Prophecies Vangi by year - old predictions by year


Vanti's prophecies about the fate of mankind, about Russia and other countries have already come true. Researchers continue to decipher its posts about the future. Let's try to figure out what expects us, according to her predictions.

Old prophecies by year

All predictions of Vanga recorded her close people. Thanks to this, the messages of the provincial reached our time. We list the prophecies that have already come true or should have been fulfilled.

Vanti's prophecies about Russia

List of old prophecies:

  • In 2011, the prediction of the "Steel Birds" came true, who brought the trouble to the Americans. We are talking about a catastrophe with twin tower, which were destroyed by airplanes crashed into a shopping center. Many people died.
  • In 2008, Wang has promised the onset of the Third World War, which was supposed to begin after the death of the presidents of four states. This prophecy, as we see, did not come true.
  • The prediction about the small military conflict between Russia and the small state came true. The researchers believe that it was about the confrontation with Georgia, but it is impossible to accurately say that this decoding of Vanga's forecast is true.
  • In the period from 2010 to 2014, Vanga predered that there will be large contractions between certain countries with the use of prohibited weapons. However, war did not happen. But it is possible that the prediction was simply deciphered incorrectly.
  • Among the unfulfilled prophecies - hunger in Europe, war using chemical mood and extinction of most types of flora and the fauna of the northern hemisphere.

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In 2014, Wang has promised the death of many people from malignant tumors and a rare skin disease. She also walked global environmental problems that were supposed to come due to the use of nuclear weapons.

Prophecies about Russia and the world for the 21st century

All subsequent predictions are based on previous prophecies of Vangi. It is quite difficult to decipher its forecasts, so it is impossible to know if researchers made it correctly.

Prophecies Vangi by year

However, transfer predictions about the future of humanity in the 21st century is:

  • One of the prophecies narrates about "cold and empty Europe". Perhaps we are not talking about the literal destruction of the mainland, but about the fall of spirituality, which is why the heart chakra will fade. Some researchers believe that Wang has talked about the destruction of morality and morality, the superiority of material values ​​over everything else.
  • China in the 21st century Vanga promised a significant strengthening of positions in the global market. She believed that the state would receive colossal power over the world, which would go for the benefit of mankind. She also said that other small states would greatly advance in their development.
  • By 2023, a change in the structure of the Earth's orbit should occur. The probability of predicting is quite high, because the earth orbit is constantly changing, but this process is very slow and imperceptible for ordinary people.
  • Europe, according to Vangi, will remain a little-plated for a long time. The population should be drastically reduced after a plurality of bloody wars with countries professing Islam.
  • Providian believed that in 2028, scientists will invent a fundamentally new source of energy. This will be a great invention, which will continue to seriously affect the fate of mankind as a whole. Thanks to him, the quality of life of people will increase, and one of the countries will begin to explore Venus.
  • Wang has predicted global warming, because of which the level of the world's ocean will increase. She believed that this could lead to flooding of coastal cities and mass disasters.
  • The appearance claimed that by the middle of 21st centuries, Muslims will come to power in European countries, which will rule reasonably. As a result, the economy will improve, which will affect the lives of all people positively.
  • At about the same time there will be a coup in medicine. Doctors will be able to replace patients with new, artificially grown. Thanks to this, it will be possible to defeat many serious, previously incurable diseases.
  • By the end of the century, communism will reign on Earth, and all people will become equal. There will be the destruction of class inequality. Humanity will cease to spend the forces on political struggle, instead of this state rulers will engage in the restoration of the natural resources of the planet.
  • In 2088, humanity attacks a new disease. This is a aging virus, from which young people will become old literally in a few days. The disease will be considered incurable, but after 10 years scientists will find medicine from him.

Watch videos with Vanga's predictions about Donbas:

Predicts of remote future

Vanga did not leave no attention and a more distant future. Researchers have deciphered its predictions about the fate of humanity in the Third Millennium:

  • In 2111, people will learn how to make robots indistinguishable from living people. Disabled and patients will be replaced by organs and parts of the body on artificially created.
  • In 2125, people manage to establish contact with alien civilizations. This will lead to long and mutually beneficial cooperation. The first meeting with the UFO will happen in Hungary.
  • In five years, with the help of aliens on Earth, many new technologies will appear, thanks to which people will be able to create underwater cities and live at the bottom of the ocean.
  • In 2167, all of humanity will take a fundamentally new religion, which will unite people from all over the planet.

Prophecies Vangi.

Moving people to Mars and under the water, a colossal step in spiritual development, the development of medicine and fantastic scientific technologies - about all this there is information in the prophecies of the most mysterious predictor of all time. Only time will show how much it was right in their prophecies.

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