Fortune telling tarot on the relationship and for the future with a loved one


Divination Taro on the relationship and for the future with a loved one will open the veil of secrets, will help to understand what the chosen one feels in relation to you and what plans are building for the future. Share ways of simple layouts.

Divination on the feelings of a man "Our Future"

This divination is for the future of relationships with a loved one. Maps will tell what your chosen one thinks, what plans is building in relation to you, as serious about.

The alignment is very simple: you need to carefully shook the deck, and then arbitrarily get three cards from it and put on the table in a row.

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IMPORTANT: while working with Tarot, when Tasuchi Arkana, mentally imagine your lover and ask a question: "How does he apply to me?"

Values ​​of Arkanov:

  1. In the first place - expectations of a man from relationships with you. What he wants to receive from you, what is ready to give. His ideas about what is your identity, how do you feel about it.
  2. In second place - a card that personifies the presentation of a partner about your union. What kind of relationship is currently sees. What are you for him: a temporary passion or a woman with which he dreams of tieting life.
  3. The third Arcan is the most curious: he will indicate a man's plans towards you. How he sees your union in the future whether the wedding is planning or ready to part.

Even if the Tarot forecast is unfavorable, do not despair. You can change everything: To do this, pay attention to the advice of each arcana, which is given in the interpretation, and follow it.

Fortune telling on tarot manara

This alignment helps determine what is waiting for you in relationships with the chosen one. Suitable for people who have just begun to be together. You can also use fortune-telling if the official status of the pair you do not have yet, but everything goes to it.


  • Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the Union so that in the future it is to work.
  • Find out how you treat each other in the near and remote future.
  • Reveal the emotional side of the Union and understand what he will lead to in the end.

To repay, thoroughly drag the deck, and then spread the cards on the table as shown in the figure.

Calculation Taro Manara

Then begin to decrypt the Tarot prediction. To do this, you can use any interpreter. What arcanes talk about positions:

  1. The first card will indicate what your relationship is based on why they arose. What it is a spiritual connection, passion or, for example, marriage by calculation.
  2. The second - displays your personal sensations and emotions that currently dominate. What you expect from the relationship to what are hoping, how to look for the future together with the partner.
  3. The third card is the emotions and feelings of your chosen one who are currently dominated. His plans for you, a look at the relationship, desires, dreams and fears.
  4. The fourth Arcan will tell about the near future of the Union. What events should be expected to prepare for, whether the forecast will be favorable.
  5. The fifth Arcan is your spiritual well-being in the Union in the future. Maps will tell if you will feel happy or, on the contrary, you will have to suffer.
  6. The sixth Arkan - as a man will feel in a relationship with you in the future. His condition is comfortable or some disagreements are possible.
  7. The seventh card will indicate the result of the Union, which will lead to, what consequences will come for you: favorable or not very.
  8. The eighth is the same, but for a man.
  9. Ninth is the fate of relationships in the distant future. Ends all the gap or lead to the wedding and children.

Read the descriptions of the arcanes' values ​​very carefully, in each sentence you can find an answer to the question that cares you. But remember that, regardless of the forecast of Tarot, you yourself are the Creator of your fate and there is always a chance to change everything for the better.

Check out the video with a simple layout for love and relationships:

Declusion "Love Horseshoe"

This is a classic method of love fortune telling on tarot, which helps to reflect the exact picture of relationships in the smallest details.

Spread the cards on the table as shown in the picture.

Decoding love horseshoe on the relationship

The value of arcanes by positions as follows:

  • 1st, wherein the relationship began, which was the cause of the formation of your union, on which it is built;
  • 2 - Your ideas about the elect in the present;
  • 3 - Your expectations. What are hoping, what are afraid of what you dream about. Get ready for surprises - Maps can tell you that long ago and deeply hidden in your subconscious;
  • 4 - sharp moments of relationships, the reasons why conflicts and disagreements with a partner may arise. Arkana will be prompted to pay attention to: on the financial side, the emotional component or something else;
  • 5 - how external circumstances affect your union. It may be public opinion, the influence of children from previous marriages, former partners, friends, colleagues, parents;
  • 6 - Tarot Council about how you need to act to create and preserve in a pair of harmony, happiness. What depends only on you;
  • 7 - the result of relationships in the future, which they will lead if you use the Arcana Council located on the sixth position.

At the conclusion of divination, you can get another one, the eighth arch. He will tell about how the relationships in your pair will have, if you do nothing and will not follow the advice of the sixth card.

Layout "Gap"

This method is worth choosing if you are with your loved one on the verge of separation. Paving a deck and decompose the cards on the table, as shown in the picture.

Sign Tarot Rip

Decoding Scenario:

  • 1 - Is there a chance that the gap can avoid possible chances of restoring relations;
  • 2 - the real state of affairs at the moment;
  • 3 - the reasons that led to a gap, who is to blame, what actions conflict provoked;
  • 4 - What lesson you have to make out of the situation that she will bring you;
  • 5 - how to affect the parting on your feelings and emotions;
  • 6 - What will change in your life after parting with a man in a favorable side;
  • 7 - the likely outcome of the situation, the case will end, if nothing is taken.

Pay special attention to the seventh card advice: it will tell you what can be done to correct the situation and resume relationships, if possible.

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