What dreams the former man with whom they broke up on the interpretation of dreams


A former man with whom they broke up, in a dream means the incompleteness of the relationship. Maybe you can't forget it and miss it. Maybe he stole your wallet or crashed into a pillar on your car, and you can't live and day to not remember him with curses. Maybe he brought a new girl into your home and took up sex on your favorite sofa.

And now you are angry that you can't throw this sofa and are not ready to pay so expensive for other people's mistakes. Injustice, incompleteness, shortness - the reasons why you see in the dream of a former man with whom we already broke up.

Torn picture

What to do if the ex

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Perhaps you will tell you that you should not be angry or what you have to forgive and let go, forget the past to open the doors to the future. Of course, this is not. In fact, amnesia and constant throwing out in the trash can of pieces of their own life - immeasurable waste. To prohibit yourself to feel the sake of opportunity to make a new novel - stupidity and repetition of errors. The only thing to actually should be done is to work out the relationship to the end.

If a former man, with whom they broke up, still attractive, try to negotiate a meeting. Even if you get a refusal, you will have a reason to get angry and really part with a person. A dream in which there is a former man with whom they broke up, can make you believe that you still love him.

There is a common misconception that seeing a person in a dream and testing tender feelings is the same thing. No, it is not. Rather, you are moving offended by the pride and thirst for victory at any cost.

If you are angry, express your anger alone or in the company of a psychologist. Expand all that you wanted to say. If your former committed unlawful actions, feel free to apply.

Pensive girl

Interpretation from authoritative sources

  • Female dream book proposes to consider all actions with a former man in a dream in the opposite value in relation to reality. Dreamed a quarrel with the former - everything is fine in reality. They dreamed of gifts, tenderness, manifestations of the feelings of the former - Be relatively.
  • If you are not ready for new relationships, and you are facing the dreams, in which a man appears from past relationships, and every time he seems to you all better, it's more nice, smarter, it seems to you that you did not understand him, underestimated, try to remember him why you still parted. Do not consider options with depreciation yourself. Perhaps you encountered a daffodil or manipulator.
  • Tsvetkova's dream book warns from frivolous actions that can do more than you planned.
  • Freud's dream book interprets the appearance of a man with whom you broke up like craving for comparison. It seems that you do not mind to force the guys to compete. Try to keep yourself from comparisons, motivated to actions, careless words. Some moments you need to survive yourself. For example, the final parting with the former. Our current man will not be able to help you in this, and if you are drawn, he will also become former in the shortest possible time.
  • English Dream Interpretation recommends refraining from communicating with former in real life. Despite the traditional English excerpt, the fleeting random meetings can cause a wave of nostalgia, the appearance of a former man in your dreams. If your ex calls you, writes, invites, but you understand that relationships are doomed from the very beginning, ignore. Praise your own nerves. Do not let me in debt, do not allow to spend the night, do not fulfill any instructions.


Main values

  • Dream sex with ex. Probably, the current level of sex does not reach. This is an important point that requires study with the current partner.
  • Fight with former - problems are possible in the current relations, jealousy, manipulation. Perhaps you have hurried to tie a new relationship without worrying old conflicts.
  • If there is a dream of the unsightly behavior of your former - drunk scandal, aggression, some other features that you annoyed - you are arguing that it was a good idea to part. Remember a couple of unpleasant moments and rejoice that now you are free or in other respects.
  • If you dream that you get married former, then you are full of hopes and optimism. You are convinced that in one river you can enter not only twice, but how many times if you want it. It is unlikely that someone will be able to convince you, but it is worth reminding that the error will cost you very expensive.
  • You dream that your former man sent a gift, a letter, touching souvenir. Do not excuse me, most often such a dream means treason in your current relationship or betrayal at work.



To see a man with whom you already broke up, a bad sign. You do not let go of the past. Maybe you are hard to develop a relationship. Contact professionals for help.

Your problem is not unique, there are techniques, quite workers who will help you remove the soreness of memories, not kalece your life, without throwing pieces of their lives, without causing yourself to stop feeling.

The psychologist will simply help you to survive parting and support in any kind of solution if it is positive. He suffer in a pillow and experience moments of the past in a dream - a heavy and unnecessary test that exhausts you, does not allow you to live in full force, takes the energy.

Get out of the difficult situation easier in the company of friends or professionals. Parting is not a simple solution. If you accepted it, it means there was a sufficient reason.

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