What dreams of a pack of dogs for Miller's dreams, Freud


If you are looking for a dream room to decipher what the dog's "crowd" dreams, - you fell to the right page! Popular interpretations are collected here, as well as excerpts from the most successful books of psychoanalysts with worldwide names, which no one has come. Here you will learn the whole truth about your dream!


General interpretation of this sleep

  • It is believed that a flock of dogs in a dream displays the real state of the soul of the dream. That is, if animals behaved aggressively, it means that you have a cat scraper on your soul, and if the dogs were affectionate, you are in harmony. But, of course, the small details of sleep playing a big role that you could remember!

What were they?

  • Males. This is a dream warning: very thoughtful to waste money. This is especially true of businessmen.
  • What dreams of a flock of dogs black suit? You will see a serious "gnawing" between people. Maybe in the office someone leavescandalit or you will go to visit and put the ugly scene there.
  • Did they all be white? This dream says: you have exceptionally faithful friends. If you start not to get it, consult them - they will help.
  • Redhead animals dream as a warning: Do not frankly even with friends, and even more so - with unfamiliar people.
  • To see a flock of dogs good-natured (let's say, they wanted tails, seeing you) - to luck. Even if you feel in the "bottom" now, soon the fate will raise you up. By the way, the businessman is such a dream promises "Baryshi" received from the miscalculation of competitors.
  • Lying dogs, "broken" road: to remorse of conscience.
  • Small breed (Chihuahua, Bologna): Minor problems. Most likely, you will hear something unlucky - no more.
  • Average size, but serious animals (shepherds, Dobermans) are already enemies bigger. Maybe the higher authorities will be wrapped against you?
  • Very big, although good-natured "tails" (Senbernara, divers): to a quarrel with friends. In this case, even if your opponent is stronger than you, he will not harm and will not take revenge, although he will not like your words or actions.

Your actions in a dream?

  • You fed them: Soon you will find yourself in the epicenter of the scandal, one of the "co-authors" you will be. If you tried to draw in sandwiches or bones of evil dogs, in real life risk becoming a victim of a furist.
  • I was accelerated by a lot: whatever the troubles have "pleased with you, you will handle everything.
  • Played with dogs: the incident happens to you from the category "Thank you, God, that I took the money"!

Tailed were aggressive?

Two evil dogs

  • Yes, but this aggression was not guided by you: the dogs gnawed together. Sleep says: Your natives will soon be seriously overriding, and in the family will begin "Smoot" or the period of the Cold War. Do not hurry to fall into despondency: all this will ever pass.
  • They leaf loudly and lever, but they were not thrown on you. That is, the attack was not, the dogs simply looked defiant: Be careful, soon you can be injured (perhaps someone will poured you).
  • This dream has another interpretation: the subconsciousness hints to you that someone depresses you, not giving to live and do the way you want. Sometimes such pressure is carried out in the open, and sometimes - with the help of magic (damage).
  • They attacked you. As a rule, such a dream warns of enemies or a possible accident. So be careful - and on the road, and at work!
  • What did you feel? If fear, then in life you will soon have to feel not the most positive emotions. Moreover, we do not have to blame for it, besides yourself.
  • Did the courtyards attacked you? The person you consider if not with a friend, then a kind friend, in fact wearing a knife for the sinus. Be careful - soon he will leave a serious imprint in your fate.
  • Animals chased after you: This is not a very good dream. Or fate will begin to put you sticks in the wheels, preventing all the scheduled to the end, or the competitor appeared, and even more successful, lucky you.
  • The bite of one or a few dogs from the flock threatens you with material losses. If you want to invest in investing or borrowing someone a large amount, now it is better not to do this - you can lose your blood earned.
  • You were bitten up to the blood: wait for problems from my native people.
  • Did they break your clothes? Such a dream can promise Marsh Mendelssohn (especially if the dream is a lady or a girl).
  • In a dream, you ran away, hid, fell off from the attack of tales? You have long been getting trouble from the past, and finally you will deal with them. If this is a disease, it is possible to relieve or even a cure.
  • You had to beat back from the sample: life will make you refuse something very important.
  • Dogs just bang on you: this is a disease, and serious. Second Interpretation: You are threatened by the peres, which may even come to the courtroom.

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Teach dogs

You learned interpretation based on folk wisdom, as well as old dreams, written so long ago that everyone has already forgotten their authorship. But there are more modern books. What can they tell you?

Dream Miller

  1. According to this dream book, a pack of dogs is a warning of gossip, very "conscientiously" dissolve about you evil "stories from life".
  2. Animals were hunting, and you performed as a game: a dream talks about the incurns of competitors trying to bypass you, also to spoil your reputation.
  3. You saw yourself a dog living in a flock of tailed counterparts: to profits, a good deal.

Dream of Freud.

  1. As always, the master analysis of the subconscious on everything has its own interpretation. A flock of dogs for Freud is a sign: you will seriously want to sign up with a person with whom we have long encountered, but still weigh all "for" and "against". It is necessary to spend the "survey" among relatives and friends, whether they approve such a marriage.
  2. And if it was not a dog, but wolves, but a dreamy - young and not "is heated", sleep can mean an ambulance wedding.

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