Meditation for instant money for 21 days


Meditation for instant receipt of money is designed for 21 days. During this period you will work negative financial installations and create a powerful cash funnel for the forces of our own subconscious. We will understand how to meditate on this technique correctly.

Meditation "Golden Bowl"

You probably saw how in anticipation of something good person unconsciously rubs his hands on each other? This gesture is predictable: it is on the palms that there are energy points associated with the internal organs. Running hands, you unconsciously strive to activate the entire potential of the body and send it to achieving the goal, enjoying the process. On this, the technique of monetary meditation "Golden Bowl" was founded.

Fast Money Attraction Technology

What you need to do to quickly attract money using this meditative technique:

  • Before the start of the meditation session, wash your hands and hold the wrists under cool water. After that, you can proceed.
  • Sit more comfortable, hands together in the form of a bowl. Touch the improvised "bucket" to the bottom of the face. Make sure that the wrists are tightly connected, and the elbows touched the body. It is also important to maintain the correct body position: the back is straight, the chin is raised up. Breathing should be intermittent and shallow (this is the difference from classical meditations).
  • After that, start to actively rub the base of the wrists about each other. Do it until you feel warm.

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When you feel that it is enough, stop performing meditation. It must be repeated daily, one and a half or two minutes for twenty-one days. After regular exercises, money literally starts to "stick to the hands."

Meditation "Horn of Isobacy"

This technique is already more complicated, but it is not necessary to repeat every day. You can carry out such meditation once a week, combining the daily previous one.

Meditation for instant money

What do we have to do:

  1. Take a comfortable posture in which you will be comfortable to be quite a long time. Close your eyes and try to abstract from any extraneous thoughts. Straighure to look at the deeper of your unconscious.
  2. Imagine that in the very center of your body is a coin with a nominal value of 50 kopecks. Try to see it clearly, as clear as possible.
  3. After the visualization succeeds, duplicate the coin mentally, and then also. Imagine how money multiplies: one coin after another. Stop when you can present 20 pieces.
  4. Then collect coins in one stack and try to draw into yourself, in the very center of your body. The easiest way to do is in deep breath.
  5. Start spending money that has navizalized. In the subconscious, various images may occur: imagine how to distribute coins in need, buy gifts or loved one people. You can just give the "wealth" to someone outsider. Try to use the strength of imagination for one hundred percent.
  6. Next comes the next stage of meditation. After you completely spent all the money, visualize small bill or coins in 10 rubles. Repeat previously perfect manipulations: multiply and sweep money until they run out.
  7. Continue. Next step: Visualization Strawnotes. Modify it so much as it turns out. Imagine that money is everywhere around you. They, like the leaves, lie and surround you.
  8. Start mentally collecting bills and fold into neat stacks. After that, start as if you draw the entire cash array into your body. Try to fix the place (in sensations it is all different), where there were bills. Gently touch this place and remember it - here is your inner treasury.
  9. And now the most pleasant moment of meditation is to start actively and with pleasant emotions to spend imaginable capital on everything that your soul. Purchase cars, apartments, build a cottage, give gifts to loved ones. Wash until the money remains.
  10. The final stage - remember the previous technique of "Golden Bowl". Make it and pour the contents into the "Inner Treasury". It can appear in your imagination in the form of a bank cell, a chest or wallet - it does not matter.

This meditation can be done at any time, when it wants to you. Practice sets the subconscious on the wave of monetary abundance and material well-being.

Important moment: In the process of meditation, you can detect holes, cracks and holes in their "internal treasury". If they appear in the subconscious, you need to immediately patch them, just mentally. This simple action will help stop the processes in real life when money is drown through the fingers.

If there is no time for independent meditation, enable this video in headphones:

Other monetary techniques

You can use other desire execution techniques to improve your financial position.

Instant receipt of money Meditation 21 days

Examples of technician:

  1. Check abundance. Blanks can be found on the Internet. Fill the check must be strictly during the day after the new moon. Try to make no specific amount, but to specify the goal that you spend money.
  2. Affirmations. Daily within 10-15 minutes, repeat positive statements formulated in the present time without denying and particles "not". For example: "I easily get and give money." "My income is enough so that I can buy everything I need." "My income is 50,000 rubles per month or more."
  3. Work with negative installations. You must think and determine which beliefs prevent financial well-being. And then replace the wording to positive. Examples of negative settings: "Money is evil", "I am honestly impossible to earn a lot." And so on.

Choose the most suitable ways for you and implement them into life. Gradually, you will be configured to a positive financial wave and learn how to get enough money and give money.

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