the figure.

Love alignment Taro compatibility

Decoding Scenario:

  • 1, 4 - your compatibility at the physical level. As far as you come to each other in sexual terms;
  • 2, 5 - compatibility on the astral, spiritual level. How similar to your spiritual values ​​is whether there are common interests, do you come to each other emotionally;
  • 3, 6 - compatibility on the mental level. This is all concerning intelligence and mind. Do you have common interests, topics for conversations, whether you will help each other to develop and improve intellectually;

Analyzing all three pairs of Arkanov, do you understand whether you are designed to each other fate, it will be comfortable to feel each of the partners in relationships, is there a future of the couple.

Listen to Tarot Soviets - they very often help to understand what needs to be done to improve relationships and withdraw them to a new level.

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